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Posts posted by Lacedemon

  1. Had loadouts destroy two items of gear when switching between them, is this really a known issue?


    Support keep claiming it is and that's why they cannot restore my gear however they've been unable to cite which known issue corelates to this (and I see no mention of this). It just seems like they're fobbing me off instead of actually trying to help

  2. Drop it Like it’s Hoth currently looking for like-minded raiders to join both of our raid teams (#Rektrain and Lace’s Lions).


    Both teams are currently 9/10 in Hardmode and are looking for raiders interested in gearing up ahead of NiM, clearing Revan and working on World Bosses such as the Ancient Threat and the new chap on Zoist.


    Potential applicants should be free to raid at least twice a week with both main and alt runs taking place. Even if you have applied to Drop it Like it’s Hoth in the past do not let that dissuade you, as we will consider all strong applications.


    Who we are


    Drop it like it's Hoth (Known as DiLiH for short) was originally created on the Frostclaw server within the first few days of the games release, gaining a reputation on our server for being a guild of the highest calibre. Since then due to transfers, we have been on Nightmare Lands and are currently residing on The Red Eclipse were we established ourselves on the world stage gaining note for back to back world firsts for TFB and S&V Nightmare Mode.


    We pride ourselves on being able to be both a hard-core PvE guild while still maintaining the community of a smaller social guild. Our mumble banter is the stuff of legend and our community mirrors that of a group of old friends. We feel our strength grows from this community, which creates an environment where people from all walks of life come together as equals to relax, unwind, and be themselves.


    You can find us at: http://www.dilih.eu


    Open spots:




    Ranged DPS (any class)


    Lace’s Lions


    Ranged DPS (any class) multiple spots

    Tank with a DPS alt/Ranged DPS with a tank alt, this is a rotation spot (any class)


    Raid times


    Lace’s Lions raid between 4 and 6 days a week depending on availability, and how much content we clear. Currently we do 9/10 in one night spending the rest of our raid days working on Revan. Our raids start at 1945h aiming to finish about 2230h (GMT in the winter and BST in the summer). During progression, we aim to raid every day.

    #Rektrain raid Tuesday, Wednesday, Fridays and Sundays starting at 1900h and running until 2230h (again, GMT in the winter and BST in the summer).


    In addition, both teams try to schedule events over the other days when needed and people want to. These events are generally a mix of people from both teams as well as other members from the guild and if you are new to the guild, a great way to get to know people both in your raid team and people from across the guild as a whole.





    Some Nightmare experience in SWTOR or equivalent in other games is necessary. We are looking for someone keen to become part of the DiLiH family, someone who is around for more than just raids. Rather, on mumble to chat while doing other stuff that might not even be SWTOR related or just coming on just to chat about whatever is on your mind!


    As a result, having a working microphone and feeling comfortable to speak on mumble with us is necessary. Mumble is a big part of guild and even if you fail to understand most of our very British humour, it is worth being there.


    Application Process


    1.) To apply for the position visit our website at dilih.eu and fill out an application form. Please take care with filling in our application form; this will be our first impression of you so do not let it be a bad one.


    2.) Over the new few days, we will be in touch through the application form asking you any follow up questions base on your application. If things go, well we will invite you to spend some time raiding with us so we can see you in action.


    3.) After this if we are happy and things went well we will invite you to join the guild at which point you wills start a two week trial period. Think of this as our chance to see you interact on a greater level with the guild and see if your truly match our guilds culture and gel well with everyone.


    For any general questions feel free to flag any DiLiH member down who will be able to direct you to an officer if one is around. Otherwise feel free to contact, SnipeAlott (leader of #Rektrain) or Lacedaemon or Dr’Slime (leaders of Lace’s Lions)


    Can you tell me what the appeal of raiding is? I don't get it. A lot of people love it, but I've never been able to pin down why.


    I got into group content/raiding content purely because I started playing MMO's because for me the single limiting factor of single player RPG's was that I could not share my experience with my friends. Raiding and group content in the beginning was the extension of that; it was something awesome to do with my irl mates. While I have moved on from that, for me raiding is a massively social experience. When I raid, I am grouped with an awesome guild of people who I enjoy spending time with (both in game and some irl).


    However, I have not always been in guilds. When I had the lul between my friends leaving my first MMO and joining my first guild; which while I was nervous, I am glad it did as it catapulted me onwards. I do not doubt that if I had avoided applying to join a guild I would have stopped playing MMO's by now.


    When I was not guilded joining PUGS, raiding was purely a means to an end, gearing up so my character was strong enough to solo stuff that I shouldn't be able to and also to get myself to the point I knew I needed to be at if I wanted to get into a good guild.


    As for raiding itself, I enjoy doing boss fights and figuring them out, there is the competitive aspect, wanting to beat other people. Once we have done it a few times the fun is doing better than before, pushing higher numbers, finishing the fights quicker etc...


    I guess the mental conditioning of positive reinforcement comes in, and upgrading your character and getting new stuff for him/her is always exciting.


    Nevertheless, at the end of the day it is about having fun with friends, a prime example was last night. The atmosphere was fantastic despite 3hrs of wipes on Master/Blaster Hard mode. Everyone was laughing especially when someone died in particularly humorous ways or, watching someone try to kill themselves when a wipe is called and it just going very wrong. Alternatively, when a tank managed to kill the whole raid sending them flying in all kind of directions.


    I do think that atmosphere of a raid group is essential for the long term enjoyment of raiding but that requires semi fixed group or people who are invested enough to make the effort to create friendships. I should add that I probably spend as much time socialising with my guild outside of the game as I do in game (none of us knew each other before joining the guild however).

  4. 1) Story

    2) Appearance

    3) Leveling experience

    4) Animations and sound, graphics/scenery

    5) QoL features and improvements

    6) Housing

    7) Crafting

    8) Minigames


    Can I just say that as a raider some of those are still fairly high up my list, I think it'd be fair that for a lot of my guild they are fairly high up too. For many of my guild members their time in game looks like this:


    30% Raiding

    40% Outfits and Character appearance

    20% PvP

    10% Other non raid stuff


    One thing to add however, many of those features look like just that, one off things that you would add rather than "new content per say." What about in terms of actual day to day content?


    I do have a few questions as a raider to those who are not raiders or big on raiding; forgive my curiosity as someone on the "outside."


    1. What to do you guys do day to day in game

    2. What would be your preferred type of endgame content or is endgame content for most non raiders leveling alts?

    3. Would those things be on your list still if you knew that they had come at the expense of something else (like say more solo or small scale group content)?



    While as a raider I really like raiding, I would love to have more PvE content outside of raiding to do (not group stuff nesscierly). I love story, hate side quests so dailies are a chore for me and I am sure I am not the only raider who feels that way.

  5. After a post 3.0 review of our rosters, a spot has opened up in one of our Nightmare teams and as a result, we are opening recruitment for one Ranged DPS spot in Lace’s Lemmings (that is the team name!). We currently have two RDPS in the team, which combined with our melee means we only, have four DPS in the team. As a result, we need another DPS to join the team and raid with us full time.


    Potential applicants should be free to raid at least twice a week with both main and alt runs taking place. Even if you have applied to Drop it Like it’s Hoth in the past do not let that dissuade you, as we will consider all strong applications.


    We are looking further afield that just our home server The Red Eclipse and making it known to people on other EU servers that we are recruiting.


    Who we are


    Drop it like it's Hoth (Known as DiLiH for short) was originally created on the Frostclaw server within the first few days of the games release, gaining a reputation on our server for being a guild of the highest calibre. Since then due to transfers, we have been on Nightmare Lands and are currently residing on The Red Eclipse were we established ourselves on the world stage gaining note for back to back world firsts for TFB and S&V Nightmare Mode.


    We pride ourselves on being able to be both a hard-core PvE guild while still maintaining the community of a smaller social guild. Our mumble banter is the stuff of legend and our community mirrors that of a group of old friends. We feel our strength grows from this community, which creates an environment where people from all walks of life come together as equals to relax, unwind, and be themselves.


    You can find us at: http://www.dilh.eu


    Raid times


    Our raid times are 1945h to 2230h (GMT in the winter and BST in the summer). We raid Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. In addition, we try to schedule events over the other days when needed and people want to. During progression, we aim to raid every day.




    Some Nightmare experience in SWTOR or equivalent in other games is necessary. We are looking for someone keen to become part of the DiLiH family, someone who is around for more than just raids. Rather, on mumble to chat while doing other stuff that might not even be SWTOR related or just coming on just to chat about whatever is on your mind!


    As a result, having a working microphone and feeling comfortable to speak on mumble with us is necessary. Mumble is a big part of guild and even if you fail to understand most of our very British humour, it is worth being there.


    Finally, it will be necessary that you have alts you feel comfortable and proficient enough to raid Nightmare level content on. Ideally, you would have alts you could tank and heal on, as we like to rotate rolls on alt runs so our main tanks are not locked into tanking both runs and the same with healers.




    Ideally, we are looking for an excellent Sorcerer DPS as something we currently lack apart from a plethora of alts are Inquisitor mains in our team’s roster. In addition, it would be fantastic if you knew how to heal well enough to feel comfortable respec’ing as and when needed to heal Nightmare level content.


    Application Process


    1.) To apply for the position visit our website at dilih.eu and fill out an application form. Please take care with filling in our application form; this will be our first impression of you so do not let it be a bad one.


    2.) Over the new few days, we will be in touch through the application form asking you any follow up questions base on your application. If things go, well we will invite you to spend some time raiding with us so we can see you in action.


    3.) After this if we are happy and things went well we will invite you to join the guild at which point you wills start a two week trial period. Think of this as our chance to see you interact on a greater level with the guild and see if your truly match our guilds culture and gel well with everyone.



    Feel free to get in touch with Lacedaemon, Dr Slime or Maoulkrieger if you have any questions. Either in game or via the website(dilih.eu). However, once you have submitted an application we prefer all correspondence to go through that please.

  6. I know. That's why I can't understand it. Tanks won't miss due to stance. DPS if accidentally use it won't miss because they'll have accu. So... what were they looking for with that?


    It was the best way to change taunts in PvP without effecting PvE. As an asside it also increases tank threat without just upping tank damage to give "bigger numbers."

  7. The WoD launch was a disaster. but to be fair, they fixed it pretty switftly. Additional hardware was added, hotfixes were implemented and it was playable after a few days. Subscription time was extended by 5 days as compensation too.


    WoD was totally unplayable, at least SoR is, perhaps my guild is the lucky ones but apart from the first night, where it was unplayable and a GCD was like 5 seconds our experience has been relatively lag free. Yavin still chokes a bit but mostly that's down to something wrong with the shadows there (I think) causing even cards like GTX 780's, R9 290's and GTX 980's to start crying.


    In instances like the HM FP's and OP's it has been business as usual, no problems with it.

  8. While I tank almost exclusively these days, a few fight specific things I have picked up on. I should add I too think most of our utilities are meh for tanking/dpsing in PvE. Espically when I see what our two Powertechs have:


    On Underlurker HM, Pooled Hatred is really really really strong. I would definitely recommend that for that boss. In addition, if you lack a marauder in your group both the run buff on Endure Pain and the group run buff are a welcome sight on that boss in HM.


    I like ED cleanse and payback on Torque HM. Sometimes the EP run buff is nice when your in a pickle and beset by fires on all sides.


    I also like ED cleanse on Revanite commanders but I think that is more of a tank thing tbh.


    On Revan HM there is a lot of wide wide damage for the entire fight, the shorter CD on ED will help a tiny bit there.

  9. Comm gear is not meant to be well itemised, it would really diminish the raid gear and there would be a lot more QQ if it was Best in Slot. The well itemised versions come from the SM/HM raids. The comm gear is meant to top you up and supplement the basic comm gear.


    If you have BiS 186's(Dread Master gear) the vast majority of comm gear is worthless but is because your upgrade path is to go into the raids.


    The new gear in the two raids is really well itemised in fact almost every token is BiS this time around. The Comm gear is only meant to top you up to help you along in getting into this gear if you need the extra push.

  10. I think it all depends.


    If Bioware keeps on putting stupid amounts of higher tier commendations on 16 GF SM, then we'll see good players running them even with pugs (all the while cursing the fail players in their groups) just for the rewards, and thus carrying a certain amount of players.


    If BIoware ever allows 8 GF SM again, or balances the awards such that running GF SM isn't a huge bonus, then the better players will not bother with GF and those left running it will struggle.


    It also depends on how they are tuned as well as whether they have a bolster.


    Personally, I'd like to see them separate 'normal' SM from GF, and add some dumbed down version with basic rewards in GF for those players who just wish to 'see the story'.


    Anyone who really wants to progress their character and earn higher level commendations and gear should be required to run actual challenging content, not bolstered stupid easy mode carry me please content.


    That is sort of like what WoW did with LFR. They spun group finder off into its own difficulty and tier of progression separate from normal. While it is probably a good idea, without cross server for it I cannot see it working. I just cannot see things reaching critical mass without it.

  11. Hey Minisep!


    Let me answer your questions, and explain a bit about how PTS will work for Shadow or Revan.


    1. There will be a PTS for Shadow of Revan. However, similar to Rise of the Hutt Cartel, this PTS will be on a closed server.
    2. This closed PTS server will be testing all of the expansion!

    As a note, for Rise we also did a PTS which was open to the public which tested some of the 2.0 features. We will not be doing that this time around. The only testing that will happen for 3.0 will be on our Closed PTS server. One question I know that will be asked is how you get into that testing group. Similar to Rise, we will be hand selecting some groups of players and then we will also be inviting players randomly to fill out the ranks.






    Thanks for confirming Eric. Can we assume that these groups will be selected so that a representative cross section of the player base gets access meaning all play styles are represented?

  12. SOOOOOOO, tell me again that big guilds will quit conquest, and i will tell you that you are a complete dumb dumb to think that any guild will quit the only thing worth doing in the game at this time. Doing Ops and FP's and GSF and WZ's gets boring when you dont earn anything as a whole for your guild, with conquest we get that opportunity, to work togetehr as a guild to compete with other guilds and have a FAIR OPPORTUNITY of earning achievements and titles as well as conquering planets.


    We will be quitting conquest when we get our titles, why wouldn't we. Firstly we'd of won and beaten all the other guilds to getting our silly title first. Secondly, Conquest is a massive time sink and BOOOOOORING there are so many better things we could be doing. We will go back to what we normally do once we get the titles, PvP and taking alts through NiM DP. TBH I cannot wait, I am sick of grinding boring as hell Flashpoints, stupid *** low level heroics and all that garbage.


    If it wasn't for the guild vs guild aspect and all of the tears, drama and the fact that we like beating other guilds we would of stopped.

  13. Best tip I can offer is at the start when your learning a fight, do not worry too much about DPS or enrage timers or parsec or w/e. Only myself and my co-tank tend to run parsec in progression and that's just to see what is going on damage wise. Meters while extremely useful can be a distraction in progression so be careful with using them.


    Focus on execution, learning the fights and learning what you can do to minimize raid damage. If you get those down the damage will follow.

  14. No thanks to them being in the Cartel Market, a robe like this should be an in game drop or earned from rep or w/e.


    My preference


    Each boss in the new raid or similar each has a 100% chance to drop a specific bit with say belt and bracers coming from trash or something. It drops on any difficulty so its not gated by being in a raiding guild (anyone can pug it or just go into group finder). Maybe have one piece come from the final part of the level cap story quest (like the helmet, chest or lightsaber).


    That would also give you a kick *** adaptive legacy set too!

  15. Calm down there killer, you literally JUST killed Council on NiM. You don't even have Dread Master yet. I don't disagree with your sentiment or anything, but you're awful salty for someone who JUST got the kill pre nerf under the wire.


    Bioware isn't nerfing it to scare off the community of raiders, they're nerfing it because pre nerf and post nerf are realities in the meta of raiding and more importantly, the nerf gives the content fresh legs for the dozens of guilds that don't attempt NiM content until it's been outgeared or nerfed to a level that makes sense. The more guilds that get to work on this content, the better. My hope is that these guilds that go for post nerf in this content cycle are added to the pool of guilds going for pre nerf in the next tier. It's important. And you will literally never grow the raiding community if we just keep that steep cliff there.


    I'm no Bioware apologist, we need new raids, and we've needed them for months, but IDK about all that. You could have said all of that weeks ago.


    This, times a lot. Besides who cares if it is nerfed. For most of us it is "easy" (NOTE THE "") because of how often we have ran the instance and learnt it. We got our exclusive shiny (would have preferred a cooler title but I'll take what I can get) so now it is everyone else's turn to have some fun.


    IMHO it is not like it matters that it has been nerfed as I dunno about the other guys here but we are just chilling wasting time with ConQQuests and PvP until 3.0.

  16. Unfortunately BW has said they're sticking to tacticals so the hope for harder FPs is pretty much pointless :( I'd love to get HMs back and even NiM FPs that are scaled to at least HM Operation difficulty. Since they have the ability to bolster players and we also have some level appropriate instances/encounters in game, it would be best if they could scale all FPs to the gear level of the group. Most of the logic should be in game already.


    I expect we won't see HM's until the expansion if we see them again, I would guess things like Red Reaper and Colidcoid will get HM's. And some or all of the Tacticals will have two brackets like now: 10 to 59 and lvl 60. That gives them flashpoint level content at lvl 60 (or whatever the cap will be) Without having to slave away making brand new FP's which would take development time away from other aspects of the Expansion.

  17. You're talking about soloing a lvl 50 HM in gear like 4-5 tiers above what was intended. I guarantee you nobody was soloing it on tier ;) When first released it was at the same level if not harder than HM EC, but was nerfed a few times after it's initial release. You know, NiM EV and KP used to be fairly difficult too...just because they're trivial now as 55s in gear twice as strong as on tier doesn't mean it wasn't hard when it released :p


    I am talking about Maanan not Lost Island


    Because unless you were a hardcore raider, it was very difficult when it got released.


    Which I am :p


    they balanced it around Columni gear because it dropped Rakata gear on the last boss. which was at the time 2nd highest tier. Lost Island was no joke


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