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Posts posted by Moodel

  1. No its not solved, as half the places you cant even ride it, due to being inside. And even though it is slightly faster, I still consider it legging. Its just too time consuming and repetitive. Please address this.


    The balance between using a mount or taxi and running is as designed and forces you the player to interact with and view the game world.


    Tough luck get used it as I am fairly sure the design team would agree with me.

  2. I'm sorry people but at what point did you think that duel speccing would not be allowed?


    Its clear that allot of you don't work in developer environments that have to meet and work to very tight deadlines this means that inevitably things will get left out of the release product.


    Just be patient and wait guys or better yet just leave and don't come back if you cant play without whining.

  3. @bodypull


    Quit dude, just quit.


    You've made some good points but the reality for most negative or critical posters is that no game will ever be right for everyone first time.


    The game will last and speaking as a seasoned MMO tester this is the best MMO released in 10yrs.

  4. I've been playing the game for the past week & I'd like to say thanks.


    I've had no lag.

    The pvp has been nicely balanced......... it's not perfect but new games never are initially.

    I play on a very average PC and it runs on high graphics very smoothly.

    I've had no CTDs or server disconnects, any that I've had have been due to my providers incompetence.


    In short I'm really pleased and happy to be playing SWTOR.


    I felt I should share some positive feelings with you in an effort to balance out the sheer volume of negativity on this forum & on Twitter.


    Thanks guys :D

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