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Posts posted by nathanielrward

  1. This is NOT the launch. I repeat, NOT THE LAUNCH! This is early access, a gift given to us by bioware. I myself do not have access at the moment, and as much as I want to play, it doesn't bother me because the LAUNCH isn't until 12/20. So for all of you saying worst launch ever, wait until the launch to see what happens. Stop being all butt hurt because you didnt reserve your game early enough.


    P.S. I also read somewhere that someone was QQing because of vacation time, sick time, missed pay, and/or missed school that was lost because of this. For one, if you call out of work or school for a videogame, you are immature on many levels, and I hope that you do quit because of this because you will bring down the quality of the community. And second of all, if you are going to call out or use vacation time, do it on a promised day. Do it on the 20th, you know, the day the game actually comes out. Bioware never promised any particular person access today. Nor is it promised tomorrow through next monday. The key word in the early access advertisement is MAY! It says "You MAY play up to 5 days early" It doesn't promise anyting. Be happy our 3-4 year wait for this game is almost over, stop crying about server firsts, stop crying about your friends leveling past you, and stop crying about guilds being split up. If 1-6 days of play splits up friends or guilds, you guys werent that strong of a group anyway.


    Thats my 2 cents (more like 2 dollars but w/e). Thank you Bioware for developing this game, I cannot wait to play a Star Wars MMO that doesn't suck. For now, I'll go back to playing Skyrim. Sorry for the long post.

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