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Posts posted by Llaera

  1. Speak for yourself. I'm excited about the patch, and I'd been having a difficult time finding fun things to do in the game. Now I'm motivated to work on my Chiss agent to try to get her to 50, because I'd love to have a Chiss inquisitor!


    And that doesn't even include all of the OTHER fun things included in the legacy system.

  2. They've specifically said that 1.2 will just open up current races to classes that are currently unavailable to them (when you complete criteria.)


    New species that are currently not playable are something they'd like to do in the future for legacy unlocks though.

  3. Even so - thats often quite a run, or ride away - particularly if youre 3/4 of the way through a Heroic -4 zone. So again, Ill ask - what is the reason for such a lengthy downtime? I cant think of a gameplay based reason for one - can you? Ive played a lot of MMOs and Ive never seen that kind of design choice before. Did I miss something?


    Uhhh, other MMOs usually just flat out make you run back to your corpse. Hence the term "corpse run." This MMO gives you the choice of either doing that, or reviving at your corpse.


    Neither of these scenarios, by the way, even goes into the fact that if there's another player close-by anyone can revive you, unlike other MMOs where you usually have to be a healer to resurrect other people.

  4. I played KOTOR, and I'd say....




    It has its flaws, but it has and will continue to improve as time goes on. I absolutely loved the Sith Inquisitor storyline, and have so far enjoyed what I've seen of the Sith Warrior, Bounty Hunter, and Trooper storylines so far. If this were KOTOR 3, it would've been 2, maybe 3 playthroughs for me tops. Not because it wouldn't be a good, but because there's such a big variation between playing Empire vs Republic, and although the non-class quests may not vary between classes in each faction, at least there IS variation in said class quests.


    SWTOR has a lot of room to grow, but that's exactly why I like it better than I would've liked KOTOR 3 - it CAN and WILL grow, rather than being played through a couple times and put away.

  5. According to "Jedi frowned on the use of synthetic crystals in lightsabers, most individuals who utilized colors other than red were Darksiders looking to hide their affiliations" it sounds like the only real restriction that would make sense would be for Republic to be restricted from using red, since your argument also concedes that "However, synth-crystals could be made in any color, requiring only slight adjustments of the creation process and special manipulations through the Force during the forging."


    Regarding the purple lightsabers, is your argument simply that they should be rare, or are you trying to state that they shouldn't be in the game at all? The argument seems a bit moot when you consider the fact that (1) Episode 1 is in a completely different time period and (2) that, as in your own previously stated argument, "...synth-crystals could be made in any color, requiring only slight adjustments of the creation process and special manipulations through the Force during the forging." So, are you trying to only restrict the Republic from using it since it doesn't occur naturally?


    Overall, it sounds like the only leg to stand on would be that the Republic should be restricted from using colors that don't occur naturally. Call me crazy, but I don't think that'd be a very good move, considering there are already issues with populations favoring Empire overall.


    Lastly, if we're going to bring movies into it again, aside from the obvious point of the game taking place in a very different time period, I'd like to point out that colors were mainly added post-production to make it easier for the audience to discern the good guys from the bad, and that if they hadn't made said changes, the lightsabers would've been white.

  6. And for whatever reason, the OP viewed Social Points as something he should receive for doing SOCIAL activities...something I can sympathize with and understand because I DO feel the name is quite misleading.


    I'm pleased there are separate PvE and PvP ranking systems and rewards, there SHOULD be. I just dislike the name.


    And you're mistake about how they could be added - please see my earlier post if interested.


    The suggestion you put in your earlier post would require a complete re-work of the social points system. As for not liking the name "social points": it's called social points because the rewards that the points open up are completely social with no benefit whatsoever. They are essentially role-playing sets that you can wear and different-looking speeders that you can buy.


    They're granted to people doing quests and flashpoints because that's where you have the dialogue options, which means it's also where you're getting a very, very large amount of story, which tends to be what role-players (and others that like to have pretty outfits to socialize in) focus on.


    If you really, honestly want the rewards from social points that bad, do the activities that get them. Wanna know the easiest way? Run lower level characters through the first flashpoint(s). You may even make some new friends. Otherwise, keep in mind that although PVP is social, that does not mean it should grant the additional reward of social points when it already gives valor points. PVP and PVE are different, and will likely remain so.

  7. No it's not. Warzone commendations are understandably given for completing "Warzones". "Social points" imply they should be awarded for doing "social" activities - which both Ops and PvP are.


    If they were called "Flashpoint Points" or "Dialog Points", it would be much more understandable.


    I really think it's just a matter of a misleading name.


    So basically you're splitting hairs over what they called it. Please realize that you're putting yourself in the same category as the people that think they should get social points for sitting around talking in general chat. PVP gets valor points, PVE gets social points. The "why" is because the points are given for different mechanics, the social points being dialogue while in a group.

  8. That's the issue...you're hijacking this thread to push your own agenda. YOUR question can be asked in your own thread. This debate is on Social Points.


    I really don't think his argument is off-topic. He's trying to point out that PVP doesn't get social points because PVP and PVE are different. He's simply making the argument from the point that "They're different. If you want to make PVP have the same perks as PVE, then are you willing to accept that you have to take the downsides as well?"

  9. For the cap ship after the canyon, its one of the ships you can cripple before the canyon. Its long enough on the screen.


    General note, all power to weapons, you get hardly shot at all.


    This is the best suggestion to help get through it. Only thing I can add is put your efforts into specifically hitting all of the cap ship turrets throughout and then hit that top left ship after you leave the canyon as well. Otherwise, do the best you can to kill everything that can shoot before it can kill the escort.


    Honestly, I really think that the escort runs into an asteroid at some point or something, because its health drops by a massive amount around/after the canyon point, but it's still doable, it's just one of the more difficult missions.

  10. Mon Calamari have a distinctive tone to their voice compared to the other basic speaking races.


    Wookies and Rodians don't speak basic.


    I expect if they added species that don't speak basic, they'd reuse the sound clips that they already have for the NPCs that you talk to, and use subtitles for what your character actually says.


    People would likely complain about the constantly repeating clips, but hey, they already do it for companions like Khem Val.

  11. I am quite confident that the intentionally vague and incomplete answer means that playable species in one class that are not playable in another may be unlocked- Cathar, Togruta, Nautolan, etc. . . are not going to be unlocked in 1.2 as playable species. This fits with previous answers about the legacy system from before launch.


    The legacy system as a whole is a failure, in my eyes. The legacy name concept was rushed and not thought out - the most broadly impacting decision in the entire game and there is no preview, no confirmation box (yes, they are finally adding that) no naming conventions displayed in-game, no warning that it the system will automatically change it for you - McDonald becomes Mcdonald without warning. . . even the spell check in the forums knows the second one is wrong :eek: -) all of this, and it cannot be changed, even if you delete all characters on the server.


    Add to this that the legacy system was so hyped and talked about before launch, but then didn't even launch with the game (aside from meaningless levels) and that it's a system that is supposed to encourage rolling alts but is limited to a single server where you will run out of character slots.


    The whole "family tree" thing. . . really? I can do that in my head for the characters I want to be related. I don't need the game to automatically make my human JC and my chiss IA related.


    Maybe someday, just before they finally close the servers, they'll finally get around to having this great legacy system that they love and hype without specifics, but right now, it's a failure.


    There are flaws, but on the family tree topic, it's not a matter of you knowing your characters are related, it's about being able to display your surname to other players. As a simple example, if you've made a name for yourself as a totally awesome, laid-back, fun to talk to group member on your main character, you can play on an alt and still be recognized as being the same person by other players.


    Another example is that I have a friend and co-worker that mainly plays Republic, but also plays a little Imperial side while I mainly play Imperial side and a little on Republic. If we both know each others' legacy names, then when we run into each other (doesn't depend what side) we can recognize each other, even if it's an alt that hasn't made it onto my friends list.


    Then, if you have an alt that you don't want any friends to know about, you turn off displaying your legacy name.


    I hope that helps show why it can be useful. It's also intended for role-playing purposes (people were really, really upset about the idea of not having surnames in the game, and this at least gave them a little bit of an option instead of just completely omitting them.)

  12. what about BH helmets? Devaronian are the ultimate BHs


    Well, when you put on a full mask/helmet as a Twi'lek, it just applies the graphic for it and removes the clippy obstacles. Think of it like this, it swaps your head for the helmet. :p


    I was mildly surprised that they completely removed my lekku, but at the same time it made more sense than making those completely unable to be shown as well.

  13. I think devaronian's horns make them improbable for playable species


    I expect any species with features that would clip will simply be treated like Twi'leks. They wouldn't be able to have hoods, but it's a small sacrifice to play additional species.

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