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Posts posted by Feame

  1. and now our unique legacy names are being stripped from us. I am very upset over this and i don't care what others think. I don't need none of that "precious snowflake" business here.


    I'm not being selfish, i truly weep for those who lost their legacy names through the server migrations. I was one of the fortunate ones to have been on "the ebon hawk" server since day one ever since servers went live. Having a unique legacy means so much more to me than maybe others in this game.


    I've been a loyal subscriber to bioware....giving them my money, trying to throw good ideas out there to help improve this game. This game is changing for the worst. Sever migration influenced them to take away something i used for my roleplaying. Free to play is also influencing them to change their game up. As a subscriber, as a believer... Nothing i do or my money will never inspire or influence bioware's decisions at this point. I am meaningless to them. I don't care if i'm in a minority here or just one person whining, i don't like how bioware is changing this game full on because of free 2 play.


    When will people come out of hiding like me and take a stand? Bioware couldn't warn us or give us any input of this change. I was truly off guard from this. I felt like i just took a hit from a nuke. The bioware loyalist around here are helping bioware run this game into the ground. For once i would love to see a movement of people finally cease such stupid ideas and decisions. I'm sick and tired of everything getting a pass.


    I know i'm only one person but if no one hears me out well then boo freaking hoo for me, just know bioware is soon going to lose another subscirber such as myself. It sucks someone like me will never have a huge impact on their end either. :(


    ^^^ agree

  2. "One of the problems of other MMOs combat is that you often have scenarios where you have multiple heroes beating on a single enemy. That just isn't very heroic." -- James Ohlen, Game Director, Bioware


    I remember reading that as well. I was so excited to think SWTOR was gonna be different.


    My excitement has been eclipsed by my disappointment in BOSS fights that are still the same-o/same-o.

  3. Yeah, the AoC model is wonderful I think. You can put whatever gear you want into the appearance slot, and if that part has it's check mark checked, then that piece is shown instead of the 'gear' piece that is in the same slot on the normal gear manager. Of course this allows you to run around naked in Hyboria since it's M rated, but that's another discussion. ;)



    PLEASE MAKE IT LIKE AoC!!:rak_03:

  4. I am not a numbers cruncher and don't care to do all the research, but I know someone has.


    Let's say I hate PvP and want only to be able to do hard modes efficiently, what would my best route be?


    If I don't mind PvP, is it worth it to go and get BM gear to start doing all the hard modes?


    It seems I am missing something as there appears to me to be a disbalance; if BM is great for HArdmodes, or least better than daily gear, then why have the dailies? Are we being forced to PvP in order to get the gear to be an efficient hard mode runner?


    Thanks in advance for your thoughtful advice.

  5. I think the cost should be adjusted somewhat. Something that requires Legacy 15 and 1 million credits (fictitious amount) should be 1 million if your not legacy 15 and a bit cheaper or even free if you are the appropriate Legacy level.


    We have already grinded the legacy levels, why make us grind even more. What was the stat they announced from the guild summit, more than 75% of the player base had less than 300k credits?


    This excludes quite a bit of the players if you ask me.

  6. I found the fleet sound was an to being behind a jumbo jet getting ready to take off. The constant turbine spinning sound was completely intolerable.


    All my companions speech seemed like they were on a Walky-talky.


    Seem sounds elsewhere were simply missing.

  7. Guild vault needs implemented as well as the following:


    a few more spots for guild titles


    The ability to rename 'Guildmaster' to anything else. S this title cannot be removed and one cannot move themselves, it's impossible to make a custome guild master title.


    Display guild ranks on characaters to others of guild.


    Guild email, simply type in 'gulild' to send mail to all members.


    Ability to give individuals specific privelages in guild.

  8. Why?

    Please allow us to craft vehicles and purple gear that we can sell. What's the point of learning a recipe to craft something if we cannot give it away?

    If that's the case, just make them cost an arm and a leg and put them on a special vendor.

  9. I submit to you the general populace. At this point either this is too big a bug for des to worry about or they are simply swamped with issues and cannot respond.


    I cannot increase or decrease any graphic settings on my game. In beta I had no issues on max yet now I have been incapable of changing at all.


    When I try to change any graphic settings I get a very brief view of the click to apply window, which by the way is unclickable, and then the screen goes black for 30 seconds. It then reverts back to previous default settings.


    I have altered the ini file to make the defaults my choosing but that does not even work.


    Aunt one have this issue and better yet, a solution?

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