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Posts posted by lykor

  1. Since I'm looking at swtor as a single player game with enhanced grouping features... I like it.


    Don't know if and how bad the populations dropped, but the world still feels empty to me since launch. If it's the population or just the bad planet, travel, lfg designs.. I don't know what it is but it feels empty // for me !

  2. PVP Items




    People really don't go after PVP items till level 50 because they know they will just out level their gear at lower levels. So most people will pvp usually in just PVE gear to have a little fun before 50 , ecluding the people that will try to level off just PVP which are totally missing out on the real game and story.



    Post 50


    Here is what i have learned from my PVP friends. If you have all the expertise gear you will have around 11 percent bonus damage/heals vs players and 11 percent damage reduction from players hitting you.


    So if you go against someone in PVE gear you hit 11 percent harder and take 11 percent less damage.


    if you go against someone in PVP gear its an even fight.



    Now given that PVE stats give you higher hit percentages, overall higher damage stats its kinda sucked away by their Reduction.. and your pve gear gives you no defensive protection.


    I fight in my PVE gear and usually in the top 5 for damage.. which is okay i think as a sentinal , not having ranged attacks or stuns.


    As far as i know my guildies raid in their PVE gear , we are working on hard modes now though we are fully normal moded out and the stats are just better then our PVP gear we think.


    So in the end.. Crafted will be better then fighting in dropped rares and not fully upgraded mod gear, but isn't designed to beat pvp gear in pvp.


    So I assume that it's not possible to craft PVP gear? Just because I'm thinking of going Cybertech now..just for pvp purposes

  3. Thanks for the infos about the Scoundrel heal. But honestly, I can't believe they won't fix it if it is really that bad. I don't mind to have a thankless job at all, as long as I know that I helped the team to win. My favorite role is the supporter role anyway.


    Well then I'll go for Cybertech too, just because of the ship upgrades.



    This part might be OT, but what about Scoundrel PVE healing?

  4. I see you canceled your sub. So I fail to see why it really matters what you pick since you'll be quitting in a couple weeks anyway. :rolleyes:


    Yep I did, which doesn't mean I'm not thinking of coming back AND doesn't mean I'm not playing it until my sub ends, trying to figure out which class I enjoy the most and what professions I want. I'm not one of the haters, I probably just wait until they get some bugs fixed and to see how the game developes.


    I'm seeing it as a beta test for me, at the moment. :p

  5. Hi there,


    I thought of going for Cybertech because I enjoy Spacecombat and for the grenades. I'm mainly focused on PVP healing.


    The other profession I am thinking about is Armstech. Is there any good reason for a healer to go Armstech?



    Thank you

  6. ah makes a lot of sense then....



    Can I haz your stuff?


    No you can't. As I posted in another thread, I'm still interested in this game and maybe reactivate my sub in a couple weeks/months.

    I don't know what's more annoying, the ''this game sucks'' trolls, or this mindfull ''can I has your stuff'' posters.


    If you think this world doesn't feel empty, fine, good for you.

  7. Yes I canceled my sub.

    No I don't troll the Forums

    No I'm not a WoW Player

    No I won't stop reading this forum as long as my sub is active, because I'm still interested in this game.


    But I really hope for you guys that they will not merge servers. That always was, is and will be the ''death'' of every mmo.


    I know you don't care and you use every possibility to troll, but f.y.i I canceled because the world feels empty eventhough I played on a Full server.

  8. The Future of Star Wars The Old Republic



    1. The Free Month ends, the subscription base of players drops by 1/3


    2. Only the naive people still playing the game realize that its broken, unfair and unplayable (see: bugs, GM's unfairly banning, ect.) Subscription numbers begin to decrease faster and faster.


    3. The player base is now under 50k, Not enough players to keep the game running


    4. The game goes Free to Play, bringing back all the old players.


    and finally


    5. SWTOR enters the MMO graveyard along with Warhammer, Age of Conan, Rift, SWG, ect. and is completely forgotten once GW2 is released.




    If EA/Bioware want to compete with the best, it might be a good idea to...well...compete.


    EA only wants to compete with the income of the best, they care **** about how satisfied the mmo customers are at the end of the day. Why? Because they have enough customers who play their single player games.

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