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Posts posted by Fliguy

  1. Good ideas, but the OP is on a PVE server, not a pvp, AND the group that stole the WB was of the same faction. Also, the area where the WB is not a FFA zone. So they were basically screwed by the larger group that intentionally stole the boss from them. IMO behavior like that is.....childish..... Analogous to the school yard where the bullies steal the skinny kids football. Remember what the skinny kid did? He got his strong friends to teach the bullies a lesson.


    I admit that I'm not familiar with PvE servers as I am on a PvP server myself.


    If you can't attack them, then all you could possibly do is get more guildies or others to come help you taunt the mob to reset like they did. Make sure you wait until its down to 20% (make them work hard then make it all for nothing).

  2. Unfortunately, with Bioware, there is no high road to take. We, the people, are left to police ourselves.


    Even on a PvP server, this is a doosh move. You need to fight fire with fire. It's the only thing children like these will ever learn. How do you teach children in RL? You teach them a lesson.


    You had 8 people. More than enough to take out their healers. They would now be fighting you and the world boss, without healers. They may have even killed you. You know what though? They don't get the boss either. Rez, go back and repeat. They go home that night without the gold medal as well.


    Eye for an eye. It's how things are done.


    You can be a victim or a victor. A sheep or a wolf.


    Your choice. I choose wolf.

  3. Thanks for that.


    It seems difficult to move sometimes. Its that in combat "geisha girl" running I hate. Dunno why we can't just move at normal speed when fighting.


    Back on topic. I will post my spec along with my stats later this week when I get home.

  4. Hey everyone. My main is a lvl 50 guardian with mostly Vindicator BM gear and 2 War Leader WH gear pieces.


    I am currently specced mostly defense with some vigi thrown in (I went up high enough in the vigi tree to get un remitting).


    I admit that I am bad at pvp as I usually lose 1 vs 1. I was hoping that some of you guardians who are good at pvp could give me some pointers.


    Usually what happens is when I engage someone I hit them with my attacks and their health barely moves. I see some "absorbs" and "immunes".


    I played back at launch initially as a focus then a vigilance guardian rolling in vindicator gear.


    I recently came back to the game and decided to spec as a tank, and embrace the fact that this advanced class seems to have been designed as a support class (protection for healers and group).


    I can't seem to kill anyone my level (which I have been told is to be expected specced in defense).


    My current spec and gear set pretty much makes it seem that if I'm not in a group (a healer to protect and dps'ers to kill the enemy), I'm pretty much useless.


    I was hoping to get any and all advice from you "goods" (see what I did there? Get it? Opposite of "bads"?... ok so I won't quit my day job to become a comedian! Lol) so I can become better at pvp.


    Rather than cry "nerf" or "buff" or blame the game, I acknowledge that its me and I want to be better.


    Thanks in advance for any advice, my fellow Jedi.




    P.s. I will post my stats later on, as I'm not at home right now. I realise that stats are needed for possible advice on optimizing gear.

  5. In case the OP was serious and not flame baiting:


    The interrupt is called DPS, as in being attacked. When you heal, especially in a WZ, as soon as you're marked as a healer, you're focus fired down like, all the time. Your lifespan can be measured in seconds if you're not guarded properly.


    Trust me, healers are not faceroll. lol


    It takes skill, like every other class in this game.


    Well, except for Vanguards and Power Techs.


    I KEEEID!!! I KEEEEID!!! lol

  6. I apologize if this has been previously discussed.


    I would like to request that when dual spec comes out that we have a means of not only toggling between our two specs anywhere (out of combat of course) but also be able to save a hot-button/key map for each.


    This would allow us to switch specs and not have to spend 5 minutes resetting our key mapping.


    Thank you for your consideration.

  7. That you think that's what it's used for and yet claim we're underpowered and know what you're talking about is totally baffling. :confused:


    Force Leap, free Blade Storm, Force Push, Force Leap, Master Strike (hitting for full damage because they also have to stand up), Overhead Strike, Blade Storm from Overhead Strike means auto crit.


    That's an equal geared player down to around 70% health or (lower if they are lightly armoured) if you're geared properly in power/crit chance gear before they've even been able to attack you back. That's before Force Stasis, any defence cooldowns, any health packs.


    Imagine the damage if you use an Adrenal and Relic?


    You try this against an Imperial Operative that knows what he's doing, and you're dead by the time you get his health to 70%! lol


    You don't pvp much, do you?

  8. You are assuming that everyone that is unsatisfied by the game actually bothers to come to the forums and complain. Which is not the case. I have 10 friends that stopped playing and none of them cba to get into the forums and even try to get themselves heard as they got so bad response by tickets.


    Turn on your sarcasm detector. I was making fun of the guy for posting his "facts and figures".


    I am unhappy with the game as it is right now. I just canceled my sub, and will be looking for a new game to play.


    Shame, I was really, really hoping that they would fix issues with class combat balance. I really believe now that the devs actually think that they have a balanced game. Sad.


    I wonder if Lucas knows how pathetic they made the Knight? I find it hard to believe that he would sign off on that.

  9. Lets look at what you do get that stealthers dont get...


    2 30m leaps allowing for instant 3 dimensional travel to any player within range. Complimented by a stun our damage reduction. (on a short cd I might add)


    Heavy Armor and defensive cooldowns not dependent on attack or damage type.


    High % self heal.


    Stealth on the other hand has a long cd and its only benefit is positioning. It provides no heals, extra damage or stuns and its not 3 dimensional.


    L2P. Guardians are beastmode.


    I take back my previous... THIS is the stupidest post ever.

  10. If you don't like how it plays, you probably don't want to play it.


    I was laughing today as I was standing in line at McDonald's. There was a stand showing the different toys children get in their happy meals, advertising for Episode I 3D.


    Right on the display, the only character shown... take a guess....


    Obi Wan Kenobi wielding his lightsaber. You don't usually see bounty hunters, or imperial agents, or troopers. Ok, occasionally you'll see Han Solo, so smugglers sometimes, but always there is a lightsaber in the picture. Why do suppose that is? What do you think Star Wars would have been without Jedi Knights, Sith, or lightsabers? Just another sci fi movie, that's what.


    So please forgive me if I wanted to play a lightsaber wielding class.


    Seems you have to play any class EXCEPT the lightsaber guy in order to compete PvP.


    Might as call it Blaster Wars, the Old Republic.

  11. Lol at everyone saying "your not level 50 yet and have no right to post about the class". If you bothered to read his post he is not far off, if you think guardians are horrible then your doing it wrong. His post is not that far off.


    Lets take a look at his points:

    1. We have one of the highest burst dps in the game, achieved through the focus build.

    This is completely true, a focus guard bursts harder than any other class in the game, i can often times take out a target with 5+ people beating on me if they don't cc correctly or just resolve cap me too fast. Everyone only thinks about the sweep, but in an optimal situation imagine the last tic of Force Exhaustion critting for 2k at the same time your sweeping for 6k followed immediately by a free 3-4k bladestorm. That's 11-12k dmg in a period of time they dont have a chance to react.


    2. We have one of the best MAINTAINED dps in the game, through the Vigilance spec.

    I think ranged classes have a better time with sustained constant dps, probably giving the nod to powertechs and vanguards as the best, but vigilance is very good at sticking on a target compared to other melee's, not to mention they are one of if not the best huttball ball carrier in the game. For a person who wants to tank the hybrid vig/defense combo is amazing. I have seen a person pull 200kdmg and 300kdefense in an alderan.


    3. We can tank pretty darn well, and off tank any time.

    If you are talking about PvE, guards are fine, they have I think the best tanking cd's in the game (not 100% sure on this). But either way guards are tanking the hardest content in the game and doing fine.


    PvP is another matter, but to be honest the better tanking tree in PvP is vigilance hybrid spec. The defense tree needs some work to be viable in PvP imo.

    4. The way we create mana ( focus, force bar) is unique in that we can create our own focus by just attacking guys instead of waiting for the bar to eiher to cooldown or regen.

    This is true, not sure it's really an issue though.


    5. Honestly, you so called Tankers( Soresu ) "think" your weak. Think again. You guys take forever to kill, its disgusting. And don't get me started on how many defensive CD's you guys have.

    Off a bit here, if their cooldowns are up, sure it takes a while. If they are not, I can blow through a 19k hp defense guardian/jugg in about 10-15s as a focus guard. This is why pure defense is a bad choice as they aren't much more than a meat shield. Vigilance/defense guards have the same cooldowns, last just as long if not longer as they have dmg reduction not on cooldowns, and put out more dmg.


    So to sum it up, for pvp and pve there is 1 spec that is not viable and is only not viable for PvP, the full defense guard. Once dual spec comes out, there should be no issue whatsoever.


    For all of you saying your not level 50 you have no clue about the class, I'm saying to you it's even more sad that you are level 50 and have no clue about the class.


    In regards to PvP, this class is weak.


    Critting for 6,000 on the sweep?! What game you playing? I played Focus for 2 months, I never got over 3,000. Sell yer snake oil someplace else.

  12. In all my years of playing MMO's, from Diku Muds to this, I have never before said the following words on a forum, but I find myself strangely compelled to say them now.


    Learn to play already.


    If you get smoked by a stealther then man up, put on your big boy undies and learn to counteract their attacks. Demanding that something must be changed because you cannot seem to win against them is laughable.


    And just so you know my main is a 50 Sorc my alts are 30 sin/marauder so I have some idea of what each can do. This hearkens back to the days of people crying and whining on the WoW forums about rogues and vanish. It's an escape utility, and while frustrating to some it is a perfectly viable way to retreat and regroup.


    Stupidest post EVER. You win, sir!


    I would respond in detail, but you're not worth the time.

  13. The only failure here is the amount of false posts users post on this forum.


    Your generic, "This game is KOTOR 3 with multiplayer," is just a poor opinion that has been iterated since launch. The forums are "flooding" maybe by your perspective, but going to the CS forums and looking at the threads created. The most viewed thread views (which count for every new user who views the thread. So we're going to assume the # of views is the # of people who are having issues) is beneath 100,000. SO... according to your post:


    Less than 5% of the community is actually complaining about the game.


    So please return to whatever WoW forum or /v/irgin thread you crawled out of. :jawa_tongue:


    98.3% of people who post their thoughts using real exact numbers and figures win their arguments, 102.4% of the time.


    On the average forum, 2.6 out of every 10 people use REAL figures, you know, from their brains, in order to show the other 7.4 the reality of their erroneous ways.


    This guy obviously has done his homework, and because he used real scientific research figures, we now know that 95% of the player base are extremely happy about this game.


    We can now close the thread.

  14. Then play one of the other classes if you can't handle a Guardian.


    I should not be told that I can't play the class that I want to play.


    The class in underpowered.

    The class is at a disadvantage.

    It is A LOT more difficult to play than the 4 button Sorcerer.


    Make the class either easier to play (not so many damn buttons), or make it so that when I finally do get through all the 400 CC abilities flying at me, the ridiculous DPS coming at me, my lightsaber actually DOES SOME FREAKIN DAMAGE!


    Right now, the Imperial Agent's knife does more damage than my damn lightsaber!


    How do you screw up an IP like Star Wars?! Seriously!


    I would love to be a fly on the wall at the meeting when this game doesn't meet the expectations of EA and George Lucas after that travesty of a game, SWG! I can see Lucas face palming now....


    "You guys made the Jedi like the red shirts in Star Trek?!"

  15. I have no problems wrecking face in pvp... Guess some people just need to learn the ins and outs of the class. Guardians are fine, end of story.


    I LOL'd when I read this! Thanks for the laugh. I need some tissues now that I'm crying I'm laughing so hard!!!


    Guardians are fine... you funny guy!!!! Keep the jokes coming!

  16. Lots of factors here.. what level is your Jedi? You may not have the skill yet to properly counteract it. Just because you don't have it yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And does not mean it is unfair. Same thing could be said about Force Leap... being able to leap 25m straight up is so OP, it must not be allowed in combat.


    Plus JK themselves (at later levels) get their own short invis, which gives them the ability to get away. Do you want that removed too?


    I play a level 50, half Champion geared Guardian.


    What invis do I get? Please tell me.


    I'm not saying get rid of invis, all I'm saying is once you're in combat, invis should not be usable. Agents would have to choose when to strike, and once they do, battle to the death. Not run away like a coward!


    What skills do I have to counteract it? DoTs? Yeah, that's what they say, but I DoT stealthers all the time, they disappear and never reappear.


    Force Leap is about the only thing we have. Take that away and you might as well be giving a lightsaber to a cripple.

  17. Stealth is one of the only substantial defensive abilities to a great many medium/light armor classes. Like rock paper scissors, the classes that cant stealth have a plethora of ways to counter this be that AoE, or stealth detection.


    Learn yours, /close thread.


    Un freaking true and you know it!


    All it is is a get away free card and you know that! You obviously play one of these advantageous classes.


    Try playing a Jedi Knight against one of these invis classes and tell me about "having a plethora of ways to counter this be that AoE or stealth detection".


    We get none.


    So.... my original statement stands, yours falls.

  18. Where's the usual idiot who comes in here and says something stupid like "cry more"?


    I agree with everything you said, just that there are some who have these advantages and claim we are crying when all we want is a fair fight.

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