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Posts posted by Allysaala

  1. I just did a clean wipe and fresh install of my video drivers this past Holiday weekend and installed the new AMD Crimson driver package for my Radeon 7870HD card. I too am now having a lightsaber issue that forced me to move my Anti-Aliasing settings down to Medium or Off to get any lightsaber blade visible ingame.


    Is this something I should possibly bring up to AMD or is this just a new issue that BW needs to work out now that AMD has come out with a new system for controlling our video card graphics? Love the Crimson vs the old CCC that AMD drivers used to use. Besides the sleek new window design of the app, it runs much smoother and other than this glitch i'm seeing in SWTOR, all my other games seem to run much better with the Crimson driver package.

  2. It is exclusive...if you did not meet the requirements...you will not receive the quest to get him after chapter nine


    Nice try tho...1/10


    curious to know what I have to do to attain said quest? although, I have him sitting in every character's mailbox atm, and the ingame email he comes with said there's a quest to attain him, i've yet to find this. I have a 65 sitting on Odessan who's run all 9 chapters but I can't find the quest

    • You have to level to 10 before you can even start doing PvP, which means you have to PvE for 9 levels before you even have access to PvP.
    • You have to level a crew skill and/or farm credits in PvE to get augments/stims/grenades.
    • You have to level to at least your ship to be able to get anywhere that has open world PvP (Outlaw's Den, Gree areas of Ilum, etc.); The first planet where there is even a POSSIBILITY of open PvP is Nar Shaddaa.
    • If you want to do the aforementioned crew skills you have to level until Act III to get all the companions.
    • If you want to get the class buffs you have to level 4 characters minimum through Act III
    • If you want the companion buffs, you have to level their affection and do their quests.


    There are quite a few things that PvPers have to do in PvE that are locked to that content. So what else you got?


    your response is flawed.


    1. those 9 lvls of pve are on a starter world and unless ur playing a MOBA I've yet to see any MMO allow pvp before a character finished the "starting" zones.


    2. you don't need to farm creds in pve ...pretty sure I earn those doing the little pvp i've tried in the game so a hardcore pvp player doesn't need to farm anything in pve to get creds for augments; nor do you need to farm for mats for stims or augments. those creds you've been earning while pvping you can use to buy said items right off the gtn.


    3. Don't need a ship to get to Open World PVP zones anymore: Legacy unlock to be able to transport to Outlaw's Den has been in the game since they implemented the legacy system and there are priority transporters that can send you to Illum.


    4. don't need to lvl up any comps for crew skills ... see my aforementioned #2 response above. you don't need crew skills at all to pvp.


    5. this is laughable. I buff folks all the time on fleet when I feel like it. plenty of players can buff you. hell all you gotta do is ask in game chat and I'd be happy to give you the buffs if I'm on :D (PVE FTW cuz we run the story, you get the buffs xD)


    6. companion buff? i'm confused. to what buff are you referring? I have 13 pve toons of varying class and faction and I've yet to see a single comp give me any "buff"


    EDIT: ok I think I know to what you are referring and yet still you are wrong. especially now since doing a comps full quest conversation now only raises your Presense skill ...a skill I might add that has no affect on pvp cuz you can't take a companion into pvp anyways. Basically, there is nothing a companion can do for you that will help you in pvp ...in the old system or the new companion setup


    There's not a single thing a pvper needs to pve to unlock ...so tell me, what else you got??

  3. when u click on the + next to ur skill bar you should see a list of the original UI config options plus any saved UI configs you had made. Just click on the one you want from there. All of mine were still there and usable (I have like 8 diff configurations atm)


    edit: just checked ...i have 9 UI configs actually :p

  4. Just be glad the scanner is all you need to replace ...I had finally gotten every part for HK-51 on my Gunslinger Monday night, just before they shut the servers down for the update. I logged back on my character last night after running a new 60 thru the new content and see that my 'slinger lost EVERY SINGLE HK PART ...and my quest was reset to go to the Theoretika. Basically I am starting from the very beginning when I was actually almost finished on my 'slinger ...so pissed about this right now
  5. I was able to re-equip her bowcaster on my gunslinger from the spare I had in the bank but yes I lost her original one and the customization I put on her. I paid CC to buy the 3 pack of customization options and had just added #2 option to her Monday night and I logged in yesterday to find it gone :(


    As for comps missing their pants ...yes my Pub toon comps all seem to be missing those but at least they were in my bags. I haven't logged to an Imp toon yet to see the damage done to any of them

  6. was about to make a post asking about this ...made a brand new "lvl 60" ran her thru all the chapters and so far the only "original" comp I've gotten back is T7 ...and he's actually listed twice when I open my C&C window ...(bug perhaps?) I got my ship back finally and found out what happens to C2-N2 but I'm wanting my other companions back and haven't found a way or a quest that leads me to them ...so what gives? Two new comps have already been killed off and I can't get all the originals back.
  7. why the 13hr downtime? and for those who want to correct me and say 12 hrs look again: 8pm pdt - 9am pdt is what I see posted. Also if ur gonna cut bounty week so short why not just remove it entirely. it's almost not worth doing when u take so much time away from the event. bad choice imo to shorten it cuz you devs didn't get ur patch out in time.
  8. Well after a very very long convo with some peeps on the fleet, it appears that having the affection isn't good enough. I also have to have completed Act 1 because her side quest is given "supposedly" in the interim between Act 1 and Act 2. Why this is, is a big stupid mystery that only a Dev could solve but hey least I know it's not a bug with Kira right :D
  9. the problem is that she hasn't given me the quest to go to Nar Shaddaa and I've got over 8.7k affection plus I am well past the Tython mini quest. I was hoping to do her NS min quest before I hit lvl 25, instead I've gone from lvl 20 to lvl 30 and still no side quest, nor has she offered to speak with me since Tython even though I've doubled the amount of affection I had with her on Tython. This is why I posted here trying to find out if she has a bug for players who cannot romance her.
  10. That's fine but her side quest takes u to Nar Shaddaa. I know because I've already done this with a Sentinel. I can't see that the Devs would make it so that her story line won't continue until "AFTER" I've finished Act 1 which puts me well past NS. This is why I posted asking if she can get bugged even though a player is not able to romance her.
  11. Just to update the original list:


    Tython - Lore: Jedi Weapons

    This lore entry appears to have been fixed for Jedi Knights. My guardian has it and I just started her shortly before Patch 1.7. How an older JK is to get this I dunno, but any new chars made will get this upon making their first lightsaber. :D


    Still no entry for Darth Angral though :(


    Also the Ord Mandell entry for Cathar is granted for Smuggler/Troopers when u talk to the Cathar thief who stole the medical supplies. I've gotten it on both my 'slinger and commando this way :)

  12. I'm playing a female guardian and I cannot get any further along with Kira's companion quest. Currently I have:

    Jedi Guardian lvl 30

    Affection with Kira Carson: 8739

    Class quest is currently on Alderaan almost to the end.


    I did my side quest with her and took her to Tython after beating the male Child of the Emperor. I took no dark side choices, and praised her the whole time we were talking to the Jedi Counsel. I had half the affection with her then that I do now. We talked some on the ship after visiting Tython but that was it. I have never chosen any option on any convo with her that resulted in a negative affection gain, nor during any part of my class quest or any world quests for that matter, that would result in negative affection.


    So is there another bug with Kira seeing as she won't give me any more conversation options and therefore I cannot do the side quest to go to Nar Shaddaa with her?

  13. Not exactly sure where I am supposed to post something like this so I put it on the Communtiy page and now here. Let's see if Bioware notices and fixes this one simple typo:


    Scheduled Maintenance: January 15th, 2013


    The servers will be down for two hours on Tuesday, January 15th, 2013 from 5AM CST (3AM PST/5AM EST/11AM GMT/12PM CET/10PM AEDT) until 7AM CST (5AM PST/8AM EST/1PM GMT/2PM CET/12AM AEDT). All game servers and SWTOR.com will be offline during this period.


    5AM CST is 6AM EST not 5AM EST :D

  14. Here's hoping someone at Bioware will read this and correct this one simple typo:


    Scheduled Maintenance: January 15th, 2013


    The servers will be down for two hours on Tuesday, January 15th, 2013 from 5AM CST (3AM PST/5AM EST/11AM GMT/12PM CET/10PM AEDT) until 7AM CST (5AM PST/8AM EST/1PM GMT/2PM CET/12AM AEDT). All game servers and SWTOR.com will be offline during this period.


    5AM CST is 6AM EST not 5AM EST :D

  15. Does that make a difference though? If you get flagged for PVP while in an instanced PVE area, you're still not going to get killed by an enemy player. You just need to be sure to unflag when you're done.


    It's an inconvenience certainly, but I wouldn't call it a problem demanding time from the CS people while they work on significantly larger fixes.


    The problem with this method is that you have to wait 5 min in a safe zone before u will unflag and even in the BH daily area you can and will be attacked by the opposite faction if you are flagged. The zone is not faction exclusive. So once u leave the heroic or are kicked out due to the group leader leaving the instance you are now potentially free game to get ganked by the opposing faction. I for one don't want to heal flagged players in any ops/fp/heroic due to them flagging me on the first heal.


    I agree with those who said send in a ticket and put as much detail about the incident as possible. CS will get on this very quickly.


    And yes i'm betting my ignore list will get maxed when f2p hits

  16. Well I can't say much about using Hunker Down in PVP since I don't actually pvp all that much but I can say this about the ability....it does protect against Knockback. I use HD on the 2nd Boss of Lost Island that does an AoE Smash before jumping onto the pipes above you a few seconds later, and I just continue to rail on the boss for the few secs that everyone else is flying thru the air and the Boss hasn't jumped onto the pipe yet. He does this Smash around 3x during the fight and I can use HD on the 1st and 3rd usually with no loss of DPS....try it urself and see.


    So it does prevent Knockbacks in PVE :)

  17. I actually like when they pop hunker down. It means I can get on them and pop HO with PFT and watch them freak and either run away or stand still and take it in the face. If they run away they wasted their Hunker down, and they will die.


    go ahead and run up in my face...be prepared for a Dirty Kick, Pistol Whip, Leg Shot, Pulse Detonator...Rapid Shots or my rotation if not on cds....I may not pvp much on my 'slinger but when I do, i'm no pansy that runs...oh and as long as ur in my face and they aren't on cd either: Defense Screen, Dodge :)


    but this is neither here nor there. my response was to someone who wrote in a long time before I saw this guide which is truly what the posting are all about not our responses to what to do when fighting 'slingers in pvp so let's keep on topic once again ...and i must say i've been looking forward to working on my BH now that I've read this guide. Thx again for one that's well-written and easy to understand.

  18. I don't know if he resisted it or if he had any CD up to negate CC but he took my dart in the face and kept blasting, as for LoS that's kinda hard to do on tatooine =p


    I got him down to 50% health before he killed me but that was it.


    Like I said I'm used to being able to pop camo and flank the cover classes, but I guess it will get easier once I get PFT when I switch specs at 40.

    Those slingers will be crispy critters in their holes XD


    That 'slinger took ur Electro Dart to the face and kept blasting 'cuz he prolly activated "Hunker Down" [before u shot] which for 20sec makes him immune to CC when a slinger is in cover. FYI if his cover screen has what looks like two big steel plates around the top edges they've activated Hunker Down. I linked a description for ya



  19. Just a small clerical issue to report on a very well written guide. Under the section "Optional Talents" for the Survival builds you listed "Hitman" twice...not sure you meant to do this so I'm just pointing this out. I've copied/pasted the lines from the guide i'm talking about so you can more readily find them if this needs fixing :)


    (Bounty Hunter) AP Survival Build

    (Vanguard) Tactics Max Survival Build


    Optional Talents: Combust, Hitman, Steely Resolve, Hitman, Iron Fist, and Prototype Electric Surge are all interchangeable depending on preferences.

  20. Ok i don't know about giving directions if you are playing Imp-none of mine have gotten to Tatooine yet, but if you are playing Rep side here's the way I found to the Outlaw's Den.


    Take a taxi from Anchorhead to Outpost Salara. Once you've gotten to Outpost Salara, head thru the outpost towards the very northern most building. Just before you get to this building, go left and cross the bridge being guarded by two "Refurbished Milita Droids" and a "Milita Guard." Once you are across the bridge head right til you can see a path to your left which has flags running up the path on both sides. (you should see this path in the distance from the end of the bridge) As you start up this path you will get the notice that you are entering a "Group Free-for-All PvP zone." This is the Outlaw's Den that you are looking for.


    Coords: X -200, Y -1520, Z 472


    (these are the coords found when I hover my mouse over my mini-map just as I entered the Outlaws Den - i.e. got the system notice in the middle of my screen)


    Note: as you come across the bridge there will be a group of 3 imps on your right and 3 more off to your left. you can avoid them both on your speeder, just wanted to let you know they are there :)

  21. Good morning. First of all, if you haven't seen the FAQ already, I wanted to let you know it's now been updated.



    I understand the frustration, and if we had details that we were ready to share, we'd share them. We don't yet.


    As I mentioned previously, more information on the character transfer process, especially in regards to things such as Legacy levels, will be released closer to when character transfer is available (currently scheduled for late April).


    The Legacy system complicates the character transfer system considerably. We're aware of the implications with transfers though and working to try and ensure the smoothest transition for those with Legacy levels.


    General character transfer will follow after the optional one-off transfer already announced for Asia-Pacific players.



    From the FAQ:


    "If your character name is already taken on the destination server, your character will be transferred, but you will be prompted to choose a new name for the character when you log in to the server."



    Unfortunately, without placing a server in every country, it's impossible to ensure lower latency for all. We'll continue to monitor reports of latency issues for anomalies.


    Adding servers in every country that can play The Old Republic is not feasible. However, as anyone playing The Old Republic is able to login to any server or choose any server region, you are not restricted in where you play, and can find the best latency for you.


    As an american who plays with aussies i'm glad that they have lower pings with new servers set close to home, and that playing myself there I find my gameplay just as good as on the west coast server i play on now (and i'm an east coast-based player) ....my big concern atm is, as I will not be getting offered free char xfers (but is still willing to xfer my current ones when this becomes available,) what will be the exact cost to xfer?? Knowing this will be the deciding factor in how many of my current chars from Harbinger I be paying to xfer when it becomes avail.

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