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Posts posted by Reek

  1. Wow. We take a 3 week break after a month of not losing a single rated game queuing about 5 nights a week and out of frustration of people continuing to stop queuing when we ran our rateds and everyone forgets about us. We'll have to change that.

    Well yeah if you disappear after GW2 comes you don't expect people to still think you're around do you? :)

  2. GW2 decimated Imperial organized PvP on Pot5. Rainbow Space Unicorns is a new guild and they've just started to run rwz's relatively recently, and I'd say they're the only really good imperial PvP guild on Pot5 before the merger.


    At the time of the merger, no other guild was able to run ranked regularly without significant pugging of 3 or more people. Casual, now Queue Dodgers, was the best imperial guild on the server before GW2, but yeah, then GW2 happened and they've not been seen running full rateds since.


    I've never even heard of Vulture. I play rateds on the Republic side somewhat regularly and don't think I've ever seen them. I run my mara on the imperial side a lot and haven't seen them with him either, lol.


    Edit - Also Catalyst (with a weird C) is a good imperial guild with good people but they seem to run very late.

  3. I think the ridiculous thing is that the OP got full WM marauder gear and didn't realize there were better set bonuses unless I totally missed something.

    See that statement is what I'm talking about. That it is ridiculous to somebody that a Marauder went with the Marauder gear is, well, ridiculous.


    Back when I got War Hero gear I don't believe the set bonuses were transferable. It's been so long ago that I don't really remember.

  4. you will never see a 7k sweep playing against ranked players.. ranked players have the gear.. you might see one unbuffed not on gcd 6k if you are lucky. rest of the time it is between 4.5-5.5k and even then 30% of the time it is less then that. If you don't play one, dont knock it. That really is the point of the change. we have to get basically all WH gear x2 or 3 just get even to the level i mentioned before. We have to work way harder .. minus dps commando's,,, then pretty much all the classes to get those good sweeps as they are very predictable.

    Don't know if anyone's corrected you on this so excuse me if this is redundant, but yeah, you're wrong.


    I got hit for a 6770 sweep the other day by a Guardian. On my medium-armor Marauder. Who has 1370 expertise.


    Not saying I disagree with the change. But yeah, smash can hurt.

  5. I play on a PvE server and I don't play ranked because it's just not that popular. I don't understand why you think ranked or unranked has anything to do with it. You are going to see a repeating pattern if you play enough....regardless of the skill/gear bracket. I can tell you without a doubt that I rarely see Vanguards among the top dps. That spot is reserved for Sents/Shadows/Sages on the Republic side. Your opinion is no more relevant than mine. I will say that I sometimes see PT's scoring high, but there are 5 arsenal mercs for every PT and let me tell you these mercs are responsible for some very high scores...as they were meant to be. I often see Maras/Mercs/Sins scoring 500K plus in damage (they are playing on the winning team of course). I can't remember the last time I saw a Vanguard posting scores like this. Even when I played tactics spec and went all-out dps, I would be lucky to hit 350k damage (this was during a heal-fest) match.


    On a side note, if you go read the PvP forums (I'm sure you do), you will see how many Mara/Sent OP complaints there are. Can't say the same about Vanguards.

    You don't understand why I think ranked or unranked has anything to do with it because of my primary argument:


    You are extremely inexperienced in PvP which limits your ability to understand the reality of PvP, which is that Vanguard/Powertech is the top dog in dps at the moment.


    In contrast, since I've been in beta over a year ago, just about all I do is PvP. I've never run an operation. I've played thousands of warzones. I've played hundreds of ranked warzones. And from that experience I can tell you that Vanguards and Powertechs are the top dog. They consistently do the most damage in both warzones. As I said earlier, in a typical ranked wz, the 2 vanguards/powertechs on each side are typically the top 4 in damage. I routinely do over 500k damage. In a slugfest of a wz I'll typically do over 800k damage.


    Your say mercs/commandos are decent. Again that shows your inexperience. In high level ranked WZ's it's very rare to see a merc/commando because at the moment they suck.


    There are usually 4 slots in a ranked team for dps - nearly every team fills at least 2 of those slots with vanguards/powertechs. One is usually a sentinel/marauder for the speed boost. The last is often a 3rd vanguard.


    So when all the top teams prefer vanguard in 50-75% of their dps slots, do you really think your lack of experience in this matter is enough to refute these people who PvP a heck of a lot more than you?


    As for your side note, yes, a lot of people complain about Mara/Sents. That's because they're like you - they have very little PvP experience and yet they present their findings like they know what they're talking about.

  6. 6. Best dps class in game? Excuse me while I throw up a little. How often do you see Vanguards with the highest damage on the leader board? How about never? The only time I see Vanguards among the top medal winners is when they do good protection and decent damage combined.


    The fact that your Vanguard is full WH and doing well says nothing about "playing a class right". Beating up on people in lesser gear doesn't mean anything since pvp is so gear-dependent.


    Your last statement is just silly since Maras are considered the most OP class for a long time now and are consistently at the top of the leader boards.

    I don't know what to tell you. It is painfully obvious you don't do Ranked Warzones and that you don't have any real experience with high level PvP. I don't know what server you're on that you're not seeing vanguards/powertechs on top of the damage leaderboards, but I'm guessing it's a PvE server?


    And no, I'm not talking about my full war hero going against recruits. In high level ranked warzones, where everyone has at least War Hero if not fully optimized War Hero, the vast majority of the time the top 4 dps in the warzone are the 2 vanguards/powertechs on each team.


    If you think Maras are the most OP class, then again, you just need to PvP more.

  7. Lol, says the numbie in full WH gear. Having fun beating up people in recruit gear? Put most any well geared class besides a sorc against you and you die 1 vs 1. You have zero burst, lousy cool downs, zero mobility, no knockdown, no force speed, you will die against most any competent player in similar gear.

    You do realize this is the Vanguard forum right? I'm serious, because how else can you be so wrong? Are you trolling?


    Zero burst? Assault Plastique; time it with your high impact bolt, they hit for a good 7k or so in what's effectively one hit. Follow up with a stock strike and in about 1 second you've done 10k damage.


    Lousy cooldowns? I don't even know what that means. Vanguard/Powertech is the best dps in the game, what are you so dependent on cooling down that's holding you back?


    Zero mobility? Nearly every one of our skills can be used while moving.


    No knockdown? True, but why would you need one? We have 2 stuns. We're also one of the two classes that has a pull.


    No foce speed. Again, so what? We're the best dps in the game.


    If you are dying against equally equipped people, I'm sorry but it's seriously a l2p issue. I pretty much only have problems against juggernauts/guardians (because they constantly deflect my HIB, the jerks). I have a Warlord Marauder in full war hero gear and my Vanguard (also in full war hero) does a good bit more damage and has a whole hell of a lot more utility/usefulness.


    If you can't rock face with a Vanguard, you are not playing Vanguard right.

  8. Focus/Rage spec was horrible for 1 v 2+ and never dealt consistent enough damage for me imo. It's like a one-trick pony, and against experienced players they simply knock you back when they see your stacks of singularity (or the imp equivalent is) get up. Sure, smashing an entire node in Novare Coast is fun, but the other three warzones, not so much. Even in Voidstar, unless a team has 4 healers/rdps stacked together, you'll do substantially less damage than Carnage or Watchman, and ditto in Civil War. That has been my experience playing Focus/Rage spec I guess.

    Your experience is entirely different from my own.


    I found Rage to do the most damage of all 3 specs. In Voidstar especially, which is just a frag fest, it's easy to get a 20k+ smash on a group of enemies. I also like that extra little charge that Rage gives you (I never remember the names of these skills). You can leap to snipers in cover with it, so it's really nice against those pesky jerks.


    For me, Rage was a lot of fun, and something I'll likely do again some time, but I find Annihilation to be my bread n butter.


    Personally, I would very highly recommend all Marauders put a good week or so into each of the 3 specs. Become good at all of them. Truth of the matter is we are lucky as hell to have a class with 3 viable specs. If you're good at all 3 then you don't need to worry about the inevitable questionable decisions BioWare makes with the class in the future.

  9. New marauder? grinding warhero? ebay much?

    That's just a weird accusation right there.


    Do you really not understand my opinion that Marauders should be in Marauder gear instead of Jug/Sorc gear? I mean it makes perfect sense to me, I don't understand why so few of you apparently get it. Should I draw a picture? Would that make it easier to understand?


    For the record, no, I'm not ebay. Been playing the game for over a year now since beta.

  10. No offense, but you really have no argument here at all, and even if you try building an argument for this topic it will only appear very childish to expect everything to be catered and served directly by the developers.

    Yes you're totally right. It's absolutely ridiculous to expect Marauders to be wearing Marauder gear. Rather, every new Marauder should know, somehow, that it's actually Juggernaut and Sorcerer gear that they should be grinding.


    I don't expect everything to be served up on a plate to us from the devs. But I truly don't think the developers know how poorly optimized their gear is. And yes, it's for all classes, but Mara is my main so I figured that's where I'd start (and I don't think they really read anything in the PvP forum).. Does BioWare really know that their Marauders are all using Juggernaut gear? These are the people who thought riding circles around Ilum collecting boxes was a good idea for end-game PvP gear, so I am not going to make the assumption that they already know the information I presented in this topic.

  11. Lol what's wrong you don't want to grind it out because you're late to the party?

    Um, no? I have a Warlord Marauder and 3 War Heroes. Grinding is nothing to me. The problem is that Marauder gear SHOULD be the best gear for Marauders. I'm not sure why that wasn't clear from my post. When you look at the Marauder gear of the top Marauders, very little, if any, is actually Marauder gear. That should indicate to BioWare that they have failed to give us proper set bonuses.

  12. Current Reality: the vast majority of top level PvP Marauders are using the mods from Vindicator (Juggernaut heavy armor) gear for the 10% extra damage after a charge.


    BioWare, that should indicate to you that it's time to make some adjustments to the bonuses in the Marauder set.


    Actually the reality of the situation is a well geared top level PvP Marauder hardly uses any mods at all from the Marauder gear. Mostly we use mods/armorings from Vindicator pieces and enhancements from Force Mystic gloves. That kinda sucks for those of us who grinded out the Marauder gear and now we have to grind out a full set of Battlemaster Vindicator gear and then War Hero Vindicator gear plus several pieces of Battlemaster Force Mystic gloves and then War Hero Force Mystic gloves.

  13. This kind of thing really makes me wonder about the future of this game. This is a very highly acclaimed development studio. These people design games for a living. How can they make such inexplicably stupid design choices as this single terminal?


    And I'm sorry if that's not constructive. But come on, BioWare... putting a SINGLE quest activator in a MIXED area for the entire server of thousands and thousands of people? Whoever made that decision should be fired, because you guys are taking what could have been a fun little quest and made it frustrating as hell.

  14. Warning: wild speculation coming!


    I figure that 1.3 will be up on the PTS for 3 weeks when it is put up. That seems like a reasonable time frame of testing. Once testing is finished, it will take a few days to a week for them to bring it to the live servers. So let's say it is likely to require 4 weeks to go from PTS to Live.


    They don't put it up on the weekend, so it won't be up there until between June 4-8 or June 11-15. In the best case scenario, if it is up on June 4, then the time it would go Live would be projected to be on July 2 (since they release this stuff on Tuesdays). However, that's a problem. July 4 lands on a Wednesday, meaning it's likely many developers are on vacation the week of July 1-6. They are not going to release a major new patch that week.


    So, by my wild speculation, the earliest you will see 1.3 on Live servers is July 10.

  15. The good employees of BioWare need to start acting like their jobs are on the line with this game, because I think they just might be. You will be lucky to have 500k subscribers 6 months into the game at this point.


    I mentioned how important the server population problem was back when you announced your complete failure to deliver on the promised content in 1.2 several weeks ago. Since then all you've done is say "yeah soon." You are moving at a snail's pace and worse, you're not communicating with the customers you should be interested in retaining.


    Server transfers/mergers or whatever is needed to fix the population problem should not only be the top priority, it should be the only priority. You need to talk to your customers honestly and openly and let us know what's going on else we are going to fade away like the rest of our friends, but at a faster pace every day. Now. Today. Not tomorrow. We are circling the drain here.

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