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Posts posted by Pwnyride

  1. 2.0 will be coming in less than 2 weeks which will ultimatly change everything due to class rebalancing.


    In pvp as it stands Operatives and sorcs are the main healing classes,


    Smash warriors and Pyro PTs rule the dps land, and sin/jugg tanks are the best node gaurders.


    Carnage maras are usually only brought for predation vs another hard dps.


    Snipers are very good right now but not on the lvl that PTs and Smashers are but will be extremly viable in 2.0 as well as vengance juggs.

    Basically for ranged dps, stay away from mercs and sorc,

    for healing, mercs are on bottom

    Tanks, PT/Vangaurd is on bottom

    and for melee dps, operatives are on bottom. But all are still hella fun to play and will be getting changes here and there.


    So to answer like i should. Play what you like not what is currently good, because balance is in a state of flux with the xpac launching.

  2. Don't you mean buffed?


    HAHAHA, yea. I totally meant to say buffed. So used to classes getting the nerf bat it's become second nature.

    Vengance juggs are doing incredibly well on the PTR and I can wait to get mine out of retirement since im not forced into rage anymore.

  3. SIth Juggernaught. Awesome story, Really fun class, Getting hella buffed in vengance tree come 2.0. Best animations in game. Cool armor. AND FORCE PUSH! Honestly it's one of the most fun classes in game, as well as diverse in playing tank hybrids/dps and will be even better in expac. Since hes imperial you'll have contact with your toons. I think it would be win win. My second choice is sniper or PT but you already have those ;)
  4. Hi

    I just back to my account after long break, logged on my WH geared BH and went to check some pvp. All i see a smash noob **** warriors with pocket healers , so aftert so long time still warrior ******** feels fine, so sad, u dying CCed to death with noob smashing you for half hp, nice bioware, u not worth even a F word, u just sux, nothing changed, nothing at all.... oh sorry i got feking interrupt on my BH, amazing ****


    Same scenario for the PT players with pocket healers. No you don't get hit by 8k smashes, but you will take a about 12k in 2-3 gcds, and still be on fire dying, then about 3 seconds later another railshot for 3-5k plus a few 2.5k FB woven inbtwn.


    I assume you are playing a merc due to your comments. Unfortunatly you are the bottom of the barrel in terms of pvp atm. Smash mara/jugg or any class with a pocket healer will easily shut you down.


    On my sniper i usually spend my time toying around with maras. Without the ablity to charge there's no gaurenteed crit. All of my tools turn me into a lean mean kiting machine. I love just watching them sit there staring at me as I charge up an EP ambush FT combo.

  5. if i had cash to do so i would probably give a vg or pt a try. ive always wanted to but i just dont =/ i was lucky enough in my first couple cartel packs to get crystals that are in a jk, and jc gear but thats about it =( i do think a pt would be sweet one day though. haha


    but from what i hear and am seeing melle ends up being vg > vig guard > combat sent > shadow?


    With the crit nerfs across the board it looks like smash spec warrior/knights are still going to be top players along with some hybrid vangaurds using auto crit Hib/railshots

  6. Agreed, PT is an amazingly fun pvp class, Rage/Focus is just a little over tuned atm, and of course you will feel weak as soon as you hit 50 because those 5k smash monkeys in WH and EWH will be hitting for 8-10k when you only have 14k health in recruit gear. Just stick it out, you will be destroying in no time. Especially come 2.0


    Also I agree, smash is mitigated by armor. Only internal and elemental attacks are non armor mitigated.

  7. IMO, the best looking melee to me is looking like vengance jugg, I assume that may be the vigilance spec for gaurdian. Been watching a few people mess around on the PTR and are basically doing terrible dps due to having so much rage and previously being used to having none. So they are using sunder or assault instead of rage dumping with Slash. Once people get used to the newness of 2.0 rage generation i think its going to be a beast.


    Carnage Mara seems a little wonky in the rotation and rage starved atm. But it may just be the freshness of the new mechanics that have to be smoothed out. Most of the time Gore is reset but then people dont have the rage to use it so it's like it doesnt even matter.


    Powertech looks pretty good as well with the way theyve moved some talents to earlier tiers. But idk if thats the kind of melee you are looking for.

  8. Well taking in consideration of all the things you want/have and don't want, It seems that all of the saber classes other a jedi gaurdian are out.


    Imo, Powertech/Vangaurd are amazing tanks, lots of passive mitigation and great aoe threat. They are also one of the best pvp dps in game.


    Imperial Agent operative is my other recommendation. Scoundrel as well, but I feel that the IA story is the best one in game. Its like being 007 but in a star wars enviroment. Also Operatives right now are one of the best healers in game especially pvp healing. Sorcs/Consulars are pretty fun as well, but I think you already have that.


    If I were to choose, Id play Operative/PT/Van, but thats just me. They have alot of fun specs and are viable in most every situation. I wasnt into the trooper story, but thats just me.


    Since your highest level is 28, i would really suggest just playing around with all of them, Alot of the classes are late bloomers. You really wont see a class shine/ story unfold with some of the classes till the 40s.

  9. Carnage maras will be very diffrent in 2.0, and powertech will have some fun changes. But my personal opinion, the sniper/gunslinger and Vengance jugg changes are the most appealing to me. I think they will be incredibly fun if you don't feel like leveling a new toon. I can't help you if you are wanting the new FoTM class for 2.0, with the bolster bug its too early to tell and well, you shouldnt wanna play like that anywayz.


    The question is which of your current characters/playstyles do you like the most. Look at that classes changes and move to the next one. Cuz you shouldn't play something think is op. That's because of the player. Too many times do I kite maras/sents around with my sniper without taking any damage due to the amount of players playing a class because its good and not because they want to master it. The good ones make me work hard for my kills.

  10. Mainly I would like to know where you got the tested data of the average kinetic shot distance and the math behind its propagation of accuracy error since this technology doesn't really exist. For all that matter, if we are talking about kinetic particles that are infinitely small like light then gravity would act less on them due to mass and there would be almost no limit to their accuracy range. To say it was only accurate to 400 meters would be based off the error due to a scope or sight visibility range.
  11. i think they should get a defensive armor buff. When i am in warzones, and my armor is buffed to level 49, my armor resistance is only 40%. Yes, i am up to date with my gear to. Maybe dark charge is broken. My armor out of DC is 23% with it is 40% (this is warzone) that is not a 150% increase. It should be around 60%. 150% of 23% is about 36%. 36% plus 23% is almost 60%.


    its armor amount, not mitigation. And it has slight Diminishing returns so its working as intended. Also operatives have abilties that hit hard but have long cds. Shiv has a 6 sec cd, backstab is 12 seconds. Voltic slash for u is no cd. chain projects can hit for 6k. and mauls have lower cd than back stab that can hit for 6k. Its def more of a hit and run type of playstyle but i think the reason theres been no change to deception is cuz once one is geared they are ridiculous. so adding any more defensive capabilty would be op. Its just a class u gotta be patient with once u get gear u will be a wrecking ball of stealth madness.

  12. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=417477


    everybody in this thread disagrees. Are you all stupid? Slow members of the class?


    That thread is talking about pyro speced powertechs, which are far from tanks. Powertechs are a bountyhunter class that is able to gear and spec as a tank, but that doesnt mean that every powertech is a tank. Based on that logic, Mercs are healers, so this thread shoulda been titled "Why do tanks do more DPS than healers?" A pyro speced powertech has no more dmg mitigation than a pyro speced merc. You should understand what your talking about before you ridicule people on the forums.


    The difference people talk about PTs being better than mercs in pvp is how mobile they are and that all of their abilites are instant cast so they are uninteruptble and end doing very well in pvp.

  13. i play a merc and it doesnt even feel like a nerf. Im still in cent gear, critting for just under 5k, which is a lot more than i used to crit pre nerf.


    Well Heatseeker demo round got buffed. If your baseing the entirety of the class based of one 15 sec cd then you have no buisness in this conversation, because the tracer nerf certaintly does not make up for the dmg gained to HS. Although I think that overall the merc/commando came out on top with buffs to barrage and HS.

  14. getting shot to death in the first 10 -20 seconds of a fight and running out of ammo because now 5 uses of grav round costs an entire magazine and reload doesn't come up that often.




    Thing is the class is only this way till lvl 25, only for 5 lvls do have to use 5 gravs, once your 25 you should be specing so that it only takes 3 gravs for the armor pen. Also with the way that ammo has reduced return rate, you shouldnt be hitting grav grav grav grav. It should be something like grav grav grav hammershot hammershot grav grav. if you are unloading your entire clip less than when you have full regen your doing it incorrectly unless the fight will be over soon. You should never try to drop below 8 ammo remaining unless you really need the burst and u will be out of combat soon.


    the debuff doesnt fall off for about 10 seconds, you dont have to instantly get ur 5 gravs off. And like i said this is only played this way for 5 lvls. Once your lvl 25 grav youll only need 3 to get full debuffs and should be using full autp as well.


    But I do agree that the trooper surviabilty has shot way down. I play a lvl 50 vangaurd SS hybrid and fights that before barley scratched me and bringing me to near death. I almost couldnt finish lvling as assault after 1.2 because of the lack of mitigation.

  15. Its not just in games, society as a whole is changing drastically. As technology is becoming more readily availble to everyone, people have gotten used to the "I want it, and i want it now mentality". Speed and getting what you want has become the norm. Retail outlets like walmart who bend over backwards for the customers who ***** and scream the loudest. Facebook and myspace have developed almost an entire society of textbook narcissist. Everything now has created a "Im the center of the universe effect" There is really no sense of community, people dont help each other anymore and the only thing that matters is what I want, and unless I get it exactly how i want it, when i want it, ive been taught just to kick and scream the loudest.


    Society has driven us back to the toddler stage, back when we all honestly believed that we are the center of the world and we are never wrong, the traditional game and group development stages are skipped over and no longer abundant. Kids dont go outside as much and therefore dont learn how to be apart of a group. Its not just gaming. Its the entire American society and its pushing over into others as well.

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