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Posts posted by Coync

  1. Are there any plans to have more player-to-player interactions? For example, when engaging in some of the flashpoints, it would be a cool addition to have players be able to interact with each other through their characters, say by having a Smuggler let a Jedi know that hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a blaster at your side. It just seems that at the moment so much has been invested into making TOR into a real roleplaying experience with amazing story arcs, but when it comes to 4 person flashpoints it's just four random characters who happen to be in the right place at the right time. Even having a chance to 'react' to some of the group decisions would be a nice touch - if one Jedi decides to kill a group of engineers instead of taking the long route, it would be nice to have your Trooper character say 'Woah, I thought Jedi were meant to be nice' or something.
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