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Posts posted by Grimcrowe

  1. Race change would be stupid but cosmetic changes sometime in the future shouldn't be out of the question. Maybe not face shape/color of the skin/eyes but everything else is more or less things that we change throughout out our life's so why should your character not be able to get a tattoo/new haircut/a scar or even (out on a limb here) get cyborg parts/get fat or skinny.


    changes are nice... at least it shows development

  2. has anyone ever gotten the thought of sometime in their time as an XX that they wanted to change their look or even their race? Like If I was a Cyborg trooper and I wanted to switch to being a human because I just realized that they have tattoos?


    and while redoing the entire thing is a given, I really don't want to start all over again because of a simple cosmetic error I made when I first made my character...


    I'm just wondering if Bioware would be nice enough to allow this function... even if I had to pay for it I'd be cool with it...



    so far that's my only complaint about this game... (well that and speeder prices)

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