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Posts posted by ManaMonkey

  1. as above you need to interrupt otherwise he will one shot your companion and you.

    dw I found out the hard way too :D


    Interrupt and job done


    I'm a seer sage and did him at the normal level, no need to come back later or bring a friend.

  2. agree with you absolutely fantastic, I can forsee myself playing through the game several times on different toons and not space-barring out of any of it just because they have done such a good job of getting you immersed centre stage in the story.


    to be honest though I'm a big mass effect fan so didn't expect anything less from Bioware and they certainly haven't disappointed - Great Job!


    I'd say there are a few teething issues that need to be ironed out but hey on the scale of things it's not as bad as the doomsayers keep harping on about.


    Oh and Trevux totally understand where your coming from my Graphics Card has a date with the big silicon god in the sky any day now so I too am upgrading in the new year :D

  3. one thing i know is Steelseries was terrible ...


    can second that, I bought the WoW MMO mouse on its lauch returned it to Amazon within the first week as the mouse button was faulty.


    Year later after speaking with the Steel Series reps at Blizzcon they said that there was an initial faulty batch so went ahead and purchased another


    That one went back to get replaced an additional two times with Steel Series as first of all the paint started to come off the exterior and then secondly the replacement completely died!


    Bought a razer Naga after that and not one single problem with it, best mouse I have owned.

  4. Nice post


    I too am loving the game.


    I think what I like the most is it puts you the player at the heart of the story as where in other MMO's you feel like a bystander whilst the NPC's get all the glory.


    But space barring tsk tsk .. just kidding :) I could watch the stuff over and over again.

    Same kinda thing with the Mass Effects played them through multiple times and never had the urge to skip the content!


    But yeah I think other companies can learn from SWTOR in the story writing department :)

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