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Posts posted by Farcolder

  1. Why is there a weekly cap exactly?? Arbitrary gating per week? And who is this benefitting? And if they need to be present, then why are the weekly caps so damn low!!! FP gear upgrade costs 170-205 FP-1's, 100+ more than ANY OTHER gear upgrade. Do we get more FP-1 comms that we can carry? Yep - 2500, vs 999 for the others. Oh wait, but the weekly cap is STILL 999? EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE OTHERS? So we can upgrade like 2 pieces of gear each week? ***!! How is this not wrong?


    So in order to upgrade to 330, after I hit the FP-1 weekly cap, I have to try to get a 330 green conquest to force a 330 blue drop in MMFP, otherwise I can never get to a blue 330. This is the ONLY way once the cap hits. So how do we get 330 conquest weapons for example? Either buy it at the vendor and upgrade FIVE TIMES, or get it to drop from the conquest crates so that it starts at 326. Ok so how can we get the weapon to drop from it? Oh that's right conquest crates do NOT upgrade the lowest piece, so it's completely random which piece you get. Literally hours of RNG daily conquest crates / or GSF crates to get incredibly lucky to get the piece you need, or just wait until next week to upgrade 2 pieces of 326 blue.


    Bioware, you actually are doing a decent job with this game, but come on. Please actually get some MMO players to guide this decision making. You tried to reduce RNG, but you did NOT. It is 100% still there because the non-RNG upgrading is way too time consuming and way too expensive, and arbitrarily gated behind worthless, exceedingly low weekly caps.

  2. Agree with this. Swtor continues to have a big problem with a large disparity in MMFP difficulty.


    Final boss in Assault on Tython is just stupid amounts of damage. I was healing 24k and the group was still just dropping too fast from unavoidable damage. This was a nice challenge before, now it's obscene if everyone in the group is not 326+ and augmented.


    Ruins of Nul. Second boss dps and healing numbers to do the classic way is ridiculously high. Why is this so horridly difficult compared to Malgus?


    Some MMFP bosses are now significantly harder than most Vet ops bosses? How is this not plain wrong? These need retuning.

  3. My advice is to allow "main" abilities to do something extra or new and pick between them. For example I'm a vanguard tank main so maybe you can choose between these 3 "ability enhancements" for ion storm-


    1. Ionic Kolto- Ion Storm now heals you for 5% of your max health each use

    2. Pulse Recharger- Each use of Ion Storm lowers the cooldown of reactive shield by 4seconds and riot gas by 2

    3. Positively Charged Ions- Using Ion Storm with battle focus active gives all nearby allies 15% defense for a short time (8 seconds)


    Something like that instead of making you pick between abilities pick between abilities passives.


    I really like this idea, this is how choice can and should be implemented without gain or loss of complexity. The current attempt on the PTS adds choice by stripping abilities, which generally just makes the class feel more limited.


    As many have asked on this review thread - why does the game need this? I agree the current classes are already really well balanced. Also we just got a great addition of complexity with Onslaught by introducing the shell set pieces and tacticals - so why now are we taking two steps backwards by dumbing the classes down and decreasing complexity?


    The above is a great idea to implement choice without sacrificing complexity and core class fundamentals. Like everyone else, I was excited by just the idea of swapping to multiple different advanced classes the way it was apparent from the stream, and this would have been an amazing and welcomed change. It would give great ability to manage fewer characters and promoting more people to more easily adopt different roles to help facilitate group content.


    I don't want and don't care about being able to switch between pruned and gutted advanced classes, and now I am extremely nervous and worried about the future of the game if this similarly occurs across all classes.

  4. I think it was fine the way it was, not how it is with the recent patch. It is now very tightly tuned with 30 stacks, and I have no problem with hard content, and with 4 guild members we can get through it. But you have to remember that many people will PUG mmfp's, and this fight is extremely difficult without very skilled dps, especially with two melee dps.


    I think the tuning should be adjusted slightly, so the fight doesn't range from very difficult to not-so-bad with ranged dps. Also this is in the same mmfp random rotation as hammer station? And the rewards are no different? This is now getting worse than it was before, with everyone leaving as soon as this instance pops, and now people are left with lockouts. That is what I would love to avoid.

  5. Since the last patch, our veteran's edge stacks for this instance (which used to actually be 59), has now been reverted back to 30. Therefore, primarily the second boss, is very difficult. Her timing and burn phase is so tight and I have been in here a few times, wiping for hours on this boss.


    Is this supposed to be like this, or did the 59 to 30 stacks just make this too tightly tuned? with more dmg taken, less dmg done to boss, in the brief window you have to kill her when she goes down.

  6. I play a fair amount of defense and vigilance on my guardian in primarily mmfp's, and normal and hard mode ops. What we got is a stripped down, pruned version of the live specs. It's not just missing abilities, and pruning of "fluff" or something like that. It is KEY abilities, KEY skills that are vital to the core performance of class.


    My main question is WHY??? I assume this is the theory behind the whole system, and we will see this across all classes, to have KEY ability pruning to try to introduce more choice into the game. WHY does this game need massive changes like this to all classes? This game doesn't need to be dumbed down, it needs more complexity, such as an additional class entirely.


    I am now extremely worried and annoyed by this idea of combat styles, which initially sounded great. The idea that you could potentially pick multiple different advanced classes, however this is what we got?? If this is the idea behind fighting styles, I would rather the whole idea be scrapped and eliminated.


    Major pruning of all classes may not affect things too drastically for SM ops and maybe SM and Vet FP's and solo content. But this is going to be highly game changing for all harder content (hard MMFP's, HM OPS). If this is your intention, you will need to adjust future and current content in the game to allow for this pruning. And if this is not done, then I fear this having to "choose" will lead to more frustration than reward.


    Again it brings me back to the question of WHY??? Why does the game need this? Why implement class pruning and therefore need changes to all current and future harder content?. I would rather not have combat styles and keep the current system, if this is what combat styles means - That I have access to multiple combat styles, but they are all gutted and pruned combat styles of the currently available specs.


    I would rather just continue to play my multiple characters of different classes, the way they are on live.


    I am hoping this is just a very primitive PTS version of this, and that there will not actually be pruning like this, but time will tell I suppose

  7. A fast way to change between specs. For instance the ability to save your quickbar ability layout, utility choices, and equipped gear, all saved per spec. This is like many other MMO's that allow essentially a one-touch spec switch and help promote more people to try other specs, and help increase healers and tanks perhaps in queues
  8. This was supposedly fixed in today's update 6.2.1:


    From patch notes:


    "Fixed an issue where the Spoils of War vendor would offer empty Unidentified Hilts or Barrels if the purchasing player could not use them."



    I just tested this today and tried to buy an unidentified barrel on my guardian, confirmed I spent the credits and successfully bought the item, NOTHING in my inventory. This is apparently still not working

  9. Hey I noticed today when disenchanting the assembly components was NOT giving any slot components. This always produced slot components before, or did I miss something? Bug? or intended change?


    I did still get a slot component for disenchanting a blue augment.

  10. I am bumping this thread as well, I have noticed the chest piece, gloves, and offhand pieces are all gimped with over a hundred less willpower than greens at 60.


    This is ridiculous, if this is a bug how has this not been fixed or commented on?

    If this is intended...why?

  11. I second this.


    I am so disappointed by this because of the inability to use some of the coolest looking robes in the game for modding. Why is the customization in this game constantly contradicting itself by now simply removing armor models from the game and rehashing the hideous ones?


    Requiring 60 valor to wear orange shells is ridiculous, and will never allow crafters to make money off them or pve people to use them. Especially now that all gear is augmentable.

  12. Ok this is a radical suggestion that would push the technical limits of swtor, but... here it is anyways.:rak_03:


    Right now I largely feel like once the story is over and you're in endgame content, whether you are light side or dark side doesn't really seem to have any lasting impact. One idea I had is for republic players who are dark side, or empire who are light side. Once dark/light V is reached, you could then undergo an elaborate series of quests to defect to the other faction. Not that it needs to be voice-acted or anything, but that it would take quite a bit of work. And in doing so, you can become a member of the other faction. And I don't mean a vanguard simply converting into a powertech, but an actual trooper vanguard, with its skills, items, and blaster rifle able to become a full empire character. It would probably be limited, such as only 1 defection allowed per account. And there would probably have to be incentive for the other sides ie. light V republic, or dark V empire maybe unique mounts or something.


    Just curious what everyone thinks of this. I think it would be pretty cool to play a sith warrior on the republic side, and I feel like this could theoretically work because of the class mirroring, however a lot of things would need to be adjusted, like all of the endgame vendors and the items they carry and such.

  13. Bump again for good measure.


    BW has stated the importance of character looks and visuals. We already have a very poor variety of armors and robes in this game, on top of that they look crappy, except in cutscenes.


    Yes there are more pressing matters to fix...ability delay, fps, green lines of doom, endgame, but we are just asking for a response.


    Player textures in WoW look better, and textures in lotro look far better. This isn't a comparison of games...but it isn't 2005 anymore.

  14. Ok so I have applied all of the best INI fixes to this game which I agree, make the entire game and environments look awesome, but they do NOTHING to improve player textures.


    Here is another demonstration WITH all INI fixes applied of the holocom trick, and this is with the dancer's outfit. For anyone who still feels like this is just lighting....I really question your intelligence. Yes the lighting changes, but the detail increase is obvious.


    BEFORE http://imageshack.us/f/15/screenshot2012010712202.jpg/


    AFTER http://imageshack.us/f/705/screenshot2012010712220.jpg/

  15. Posting also to agree with the necessity to fix this issue. Making the controls responsive and providing much more UI customization should be top priority right now, or this will fall short of a monumental game imo.


    Wow lacks story, lacks immersion, has a crappy community, often consists of sitting in cities in DF queues, can essentially now be played without a guild or group of friends.


    Why is it so popular? Simple: gameplay.


    Story will only get you so far, smooth gameplay in endgame is paramount for longevity of an MMO.


    This is not KOTOR 3, its an MMO, gameplay is the most important foundation to build a successful MMO around, such as the addition of the amazing VO in this game, but the foundation is problematic right now.

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