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Posts posted by Fudgestick

  1. Are there plans to make the Flashpoints more engaging? Doing the first flashpoints on the imperial side included cutscenes when reaching certain points in the instance. The first republic flashpoints didn't have any. It seemed rather bland. Are there plans to release more cinematic-style flashpoints in the future? as well as go back and add cutscenes to existing flashpoints?
  2. I don't agree that Space Combat needs to be left alone. I think it has plenty of areas for improvements. One of the first reviews that I read about SW:TOR was that space combat seems to be repetitive and it's just the same missions with tougher enemies. I have even noticed this, and I think that while it's a great way to "level up" your ship by doing missions and buying upgrades, it doesn't really mesh well with the MMORPG style of the game. Yes free dailies are nice, but at the same time, you want the space missions to have SOME degree of interactivity and immersion related to what's going on in the game.


    One of the first things I wanted to do when I upgraded my ship for the first time and was able to blow through cartel listening station in record time, was to blow up one of the republic cruisers. Unfortunately, you can't blow them up. You can simply damage them and make pretty smoke effects. I want more destruction. If I launch 30 missiles at something, it damn well better blow up. Especially after I nuke the shield generators.


    I don't think that having multiplayer space missions would be a bad thing. If it's done right, it could be a lot of fun. I think a good basis for something like this would be the Death Star run. If you think about PvP space missions like this, then you could have the Empire defending and the Republic attacking. Depending on what side wins, you see a little cinematic displaying the results. Something like that could work really well.


    In addition to the space PvP, a space-based flashpoint would be really cool to have too. Imagine being able to attack the Empire's superweapon in your starship, or assault a rebel convoy with a group of friends. Imagine the "Black Talon" flashpoint, if you were able to repel the rebel invaders using starships or turbolasers. Extra loot from something like that isn't going to hurt, but it will definitely make the flashpoint more enveloping. Those are the things that would make this game stand out. World of Warcraft has elements of these but doesn't go over the top to make them awesome. If there is one thing you can say about Star Wars, it's that it allows you freedom to do what you need in order to make your content work well.


    I think that improving the Space Combat and giving a little more immersion in that area would definitely improve the gameplay as well as the fun factor.

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