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Posts posted by Snakesoul

  1. Your best to contact support as they can look into these issues and correct them. Again there isn't much anyone can do besides support, the forums can only speculate what might of happened such as the list provided before.


    If you have already sent a ticket in, then just wait and be patient. Also support may not require a screenshot but just time frame of when it happened, depending on the system they use it should time log the activities of that account and they can figure out if you obtained anything in that time frame. Again the sooner you send it the better, also support isn't always as slow or bad as people think, it comes down to the request. For example if your asking something that had happened 2 months ago without a proper date/time or anything to help them determine the issue, it will take them a while as it's like any investigation, searching for evidence or the "problem" takes a lot of time if there is nothing to help lead them. I've used support a few times already and had quick, fast and positive response (took 2 to 5 days depending on the request I had).

  2. Thanks so much Snakesoul. Its very enlightening to see and I think if the Devs mentioned this earlier, it would have solved a lot of confusion. Given that this deco is best seen when animated, maybe they can add the animations later, similar to how we have it on the Massively Air Turret deco.


    100% agree. I think if they add the animation for it playing every few minutes like the AA turret decoration then I think it would clear all the confusion about it and also give a cool little stronghold effect. Have to suggest it to them and hopefully they add it down the road

  3. I think it means a possibility for more to come. As again Eric has many times hinted about another stronghold location in some of the livestreams even asking if Aldraan should be next because of how cool it looks.


    For fleet stronghold terminals limitation, remember this is an MMO meaning they can move things around. They have moved Companion skill trainers around and even compact them closer and etc. It can be the same for stronghold terminals as well as don't forget the planet the stronghold is based on will have it as well. Tatoonie has a terminal at the starport, Yavin 4 is at the landing zone, Nar is in the middle floating platform next to the gold hutt statue and etc.


    The likely reason for the stronghold limit increase both in regards to how many you can have and the item stacking limit is because people have been asking for this. A lot wanted more stronghold slots since strongholds were first announced and item stack was requested because people thought the 50 limit on common was strange when you have 4 (now 5) places to decorate. Again I don't think they will stop the stronghold but it will be awhile until we get another since they do seem to put a lot of effort into the look and feel of them, I'm still enjoying Yavin 4's look.

  4. I believe the design is based off the flashpoint Battle of llum. When you enter the flashpoint and start working your way through the chaos you will notice a few different types of these massive turrets. One is similar but has 4 large canons sticking out of them (bonus objective/ the image provided by the poster above this) but there is another further in the flashpoint where the 2 bosses are before entering the cave network. Before entering the cave network, look to the sides of the entrance and you will see the massive artillery turret, if you continue to watch it will play the animation which is where it aims up and 4 missiles will pop out of the front of the turret (even though there is no barrels or tubes present). This is what I believe the decoration model is based on.


    Here is a quick video I made of the 2 turrets in Battle of llum as well as the decoration to help the comparison. Even though it does look strange, this is what the design is based on....maybe they could add launch tubes or a hatch that opens?


  5. The Flashpoint decorations I have bumped into a few doing tactical/heroic but are extremely rare like 5% drop. For story mode, none will drop or maybe extremely low as well but played black talon over a dozen times on story mode and not once gotten a decoration.


    But yeah they are either non existent or really rare drop.

  6. I find just the opposite to be true...I believe 9 out of 10 never return tbh.


    I'm referring to players saying these good byes, I'm never coming back again. Out of all the MMOs I find that when players say I'm leaving on the forums, I'm never coming back...I still end up seeing them again down the road posting a new topic saying good bye I'm never coming back again..or I know I said good before but I mean it this time.


    For players leaving without even saying anything just quitting and walking away are the ones you never hear again because you know they are truly done and the ratio would be a lot smaller on the return. I find people that post good byes are the ones still conflicted about the leaving or not. I did it in Star wars galaxies posting a good bye along with a lot of players and we ended up coming back when a big update came just to see what's new and then leaving again (repeat).

  7. Well, it's now past the 18th across the entire globe, I think. Waiting for an update from Eric.


    I get the sense that someone at EA posted that "help" message without consulting Bioware Austin, and kinda left them hanging out to dry with this.


    Does anyone read Eric's posts. He pointed out that players may not get the reward on the 18th but instead the next day. Now he also pointed out that if any problems occur with regards to the rewards he will inform everyone.




    Be patient, I rather they have it properly working giving me the right reward instead of it glitching out and takes all my current CC from my account....

  8. At first I was concerned about the level sync but now to be honest I've started to enjoy it.


    1. I started to find hidden places as I explore the planet while continuing to gain exp. Before I would just hit max level and avoid most of the planets unless it had a character story quest there. Now with the level sync I have reason to revisit old places with low level characters.


    2. There is more challenge now especially the heroics as before I could walk through them without even having a companion out but now I feel like using abilities, watching my health and using my companion again YAY


    Overall enjoying it to be honest.

  9. They are really milking the HK thing, come on you made that perfect scene with him and then you start handing him out like candy with his own mission and his own armor you can wear....like come on give us a Zakul Stronghold or a house made out of HK....wait I take that one back.




    A quest that allows us to kill Koth, I mean this guy is annoying me now by telling me what to do with an on going war...a war in which my people are being enslaved and killed off while his is living a life of riches....If I don't get to kill him in this story arc I swear I will buy an entire Imperial Fleet to hunt him down.




    A side quest where we have a romantic date with Valyin as a random Knight which ends very.....well interesting to say the least.

  10. Been playing since closed beta.

    Been a sub off and on since launch.

    Been waiting on more romance options with my companion since launch. (really want an option to lay with my love one in my ship's bed whenever I feel like it, like common Mass Effect had the option to get your companion dancing in front of you whenever you felt like it.).

  11. If your using the latest Nvida cards like 970 and 980 series, there has been a few issues on certain games. I just noticed a few weeks ago that my 970 got a driver update which finally allowed me to use Nvida's Geforce experience to automatically optimize Old Republic for me which has cleared up a lot of strange frame drops and other strange issues.


    I would recommend that you check your drivers and ensure they are all update. If your using Nvida's Geforce experience, go to the game list in the control center and look for old republic on the list and then let it automatically optimize it for you, might help you out because it clear up a lot for me.

  12. technically it's hard to know everything about all your companions. Maybe some did get capture or were close to death, maybe some were lucky to run into old friends or maybe they were spared for a bigger plan because again remember the Emperor was in control before your capture, and the way he does things is rather with reason while the other members of the empire are a bit more well unstable.


    Just remember the dream he shows you where your companions are fighting against large amounts of Zakuul forces, you continue to run to them in hopes to save them while the Emperor tells you how pointless it is and once you arrive you notice their fate. This is possibly a outcome the Emperor saw and maybe even prevented as you continue to fight against the dream. Remember later on in the story he gives you an offer relating to a certain companion, maybe he extended his powers to protect your companions and future companions until the time is right, it's very hard to say.


    To me I like to think that the emperor is doing it, keeping them alive or out of harms way so that he can use the interaction as a way to slowly break us and kneel to his power. I really hope they do build this whole companion gathering to a really epic final fate like Mass Effect 2 did, I really enjoy that feeling of building a large army of heroes only to see them get striked down against overwhelming odds because I was too worried about my mission or my revenge to save them....or even risk everyone for one person...I would definitely sell my whole alliance to protect my Sith Warrior's wife Vette so that when the time is right I could kill her to finally complete my training and become a powerful Sith Lord.

  13. Thing is that you don't get to decide that for people. I would insist that bioware read the Fair Business Practices guidelines put out by the FTC....I betcha it trumps the EULA.


    FTC is indeed there to protect consumers from bad businesses however FTC doesn't always fully cover online gaming because of how much it changes and because of laws not fully covering all corners of the online world (yet, U.S, Canada and UK have slowly started to update their laws regarding online practices but still a long way). When I say online gaming I'm referring to MMOs mainly, because of how much they change from their original state, it's very hard to protect the consumer legally, this is why we the consumer agree to the EULA/Terms of Service/user agreement because it reminds of how much things change relating to the game and also it protects the developer from any legal action relating to these changes. So for example you can't sue Bioware/EA if Old Republic states they are shutting down Old Republic.


    Now some countries do have Online Consumer Protection which includes MMOs however U.S and Canada aren't one of them yet. Some parts of Asia and Europe has a more extended version of the Consumer Protection Act which protects everything including MMOs but again they only cover so much.


    Again this doesn't mean FTC is a guaranteed yes or no. Like anything relating to legal actions and laws it comes down to every little detail and if it goes to court (because if any legal action were taken it would go to court) and if the court sees nothing legally wrong from the business then your likely going to end up with a bill because nothing is free sadly.


    A good example is Steam/Valve a few customers/legal protection agencies have been trying to fight steam's user agreement and that it violates their country's laws but a lot of the cases are still pending or were dropped because of how the user agreement is written (one being under U.S law and the other being that Valve is a U.S company meaning no assets for other countries to force them into their courts). It's a bit tricky.

  14. 1. Faction Related Capital Ship - Would love to have player owned Imperial or Republic capital ship and not the guild version but the smaller ship (Black Talon and etc). There could be some consoles on the bridge which will change the background into either another planet as if your ship is hovering over hoth or Korriban or just darkness of space. They could also add buy-able decorations or hidden little secrets that once activated will play something in the background like 2 escort fighters flying around or a republic vs imperial star battle for a few seconds or a large capital ship stopping by and then hyper spacing out.


    2. Hoth or llum - Both would be designed like a hidden bunker having a entrance built into a hill or mountain side. There would be a small hanger inside and one on the surface for large ship hooks.


    3. Korriban and Tython - both would be designed like a temple, this would be ideal for those sith or jedi characters wanting to create a true home on their training homeworld.



    Guild Stronghold



    1. Space Station - Allow access to a large space station, almost like fleet having a central level, a upper level (the VIP Cantina, a hanger level and a extra level with small rooms that can be used to create barracks , mediation rooms or offices.

  15. To me it's up to Bioware to make the call, we all signed their user agreement / Terms of Service and if anyone bothers to read it does highlight the right to terminate your account if you breach any of their terms which includes exploiting,cheating, harassment , abuse and etc.


    Even though a game has a small player base doesn't mean players should be allowed to do whatever they want that can damage other players' experiences. You might say well selling a chair for 100 credits wouldn't damage anyone but the fact is it could damage the server economy as those individuals that used the exploit could obtain large amount of credits in minutes and buy up the market and then reselling the items for even higher, most commonly materials/resources. This has happened in other MMOs where players exploited a bug/glitch and destroyed their server economy forcing devs to restart the server to a earlier point which can be painful as players that were playing legit would lose progress like operations/raids groups would of killed all those bosses for nothing.


    Also there isn't any information regarding how many were using the exploit , how many were perma banned or just given a 7 day ban. I've read a bunch of posts already stating "OMG Bioware banned half my server" or "They banned 20 people today", there is no proof of this as any MMO will not disclose the information unless they are promoting Name and Shame then the information would be released to the community along with the player name and their server just to prove a point not to mess with the developers.


    I learned if information isn't passed out by a reliable source either by the company/staff or by someone that is given the information from the company/staff (like gaming critics/reviewers will be able to obtain information from the developers regarding issues because of their connections) then it's not a reliable source of information and just rumors. That's me anyways and how I see things.

  16. I don't mind the price of the flagship to be honest as it's meant for large guilds and represent their hard work together.

    However I do think they should add the smaller corvette size ships (black talon type for imperials and the republic version for the pubs) into the mix for smaller guilds and if the guild does decide to upgrade they can trade in the smaller one for the larger one reducing the overall cost when following this process.

  17. It sucks to be robbed but at the same time it's a lesson. Old republic isn't the only game to have this, WoW still has years worth of it happening right now and blizzard got to the point of warning guilds to increase permission levels and watch who you recruit, unless they are impersonating a developer to obtain items/information, they will no longer deal with the issue unless it resulted in real life threats, however they do grab some cases now and then and fix them but there is a bunch they have pushed away, I've been in 3 guilds which had these thefts occurred and blizzard not once came to help us only sent a reply back to the leader of each guild with the same auto message informing to watch who they recruit and increase permission level to prevent theft.


    I wouldn't abandon a game because of this issue, it's a life lesson and shows you that you have to be more careful on who you allow into your group and who much trust your willing to give them. Most guilds make you earn it by signing up on the forums and being active on that, others use teamspeak and check how you progress though communications and teamwork/contribute before being even allowed to request items from the bank.


    You will find that even outside of MMOs there are people out there wanting to screw you over in any way possible, it's just a learning curve to figure out who you can and willing to trust.

  18. Yeah that one has many different designs in both Old republic and star wars in general. I do hope they add a vendor that sells faction related items relating to consoles , lighting , pictures and etc. There are a lot of imperial items all over the game that I would love to have in my stronghold....some day I hope
  19. I guarantee Malastare understands it better than you do.


    I do agree malastare understands the differences. However when someone starts using MMO-Enabled engine and Single Player Engine, I start to wonder their experiences as most developers don't really use those terms. I know a few guys from EA Vancouver branch before and when they talked about games like Old republic they would tell me well it's made on this engine....there was never a oh it's made on Frostbite MMO - Enabled Engine and we hope to get Battlefield on the Single Enabled Engine.


    An engine is a engine. Unreal is best example it can be used for MMO , Single , Multiplayer. Any engine can be use for anything but you have to look at the coding and determine how much work you want to do and whether the engine will support your game/features/direction. This is why we have thousands of engines built and not just 1, frostbite can be used for Massive Online gaming and is like mentioned in the process of being tested on a game for the first time to see it's limits but again even if the test happens its just a test of that developer's plan , others will shock the world on what they can do with an engine if they know the coding really well. Best example APB as they used the Unreal code but modified it to be able to do the customization and etc, all the you see wasn't designed or allowed in the basic structure of unreal engine and even Reloaded productions and Real times has mentioned how much time it took to push the boundaries . But when you use the engine for Online let it be MMO or just Online like Call of duty/ Battlefield then you have to start the rest of the factors such as server , net code and so forth. Which are pieces completely different from the engine itself and plays more of the important role of the Online Experience, as these parts determine the idea of either


    A) Client side based - This allows most info to come from the client (dedicated servers at a certain extent, lan etc)

    B) Client and Server side - They work together and meet in the middle ( some MMOs does this to allow storage of data but however can be easily attacked by hackers and etc) Battlefield , APB ( these uses DATA centers either their own or rented to store their side of the data)

    C) Server side - It's all server baby ( the server holds all the data and client information, the client him/her self stores the game and basic access but the rest is all storage into the main serve) Example : WOW ( cool story they sold the old server sections before and if you got one it's rather neat to look at), Eve online ( best example of pure server side as all data is stored to a central server and nothing else)


    So when players complain about a MMO not working to well, it's not always the engine. Most times it could be the server , net code , package leaks and so forth. There is a lot in a MMo then just engine that is why it cost so much to produce one and why so many companies don't jump for it until they are sure. This also explains why a lot still fight for subs and not free to play.

  20. I'm pretty sure the Devs has commented this a few times on their Cantina Tours. The class stories are indeed a driving point and are going to be touched on again but they wish to continue on the focus on the overall effect aka planets like Makeb where everyone is apart of one story line.


    The reason I see for class stories coming out slowly isn't so much voice acting or cost but the story itself. You can rush it to please the fans that want it but end up making the most crappy story ever that it ends up making your fans cry out and walk out the door. On top of that Bioware has always did this nice job of making each story somewhat overlap giving hints or bumping into npcs that you have seen or even fought in other story arcs which is rather neat. But to lay it out nicely you have to look at all these factors


    1. You have about 8 Stories to make


    2. You have companions that need to be voiced and scripted to play out the scenes. You don't want your companion in the back ground saying....Hey and your reply is hey yourself and that's it


    3. You want to create the feeling like your story matters. The best thing about the current stories is they are different and they have such great twists and turns in the story that it makes you want to continue. Playing the Sith warrior story was awesome and I played it straight until the end and was happy on the end and even found out the end could be played out a bit differently not much but could have some interesting npcs appear before you if you didn't go all sith on everyone.


    4. You have to have a backstory to drive the character stories. All the current ones are based of the Empire and Republic treaty which is they are all nice and friendly but are starting small operations behind each others back. To keep the next story arc you need to push the back story up and make it interesting now with the new push into the direction of all out war again this would make an awesome time to create the character stories as now you have this all out war.


    5. It takes a lot of time to make a story, look at Disney movies to live actions half of production is just on story development and script writing and the going back and forth making things work out. Also have the idea of choice like killing someone or letting them live does play a role for those that played their story arc a bunch of times will notice the few different scenes either added or removed when they killed someone, even though these scenes are so small they do play an effect to your story and feelings.


    To be honest I thought the character stories were over but when you look at things like player housing and the guild flag ship which were asked at the beginning of launch ..heck even before that and the answer then was "not at the moment" and now looking a few months ahead we got 2 things we asked for and one being a big shock which was the guild flag ships even though have nothing tied to them as they can't be used for pvp (at the moment) but the fact something mentioned at start about the idea and now a few years later we are getting them puts hope. It's just time and making sure the right steps are being done before if they rush and do the wrong steps all the time...well pretty much everyone will be moving on.


    Also for the ESO story...I hate it. I started with the first elder scroll series and been somewhat up with the lore and what they are doing is kind of strange and conflicting. Ontop of that the game mechanics for the story doesn't feel like a story it feels like a rush up job on the Phase system WoW uses. I found myself driven in some moments and then the next so much crap is going on and one wrong step out of the quest area it all disappears as you phase back into the online world, one example is one of the starting dominion story quest has you going to a tunnel well you think ok I should be by myself or with group friends....nope your shoved into the tunnel with everyone doing the story and trying to listen to the story play out when someone keeps jumping and roaring all over the place is annoying.

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