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Posts posted by Psyblade

  1. It's already a PvB game. This is the sixth iteration of Soa we have killed. SIX DIFFERENT FIGHTS. LITERALLY. Six changes to the way his mechanics work.. In other news, if you have an assassin tank build heaps of agro on him then he seems pretty content to follow him around during phase 3, however, when I MT as a shieldtech or our jugg tanks, he just wanders aimlessly around


    we are using a Jedi Guardian as our MT, our vanguard gave up his spot for an added dps for us... we aren't using a shadow as tank as I feel mine is just horrible slow with it (might have changed over time but I haven't touched him for over weeks)

  2. Had several bugs on Soa hardmode:


    1. aggro reset, oh look, new juicy target, forget tank and run away! (our MT was close to breaking his keyboard out of frustration)

    2. People getting stuck with the change from P2 > P3, unable to get out, stuck = death and you cannot ress him

    3. Not dropping shield when a pylon hits him, literally saw him take the hit, yelled on TS dps Soa and then went **** he kept the shield.


    Solve this crap BioWare, SW:TOR is already a PvE game, but it will soon be a PvB (player vs. Bugs) game.

  3. I level as Gunnery, taking Cybertech to make M14X's droid parts and good mods to upgrade all my orange gear.


    Here is my spec at level 46. Keep in mind that I do not have charged barrier because I do not take damage due to using a tank companion and I only have to use Grav round 3 times to get the stack of 5. If you use Elora or one of the DPS comps, I'd suggest taking it.





    Thanks Ghrex, much appreciated!

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