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Posts posted by Iamgoz

  1. Well, we were having SO much fun with the new group finder. I understand that it broke things, but please PLEASE tell me you are working on bringing back the 16 man GF. I tried 8-man today and it's just not forgiving enough of a bad pull in a pug group. After three rage quitters we decided to pack it in after the FIRST BOSS in DF. Just thought I'd vent a little. Thanks for listening, and be safe out there.
  2. Wow, uh...can you imagine what Guild Ships would do the fleet population? Why in Jabba's name would anyone in a guild want to be on fleet if there were Guild ships to hang out on to wait for the queues to pop? I'd end up on fleet just long enough to turn in for coms, buy what I need and zone out. People say it's a dead game judging from populations now...
  3. Because world bosses have a tendency to drop rare, valuable loot, that would flood the market and make it less rare and valuable if people could call it at will, only being delayed by a lockout.


    Some things should take effort to acquire. (note I didn't say all). Unfortunately that's not a popular opinion in this instant gratification, "He haz it, I wantz it, and I wantz it NAO!!!" generation.


    Nah, not instant gratification...this takes effort. Just putting together a group, traveling to the area takes up a lot of time for those of us with Jobs and lives and limited playing time.

  4. Ugh, I'm sure this is here somewhere, but I can't find it. World bosses, since server merge, are impossible. With the new populations, these should be limited to once a week, with a spawn trigger. Any one else agree? Or better suggestions?
  5. One thing I would quite like to see is the ability to set my own waypoint on the map. Toggling the map or running with a "light" map overlay is cumbersome. If I could put a point on the map and follow my mini map marker it would be very helpful!



  6. Just for clarification's sake...at what point is a War Zone officially lost? If I am to quit a WZ with efficient regularity, this would be good information to know.


    You see, many WZs that people quit from and think are losses are actually just good opportunities for some competitive PvP. Last I checked, nobody playing SWTOR was Nostradamus so I don't really trust their judgment in being able to predict the future, especially while in the heat of pixel combat.


    On top of that, it is my personal belief that most quitters in this game are actually baddies. This belief was forged through my recent and past experiences with quitters in WZs. Players that think they are better than they are, but are in fact, just bad, and quit at the first sign of a challenge.


    Now I am in no way advocating that the changes BW has made in 1.2 are good or great. I haven't even been in the game yet to try it out myself. This is simply a matter of clarification and principle because I would prefer to avoid any recommendations or advice from baddies in any way shape or form.


    I'll give you that. I find the most vocal ones are usually the worst. At the end I let them know they should spend more time playing and less time typing.


    However, there does come a point when you know it's a loss. Sometimes it's quite early, like opening 4-8, capping your left turret while they instantly get two...then rush left. Two of your four drop instantly, leaving two vs eight. This happened to me today. They camped spawn and murdered me and my buddy over and over. But we didn't quit! Oh no, I stripped down and danced! I twirled and twirled until my timer ran out and I got booted.

  7. I find it very funny how you claim that you get NOTHING?


    What about skill? With every fight you get slightly better unless you suck overall and players IQ is incapable of playing then he shouldnt pvp anyway.


    So ye you get skill even if you loose


    I don't care how much perfume you put on this turd, it still stinks.

  8. This.


    As long as this person wasn't being entirely sarcastic I completely agree with this person right here completely.


    You see all you people complaining about how awesome you are but how crappy your team is are the same people who, when in a war zone, would stop focusing on objectives and just start doing whatever the hell it is that gets you the most medals so that regardless of whether or not your team wins you still get your 3 kills towards your ilum daily and a butt ton of medals regardless of whether or not you won. Which ruins the game for people who actually do NEED wins.


    Well, now they fixed it. PvP war zones are TEAM GAMES. If you do a crappy job of being a team player and focusing on the objectives then your team gets a crappy reward. I know for myself that I'll only be queueing with my Guild members.


    This is a positive change. Now winning war zones is more important than anything. It motivates everyone on the team to function as a team and try to actually win warzones instead of just going in and beating on people for medals regardless of whether or not you win. This is a positive change in my book.


    Nope. I'm not a PVP monster, I play casually. I'm not part of a massive guild that has a huge pvp team. This effectively kills PVP for me. SWTOR is now a one-player game that will not be re-upped when the time comes, as long as I complete my current storyline.


    Before the patch, it didn't matter tremendously that I was in Pugs, we won some, lost some, and I kept getting closer to my goals. Well, no matter how much effort I put in towards team goals and winning, I'm not going to get those goals anywhere close to soon. So F*ck you very much, BW.

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