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Posts posted by GhostriderHawk

  1. 1)Jedi or Sith?



    2) Favorite Worlds?

    Korriban, Tython, Coruscant


    3) Type of lightsaber, Lightsaber color and fighting style?

    Single-hilt, blue, Ataru


    4)Favorite Species?



    5)Favorite vehicle?

    Imperial II-class Star Destroyer


    6)If you were a Jedi which master would you want?

    Qui-Gon Jin

    7)If you were a Sith which master would you want?

    Darth Vader

    8)If you were a Sith, then what would your "Darth" Name Be?

    Darth Maleficas

    9)Favorite Film?

    Any of the Original Trilogy

    10)Least favorite film?

    Attack of the Clones (****** romance)

    11)If you could write your own Star Wars novel, what would it be about?



    12)Which film has your favorite soundtrack?

    All of them, but I enjoy the soundtracks of the Original Trilogy better

    13)Do you collect figures?

    Nope, only the Darth Malgus statuette from the CE

    14)In your opinion, what is the best thing about the EU?

    It helps give depth to and continues on this great saga

    15)In your opinion, what are the worst things about the EU?

    The Yuuzhan Vong

    16)What Does Star Wars mean to you?

    Mainly the classic story of Good vs. Evil, but there are other smaller parts as well

    Round 2:


    • Revan or Meetra?
    • If you could belong to any Era of Jedi/Sith orders, which would you belong to and why?
      Not sure

    • If you could belong to any Non-Force Sensitive order, which'd you pick and why.... And yes, simply being a smuggler counts
    • If you could have ONE ship, which'd you pick? Any class.

    • Favorite Star wars animal?
      No idea

    • Favorite Character?
    • Favorite Jedi?
      Obi-wan Kenobi

    • Favorite Sith?
      Darth Maul

    • Favorite Non-Force dude?
      Boba Fett

    • If you could change one thing in Galactic History, what would you change?
      Saving Chewie

    • If Malgus' Sith Empire had survived the False Emperor storyline, what do you think would have happened? Would he have won the war? Would you have joined him?
      I don't believe Malgus' Empire would have had enough resources to fully combat both the Republic and the Sith Empire. Instead of 2 flashpoints, it would have been just a longer, drawn-out war, but still pretty small scale compared to the Galactic War. The only character I could see joining him would have been my Sith Assassin, but me personally, no.
    • Do you think Darth was originally intended to be Darth Vader's first name? (always bugged me)
    • Which blaster would you wield, if you did? Or you A Vibroblades guy?
      No idea. Still more of a lightsaber guy.

    • Pre-TPM or Post ROTJ?
      Pre-TPM (although the Thrawn series is nice)

    • Favorite Clone Wars episode.
      Never watched

    • Your favorite Star Wars scene.
      The one good part of Attack of the Clones: when Yoda tells Obi-wan it was not a victory on Geonosis and that "Begun, this clone war has," followed by Palpatine looking over the clone troopers loading onto the Acclamator-class Star Destroyers with the music a mix between the Republic Theme and the Imperial March.

    • Funniest moment.
      When R2-D2 takes on the two super Battle-droids aboard the Invisible Hand and bests them by lighting them on fire
    • Saddest moment
      Order 66 and Anakin's assault on the Jedi temple and killing younglings

    • Favorite quote
      "Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." - Master Yoda

    • Favourite Actor
      Ewan McGregor

    • Favourite Voice Actor
      James Earl Jones

    • Favourite Lightsaber Duel
      Anakin vs. Obi-wan on Mustafar

    • Favourite Lightsaber Hilt
      Luke Skywalker's in ROTJ


    • You can master any one Force power or technique, which would you pick?
      Battle Meditation

    • If not Jedi or Sith, which Order of Force users would you join?
    • What is your favorite music track from the movies?
      Duel of the Fates

    • If you were part of the Star Wars universe, who would you want as a rival and why?
      No idea

    • If you were part of the Star Wars universe, who would you want as an ally and why?
      No idea

  2. There is a way to keybind "/follow" but it is not set by default.


    I believe if you go Menu > Preferences > Keybinds > Movement, you can scroll down the list of keybinds and set your own for following a target.


    Personally, I use "~" (the key next to 1) for Autorun, and then Shift+~ for Follow.

  3. Dreams and Nightmares


    Nosc in the Works

    SW spoilerish for the incident.





    Nosc pressed the elevator switch several times. The doors had closed but there was no movement. She frowned and checked her datapad. They were coming down after retrieving one of those glowing boxes with ancient secrets. She was planning to sell it.


    Suddenly the lift started shaking, she heard a noise as if something snapped, and they were in a free-fall.


    “Brace yourself,” she yelled to her companion though he was only a foot away from her.


    “Aaarroooooaawwwaaaahhh.” He yelled back.


    The elevator landed with jarring impact, the doors broke open, Nosc and Bowdaar stumbled out. She looked around getting her bearings, mad droids pummeled each other and steam vented from pipes.


    “Bowdaar, I don’t think we’re on the main level of Coruscant anymore.” Nosc said slowly.


    “OMG, that was my kill.” Someone yelled from behind her.


    Nosc turned around, a Mirialan wearing dark hooded robes stood behind her. She wielded a doublesided lightsaber and had been stealthed until now. She was looking at a body partially hidden by the broken elevator. A purple beam of light radiated from the corpse.


    “Right on, loot!” Nosc exclaimed. She checked the corpse, extremely high quality modifiable boots.


    The Mirialan spit on her.


    “Whoa what, hey, this wasn’t my fault, for one thing I accidentally fell in that elevator, and for another I didn’t even see you.” Nosc protested.


    “Yeah right, you must play wow.” She said inexplicably and disappeared.


    Nosc sighed and shrugged at her companion. A small man came forward, he was an Ugnaught, he squealed to get her attention.


    “That one is strange,” he squeaked, “she’s been here all day she destroys everything, farming for boots she says.”


    “I see,” Nosc said feeling smug, “Where am I anyway? I feel like I’ve been here before.”


    “You are in the Works.” He replied, “The Ugnaughts were sent here as part of our collaboration with the Gree, we maintain the repairs you made here.” He leaned forward and whispered, “Hib-R-ak is not a very good administrator unit; don’t tell him we said so.”


    “How do I get out? The elevator is broken.”


    The Ugnaught snorted unhappily. “Only one can fix the elevator, but he’s crazy. He runs this place now he calls it the Works of Ozurist.”


    “I remember him,” she replied, “he was crazy. Where can I find him?”


    “Playing with Thermoblast.”


    “Of course,” Nosc sighed. She pulled out her comm to call Risha.


    “Hurry up, I’m watching the ‘The Smuggler and the Prince of the Dead Planet.’” Risha answered.


    “Risha, I’m stuck in the Works, how do I get to Thermoblast again?”


    “Here I’ll send you a map.”


    “This map is gibberish; it loops back on itself.”


    “Do you always need a yellow marker to tell you where you need to go?”




    “Fine genius, just follow the yellow line.”


    “Oh hey, I found some boots, should I save them to sell?”


    “Let me see, oh no way girl, those are adaptive and modable, I’ve never seen red ones like that. Wear them. I have to go my shows back on.”


    Nosc followed the yellow line on the map, she passed raging droids but they barely paid any attention to her, she was concentrating so hard, she almost did not hear when someone called her name.


    “Uhh, Captain?” A familiar voice called.


    Nosc looked up to see Corso hanging from a pipe. “What are you doing up there?”


    “Well you know how I switched to a rocket pack right? I was practicing and, umm,” he looked embarrassed. “I kinda got stuck.”


    “I don’t even understand why you switched.” Nosc said pulling out her blaster.


    “Hey wait, don’t kill me!” Her first mate said shielding his face.


    Nosc shot the pipe a few times, the broken piece that had been hanging onto Corso tore off and he fell to the ground.


    “Thanks Captain,” he said still a little red-faced. “What are you doing down here?”


    “Elevators broken, we’re going to find Ozurist to go fix it. You should come with us.”


    “Anything you need, Captain.”


    Nosc rolled her eyes and continued looking at the map. She realized she had made a wrong turn when she ran into some Imperials. “I think we went too far.” Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted something she found very interesting. A very attractive man wearing a grey and black uniform was shackled to a pipe. “Hey handsome,” Nosc said smiling, “Need a hand?”


    “What?” The man said looking down his nose at her. Then he looked back up at his cuffs and changed his mind. “Why yes, that would be very kind of you, madam.”


    “I don’t know boss,” Corso said frowning at the way Nosc looked. “He looks Imperial to me.”


    “Who cares, he’s gorgeous.” Nosc said drawing her blaster again.


    The man looked terrified, “Wait, wait! There’s a droid repair kit over there, if you just use some of the oil I could slip my hands out of these cuffs.”


    “Oh fine, we’ll do it the boring way,” Nosc grabbed the oilcan and dripped some over his hands. “You’re cute when you’re terrified you know that?”


    The man yanked his hands out of the cuffs, he quickly used hand sanitizer to clean off the oil, “What, oh um why thank, uh I’ll be going now.”


    “Elevator’s broken.” Nosc said eyeing him as he walked away, the view from there was good too. He stopped and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “We’re going to find the repair guy, come with.”


    “Boss, I don’t trust this guy, he’s Imperial.” Corso said crossing his arms.


    Realizing he was stuck in the Works until the elevator was repaired and outnumbered by the Captain and her crew the Imperial officer knelt before Nosc.


    “Captain Malavai Quinn, at your service, my lady. I am an Imperial, but I pledge my service to you until we can leave this place.”


    “Hmm,” Nosc said purring, “While you’re down there…”


    “Umm,” Quinn said panicking, “I’m actually in a relationship right now.”


    “That’s ok.” She said still smiling.


    “I’m not, umm not intere…”


    “Oh, hey boss,” Corso said his face clearing, he whispered loudly, “I don’t think he likes women.”


    “Wait, what?” Quinn said protesting.


    “It’s ok, we’re all open minded here,” Nosc grinned, “Come on, let’s go.” The group continued forward.


    They backtracked to the droid area; Nosc realized there was a side entrance she had missed the first time through, a pile of debris shook as they neared.


    “Captain?” The voice under the pile rasped.


    “Gus? Why are you hiding?”


    “Umm, you sent me on a mission to get some metals and I got lost. So I thought I’d just wait, you know when you’re lost you’re not supposed to move. You’re supposed to wait until someone finds you.”


    “Gus, no one was looking for you, and you're not supposed to hide when you want to be found, you could have been here forever.”


    “Well, you found me didn’t you?”


    “Can we get moving again?” Quinn said sounding annoyed.


    “Who’s the stiff?” Gus asked looking over Quinn’s impeccable uniform.


    “Captain Quinn this is Gus Tuno.”


    “Hey! She’s a Captain too, you guys could discuss all kinds of Captain things together.”


    “Right,” Quinn said sourly, “of course.”


    “Look Captain, it’s the Thermoblast room!” Corso said running ahead. He forgot about the fire that periodically came up through the floors, he danced away only to stand on another fiery spot. He repeated this until he found himself running in a circle.


    “Not the brightest, is he?” Quinn said tilting his head.


    The group watched Corso run in circles failing to realize he should simply come back outside.


    “I believe I have a solution,” Quinn said when he tired of watching. “You will need to shut down all four switches that vent the thermal generator. Then we will be able to make our way to Ozurist.”


    The group headed to the first switch they heard the first vent close. They continued to the second switch but as the vent closed, they heard the first vent reopening. They turned to see the Mirialan flipping the switch to reopen the vent.


    “Hah,” she yelled at them. “That’s for stealing my boots!” Then she disappeared.


    “Aww, man,” Corso said, “She’s a griefer.”


    Nosc frowned as she flipped a switch and moved on, each time she had two or three switches the Mirialan would appear and mess things up. “That’s it,” she said angrily, “there’s only one way to fight a griefer.” She turned to Gus, “Gus, go pull those Cthon on to her the next time she shows up.”


    “Captain,” Gus said timidly, “I don’t want to die.”


    “Gus,” Nosc said with exasperation, “We out-leveled this area a long time ago, they can’t even hit you.”


    “Really?” He asked. She nodded. Trusting his captain, he walked over to a Cthon and slapped it. The slap killed it instantly. “Whhheeeeeeeeee.” He said dancing in place, “I’m powerful!”


    “Right, now train them on her when she shows up.”


    “You got it!” he said happily taunting the Cthon, they chased him but could not do any damage.


    Nosc flipped the third switch, the Mirialan showed up and Gus brought all the Cthon over. Finally seeing a target they could attack the Cthon began pummeling the Mirialan.


    “Ahh,” she yelled, “I’m reporting you for this!”


    Nosc flipped the final switch and they all ran up to the control center where Ozurist waited.


    “Hey, crazy, go fix the elevator.” Nosc said putting her hands on her hips.


    “Thermoblast is angry, he must be appeased before I can repair anything.” The Twilek quavered.


    Nosc sighed, she looked out over the Thermal generator. “What’s wrong with him now?”


    “The fires no longer feed into the pipes, all of Coruscant will freeze.”


    “Hey boss,” Corso said looking at the control panel and the layout of the Thermal generator. “I think if we reconfigure the auxiliary conduit to vent over to the main cathode, we can safely boost heat generation into three of the four pipes. ” He tapped out the commands as he spoke, soon the generator hummed powerfully.


    The group stared at him. He shrugged grinning, “I don’t know why but the generator is almost the exact configuration as the inside of a B-206 Fusion Disruptor. It was the blaster I had right before I got Torchy, I called her Spitfire.”


    “You have saved Thermoblast again,” Ozurist said bowing, “I will now fix the elevator.” The group turned to leave.


    “Hey,” Nosc said looking around, “Where’s Quinn?”


    “Right here, Republic scum!” He said standing on a platform, the flames of Thermoblast lighting him dramatically. “While you were toying with the generator, I was reprogramming all of the droids in the Works. I will now commence in killing you and leave this terrible place.”


    The droids surrounded Nosc and the crew, there were at least fifty of them, they moved menacingly. Quinn tapped out the command, and they opened fire. The bolts splashed harmlessly on Nosc and her crew.


    “Um, we out level the droids too, Quinn.” Nosc said smiling despite herself. He was so cute.


    “Oh,” Quinn said writing a note to himself. Stop using droids for assassinations.


    The Ugnaughts entered the room, “He reprogrammed the droids to stop fighting!” one of them squealed. The Ugnaughts converged on a terrified looking Quinn. “He will be our new leader!” They all cheered and carried him off.


    Nosc was not sure what he said as they carried him away, she thought it was something like, “I could have planned that better.” She turned back to Ozurist but hey lay on the ground dead. Apparently, he did not out level the droids that fired on them.


    “Now how are we going to get out of here?” Nosc said throwing up her hands. Her comm beeped.


    “Hey girl,” Risha said. “My show’s on commercial, I checked out those boots you found, they’re rocket boots. You could probably jump out the elevator shaft if you wanted. Ok gotta go.”


    “Now she tells me,” Nosc muttered. They walked back to the elevator shaft each using the boots then throwing them back down so the next person could get out. Nosc was the last one up, the weight and usage had worn the boots out and just as she reached the main level, they lost power and she fell. She landed hard hitting her head. Everything went black.




    “Boss? Boss?” Corso said.


    Nosc opened her eyes, Corso, Gus, and Bowdaar leaned over her.


    “What happened?” She looked around; they were on the main level of Coruscant again.


    “Elevator dropped a bit and you hit your head. You were out cold for a minute.”


    “I had the weirdest dream,” she said rubbing her head. “You guys were all there, and also that cute Officer we saw in that Cantina on Balmorra.”


    “That guy?” Corso said frowning, “Umm, I don’t think he liked women.”





    Authors Note:






    There's no place like this thread. Classic. Very enjoyable read.

  4. Weekly Challenge: Catching-up

    Title: Thank You


    Sith Inquisitor Darth Apostas (Assassin)

    No Spoilers

    ~1400 Words



    Darth Apostas sat quietly in the darkened room. Her posture erect, her legs crossed under her flowing black robe. She clasped her hands in her lap, one atop the other, resting peacefully on the elongated hilt of her saberstaff. Under the shadowy hood her shrouded face was expressionless as her cold, unblinking eyes stared straight ahead. Her narrowed vision focused on the sealed door, unwavering.


    She felt the airlock door open, and the familiar dark aura of her quarry permeated throughout the Fury-class ship. Reaching out with the Force, she could easily hear the footsteps that trekked across the ship’s floor. Darth Apostas registered every step taken in the ship, knowing full well where her target walked all the while concealing herself in the naked darkness of her current room.


    Soon the footsteps neared the private room in which Darth Apostas waited. The nonchalant movements by which the owner walked through the ship told Darth Apostas she was still hidden.


    But not for long.


    The footsteps stopped at the door to the cabin.


    Here we go.


    The door hissed open and in walked a slender, dark figure. The light from the ship’s corridor’s veiled the facial figures of the robed sith, but Darth Apostas knew without a doubt this was who she was looking for. There was no mistaken the dark side passions given off by this pureblood.


    When Darth Apostas immediately recognized the figure, she released her concentration, dropping the Force shrouding her presence. Instantly, the other sith pulled back her hood and brandished her lightsaber. The bright crimson blade ignited in the blackness, a singular and eerie source of light against the bleak darkness.


    “I know you’re in here,” the armed woman called out.


    “You know I’m here because I allowed you to know.”


    Darth Apostas waved her left hand, throwing a flicker of the Force into the cabin’s lights. The dim light slowly washed away some of the engulfing darkness, but statues and artifacts that aligned the room drew various strange shadows across the walls of the compartment.


    Perfect, thought Darth Apostas.


    Uncrossing her legs, Darth Apostas slowly stood up, gripping her saberstaff in one hand. She raised her head and with her free hand pulled back her dark hood. Long, bold red hair flowed out from behind her hood. Her young features were painted beautifully on her slightly paled skin. Her thin lips curled into a small smile while her yellow eyes beamed directly at the sith pureblood standing across from her.


    “Greetings, Darth Strenua,” spoke Darth Apostas.


    The sith pureblood slowly raised her head at the unexpected intruder. Darth Apostas saw her more clearly now. Her narrow head and sharp facial features were instantly recognizable, with two pairs of boney figures jutting out from her lower jaw and near her temples. Her hair was a light red, short and groomed to her self-suited style as a sith. Her fierce, yellow eyes returned Darth Apostas’ solemn gaze.


    “Darth Apostas,” the sith replied. “My lord,” she said with a slight nod of her head without taking her eyes off the intruder. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”


    “Oh, I assure you, Darth Strenua, in this little meeting the pleasure is all mine.” Darth Apostas began her small walk from the chair across the cabin floor, keeping her distance from the sith. Darth Strenua began her stroll as well, keeping both her distance and her ignited lightsaber at ready.


    “In fact,” continued Darth Apostas, “I came here to thank you.” She stopped walk and turned to face the red-skinned sith.


    Mirroring the Darth Lord, Darth Strenua halted and turned as well. “For?”


    Darth Apostas gave the briefest of smiles before responding. “You see, it was you all those years ago who started me on this grand journey,” she explained with an upturned palm. “You who saw the raw power that was still locked away within me. You who set me on this course to unlock my full potential and reach the position I have now.”


    “You honor me, my L-” Darth Strenua began.


    “I am not yet finished,” Darth Apostas interrupted. Any pretenses of formality had vanished in that instant. The slowly building unease between the two women exploded in a final looming disquiet. The tension in the room seemed to gather more strength the longer they stared each other down, and became so palpable one could just have easily cut with her lightsaber.


    “It was also you who tore me from the body of my mother with her hands still warm. It was you who subjected me to the trials of the Korriban Academy when you should have killed me and ended my suffering. You who prolonged my agony as I came to learn the truth of all that I am. And now I am here to put that agony to rest.”


    The threat lingered heavily in the air. Darth Apostas’ fist wrapped tighter around the saberstaff in her hand. Her even breathing turned deeper as her rage at the sith woman before her began mounting. She felt the sith’s similar draw upon her passions and the Dark Side of the Force, building towards the eventual confrontation both knew was imminent.


    Without warning, Darth Strenua roared in fury and charged the defenseless assassin. But Darth Apostas was ready.


    In the blink of an eye, Darth Apostas had her free hand raised at the oncoming attacker, and with the pulse of her hand the lunge had ended just as it had begun. The quick jolt of Force Lightning stopped Darth Strenua in her tracks as her body seized from the crackles of the deadly power.


    When the jolt ended, Darth Strenua fell to her knees. Recovering quickly, she quickly looked up at her target to lunge again. She was not given the chance.


    Darth Apostas stretched out her open hand and immediately unleashed more Force Lightning on the prone sith. As waves of the deadly electricity cascaded over the sith’s body, she began to cry out as the heated energy began to sizzle her skin and boil her armor. As the kneeled sith tried in vain to fight against the unrelenting torrent of lightning, Darth Apostas narrowed her vision and brought all her fury into the stream of voltage.


    It became too much for the weakened Darth. She suddenly she flopped backwards, and the might of the Force Lightning lifted her back and threw he against the fuselage of the ship. Her lightsaber flew from her hand, the red blade disappearing into the deactivated hilt.


    Darth Apostas relented to see the smoke rise from the tortured body. Darth Strenua crumbled against the cabin’s wall, her breathing irregular as she fought against the searing pain.


    Darth Apostas casually approached the sith cowering against the wall, her yellow eyes locked on the broken body on the ground.


    “Mercy, my Lord,” begged Darth Strenua when she saw the Darth walking towards her. “You said so yourself. Without me, you would not have become so powerful. Please, let me help you so you can become even more powerful! Please…”


    “Mercy?” Darth Apostas asked as she towered over the sith pureblood. She lowered herself to a knee in front of Darth Strenua. “No. Pay heed to the Sith Code that you cherish so much. You have outlived your usefulness.” Her unflinching gaze remained on the sith as she spoke the next word. “Khem?”


    Suddenly the hulking Dashade materialized from the shadows of the room. He unsheathed his large vibrosword as his thunderous footsteps marched towards the pair of women.


    Darth Apostas watched as the sith’s eyes went wide with terror. Her dark pupils dilated at the sudden emergence of the huge creature. Darth Apostas managed a slight smile at the sheer terror that had embraced Darth Strenua.


    “Yes, little Sith,” the creature growled when it stood before them.


    Staring directly into the frozen face of the sith, Darth Apostas commanded, “She’s all yours.”


    Darth Strenua turned back to the woman in front of her. “Please, my Lord! Please! No!”


    Darth Apostas stood silently and walked towards the door of the cabin, ignoring the final prayers of the pureblood. She closed the door behind her and walked to the airlock as the pleas continued to sound out and fall on deaf ears. As she reached the exit to the ship, the pleas had to turned to blood-chilling screams. And suddenly they were silent.


    The ship turned deathly quiet. Without looking back, Darth Apostas opened the door and left.


  5. I have been fairly busy the last week so I hadn't the chance to comment about some of the earlier entries for this week's prompt.


    For this week, I combine the prompts! Ha ha! “Catching Up” and “Mixing it Up”:


    Title: Sure, I Know a Guy


    This was a lot of fun to read. Look forward to seeing where this story goes next. Even though it seemed a little rushed at the end with that twist (as someone else pointed out, that probably wouldn't happen in the restaurant), it was an intriguing change.


    Wrote this originally for Health, but didn't post it - I'm glad I didn't, as it seems to reflect a slightly more literal 'catching up'.


    Catching Up:


    I always enjoy reading about the background of characters to see the influence that made them who they are. This was a great read for you characters from your earlier post.


    Catching Up with a companion of my Human Smuggler, Teague Kilrik, speaking to my Miraluka Jedi Counselor, Zantel. Spoilers for the Smuggler Storyline follow. Implied male!Smuggler/Akaavi Spar.


    Welcome to the Thread! Good to see Akaavi since I really haven't seen many writings including her.


    My entry(ies) should be up shortly. Finished one (now revising) and trying to finish up the second by tonight so I can post before the new prompt.

  6. Bright, this timeline is very good. I've also been looking for a way to keep all my character's ages and stories straight considering the multi-generational plot of my legacy and the game. However, a couple things I feel I should point out to the benefit of all.


    First, according to Wookiepedia (I know, not the best source, but still...) and Bioware's upcoming novel Annihilation, written by Drew Karpyshyn, the Treat of Coruscant actually lasted about 12 years before finally breaking and the "Second Great Galactic War" beginning. This probably means that somewhere between the end of Chapter I and the start of Chapter 3 (for most classes) is when the war restarted.






    All this does is really move your blue/red bar over 2 cells, but technically it would be more accurate. Plus, the start of the war may mean some changes to someone's legacy.


    Second, I think the timeline would benefit considerably from extra rows between each characters that details when their respective class stories (i.e. Prologue, Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III) occurred. While we can go through the class stories in about 3 weeks, I'm fairly sure these stories actually lasted several years, with the Interlude somewhere past the 12 ATC. Furthermore, since all the class stories do not occur exactly simultaneously and the fact that some legacies may have multiple generations, keeping track of these plots for multiple characters could be quite an arduous task.


    While some class stories occur before others, I personally also hold (for my characters' canonical purposes) that some parts of the class stories may occur before the 10-year time frame given to us in the game.



    For example, I have that my sith inquisitor is the mother of my sith warrior. However, they both can't have gone through the Korriban Academy together, and if my inquisitor didn't attend the Academy until 10 ATC, then my warrior's story couldn't begin until much later as well, throwing the entire timeline off, especially considering how I link him up with my Jedi Knight.



    Anyways, food for thought and good work on the timeline.

  7. Weekly Challenge: Communication Breakdown


    Jedi Knight Sala-mun (Sentinel) and Doc

    No Spoilers


    Title: Disconnected



    There is no emotion, there is peace.


    Sala-mun closed his eyes as he recited the ancient mantra. He inhaled through his nostrils, his chest slowly expanding as he took a deep breath to calm the ever-rising storm inside him.


    Nope, still pissed.


    The anger building in him wasn’t dissipating anytime soon. Sala-mun soon found his hands locked behind him as he paced slowly beside the short astromech droid working on the console. Although his rage still roared within, his placid demeanor made him look much more Stoic than he felt. Or at least he hoped it did.


    Technology had always been the bane of his calm. He figured technology should always work, and when it didn’t, red lights and a blaring siren should indicate otherwise. Random systems suddenly malfunctioning without so much as a warning or whimper was more vexing than a flight of mynocks at a shipyard.


    Jedi were not supposed to hate. But he hated technology failing, which is one of the reasons Sala-mun took such care of his lightsabers. He cleaned and modified his lightsabers on a regular basis, always letting the Force guide him in his selection of focusing crystals and general maintenance of his weapons. Running into Imperials on every one of his last missions required such upkeep, especially when such encounters usually turned hostile. But his diligence nowhere near matched the level of care Sergeant Rusk applied to his assault cannon.


    Sala-mun actually found himself impressed by Rusk’s dedication to the military and all that his duty encompassed. The Chagrian was like a machine in cleaning his cannon. He could strip it down, clean it, and reassemble it in 9.8 minutes flat. At least that’s what the alien boasted. Sala-mun didn’t doubt it either as he heard the sergeant at the workstation in the next room, probably cleaning for the third or fourth time.


    Unfortunately, Sala-mun had already done his maintenance on both his lightsabers an hour ago. He had no desire to take them apart and reassemble them again just to pass the time. This, of course, lead to his current predicament, allowing his anger to grow by leaps and bounds as he was powerless against the holonet’s refusal to work. He had been ready to contact Master Tol Braga for some time now, and the fact that he still couldn’t only added fuel to his inner fire. The irritation had grown beyond infuriating to a white, hot rage that seemingly rivaled the burning passion of Tatooine’s twin suns.


    Footsteps against the metallic floor whisked Sala-mun from his boiling thoughts, and he welcomed the mental reprieve from his darkening ruminations. With Rusk still at the workstation and himself in here with T7-01, Sala-mun knew who it was even before he came in sight.


    “So what’s the ETA on the holo being back online?” Doc called as he entered the engine room.


    T7-01 whirled his head to face the doctor. It gave a few low-keyed whistles and beeps before returning its head forward and continuing with the repairs.


    “The same as when you asked fifteen minutes ago,” Sala-mun replied with a short sideways glance. “T7 is working as fast as he can.” Sala-mun thought he masked his anger well enough. He settled his vision back on the droid, hoping his patience would last just a bit longer.


    Doc let out a loud sigh. His patience had clearly run out long ago, and he was not trying to hide his annoyance at the lack of connection with the rest of the civilized galaxy from inside the small starship. “Well can I at least go out and walk around the spaceport for a bit? I’m getting antsy cooped up in here with nothing to do.”


    “No,” answer Sala-mun. “As soon as Kira returns, we’re leaving. She’s on her way back as we speak.” Additionally, he didn’t feel like waiting any longer on this ghost-town of a spaceport above what he considered one giant snowy rock in space.


    “And how do you know that?” he shot back. The skewed look he got from Sala-mun caused Doc to raise his hands in surrender. “Right. Right. Jedi-Force-Master-Apprentice-thing. I got it.”


    “Besides,” said Sala-mun, “I thought you wanted to be away from Hoth as soon as possible.”


    “I wanted to be off Hoth as soon as possible. I was cold. Now I’m just bored.” Doc stroked his black moustache with a gloved hand and then began drumming the metal doorframe of the Defender’s fuselage. The repetitive sound soon drew another cold look from Sala-mun, causing Doc to immediately cease his strumming.


    “You know,” Doc continued. “This is kinda your fault,” he said as he pointed a finger at Sala-mun and fixed his annoyed stare at the Jedi.


    Here we go, thought Sala-mun. Sala-mun turned his vision back to the doorway. “Alright. I’ll bite.”


    “Did we really need to rush off and help that patrol in the Drexel Sweep?”


    “Those ships needed our help. The Republic contacted us, and we were the only ship that could get to them. There was a need, and we responded. Not much different from you seeing a need for a doctor on Balmorra and joining the resistance, if I recall correctly.”


    “Yeah, but I didn’t dive head first into the front lines to grab the attention of every Imp on the planet!” Doc protested. “You got a target painted on this piece of junk? ‘Cuz it seemed like every sith fighter and capital ship was gunning for us.”


    T7 beeped a couple of times in response to Doc calling the ship it was working on ‘a piece of junk.’ Doc only stared at the droid, unable to comprehend its strange means of communication, before returning his sights towards Sala-mun.


    “I think Kira’s right,” he continued. “Next time, T7 should drive.”


    The astromech droid’s head spun back towards its master and sounded off with a series of high pitched beeps.


    “Well thanks for the vote of confidence,” Sala-mun said with a half-smile. The conversation was distracting him from his anger, which he decided was a good thing. “At least someone appreciates my flying,” he said, directing his gaze at Doc.


    “Hey, I don’t know what those noises translate into. For all I know, the little guy just told you he wants to take her out for a spin.” Doc walked a little further into the engine room and started looking up and down the large thrusters. “He could drive. Rusk could take the guns since, you know, he likes shooting things. And I’ll pick up the slack in maintenance,” he finished on a higher note.


    “I got a better idea,” responded Sala-mun. “While don’t I drive since, you know, it’s my ship. And more importantly, we leave the maintenance to those who actually know about the mechanics of a starship, like T7. Anyways, I’d rather not let you tinker with the ship considering what happened the last time you wanted to play mad scientist.”


    “That wasn’t that bad,” he answered raising his palms upwards.


    “We had to vent and sterilize the entire medical lab after you dropped that vial of Ascom…” Sala-mun began twilrling his right hand, trying in vain to pronounce, much less remember, the contents of the vial.


    “Ascomycetous pneumoconiosis spores,” Doc added sheepishly.


    “Yes, that, on the floor,” Sala-mun continued with a nod. “The entire med bay was useless for the rest of the day. Luckily we were heading to the Republic Fleet when your accident occurred, so we were able to clean it up rather quickly. Who knows how things might have turned out had we been on some planet in the Outer Rim when your spill happened.”


    “Oh c’mon,” Doc began in his usual jubilant and over-confident manner. He flicked both hands at the Jedi knight. “Ol’ Doc had it under complete control.”


    Sala-mun only returned a silent stare of disbelief.


    “I got out of there just fine. And I vented the lab. Plus…” he added with a higher tone, “Plus, no one died.”




    Doc’s face became crossed when the Jedi tried to brush him of with such a terse answer. “I did promise I’ll never do that again.”


    “In your mad bid to make a mark on this galaxy, why don’t I believe you? For all I know,” Sala-mun started in imitation of Doc’s previous words, “you’re already cooking up some virus back there that will rival the Rakghoul plague.”


    “Totally. Under. Contr...” Doc reassured with calming motion with both hands as he said each word before suddenly freezing, realizing the ramifications of what he just said. “I mean…,” he stammered while rubbing his palms together, “I was just cleaning… my medical tools… and field kit… stuff. It’s really technical. Don’t worry about it,” he finished quickly as he waved off the Jedi.


    “So why are you coming in here for what feels like the umpteenth time?” Sala-mun realized he probably need to reign in on his annoyance.


    “Well I finished that a while ago. Then I felt like… relaxing on the holonet. Then that suddenly died and put us in our present predicament with really nothing else to do. I mean, I don’t have an assault cannon to clean four times over.”


    Their conversation seemed to draw to an end when they both heard the primary airlock open, and Sala-mun felt that familiar aura from his padawan come aboard the ship. Although her light walk made little noise on the hard, metal floor, her boots made a small ring throughout the ship as she made her way towards the stern.


    “Hey, boys,” Kira stated with a small smile as she entered the engine room. “Long wait?”


    Sala-mun noticed her small devious smile, clearly showing she did not envy those who had remained aboard when the holonet cut out.


    “Too long without you here, gorgeous,” Doc responded in his usual charm.


    “Yeah. Not long enough, then,” Kira fired back as she looked right past the doctor towards her master. “I take it T7 hasn’t fixed the holo yet?”


    Sala-mun opened his mouth to respond, but was suddenly cut short but a trio of gleeful whistles and beeps from the astromech droid before him. T7 whirled his head around towards Sala-mun with a couple more beeps as the console in front of it hummed to life, restoring their holonet connection.


    “Perfect timing there, T7,” Sala-mun praised.


    “Alright, T7! Way to go!” cheered Kira.


    “Finally!” rejoiced Doc as he looked heavenward.


    A minor round of chuckles, claps, and beeps rang out around the small engine room, each of the three humans relieved to finally be reconnected to the rest of the galaxy at large. The small celebration slowly died down as another overwhelming noise began to flood into the engine room. Echoing from the hallway was the unmistakable sound of a female humanoid moaning in ecstasy in what seemed like a never ending current of pleasure. The cries of euphoria were met with deathly silence throughout the rest of the ship as Sala-mun even heard Rusk stop working at the station.


    Sala-mun, Kira, and T7 all slowly turned their heads in unison towards the frozen doctor staring into nothing.


    “Oh,” he said abruptly, like being broken from a trance. “I should probably go get that.”


    “And that’s my cue,” Kira chimed. “I’ll be back at the bridge,” she motioned with her thumb behind her, “if you need me, boss.” She side-stepped away from the engine room doorframe to let Doc pass. After the doctor left, she finished her twirl, raised her right hand to cover the right side of her vision and briskly walked towards to the front of the ship.


    Sala-mun pressed against both his temples with one hand and slowly shook his lowered head. He dropped his hand down his face before raising his vision back up at the astromech droid waiting patiently at the console. “Good work, T7,” Sala-mun said smiling.


    The droid responded in kind with a few elated beeps.


    “Yeah, I know.” He looked up towards the doorframe leading out of the engine room. He could feel Doc back at work with his medical tools and toned down holonet connection. Rusk was once again at work with his weapons. And Kira sat calmly at her co-pilot’s chair, still typing away in determination to make the ship’s computer refer to her as master while she awaited instructions from her own. Sala-mun returned his focus to T7. “Seems like everything’s ready. What do you say we get going?”


    T7 rocked back and forth, sounding off with a series of happy whistles and beeps. He was probably just as happy as Sala-mun to be off that frozen wasteland and onto their next adventure.




    Author's Note



    First, I want to thank Elliotcat for starting this up. I've done a very limited amount of fictional writing in my past and wanted to get back into it again. However, this summer I have had a difficult time starting up again, and so this was a nice way to get the creative juices flowing. So thanks!


    Second, I have been following this thread for a couple weeks now, and I have really been enjoying the stories showcased here. I wanted to contribute, but none of the prompts really jumped out at me until this week. And so I went crazy with writing again! When I saw the prompt for this week, I had the perfect story in the works and so I just had to add it. The origins of this story happened to me in real life when my internet was pretty much dead for about 3 days (somehow I think I managed to keep it together... for the most part :) ). So it was actually fairly easy to capture the emotions of my Jedi in this story since it practically mirrored my anger at the situation.


    Third, I would definitely label this story as a bit of crack fic, which may or may not actually be part of my character's canon. But it was fun to write all the same. I have my legacy characters planned out and their stories (somewhat) and hope to add it in here along the way with more prompts.


    Hope you enjoyed it and look forward to writing some more.


  8. First, I'm not sure about the damage of Blade Rush compared to Slash, but as a Combat-spec'd Sentinel, you will want to replace Slash with Blade Rush on your Quickslot Bar. Don't quote me on this one, but I believe Blade Rush should be slightly higher. If you do not yet have enough skill points to learn Blade Rush, then the tooltip on the ability is probably not taking into account your gear and so Slash may seem higher than Blade Rush at the moment. Another reason Blade Rush should be used during Zen is that Blade Rush also proc's Ataru Form attacks while Slash necessarily does not. Spamming Blade Rush with those proc's would yield higher damage than spamming Slash.


    Second, Pacify only reduces melee and ranged accuracy of the targeted player. Force and Tech attacks are not affected.

  9. Ok so I made this revised skill tree with the suggestions above;






    Definitely an improvement from your earlier post, imo. However, i would recommend a few more changes.


    First, you want to take the 2 points in Burning Focus. This is your only passive focus-builder. Although it doesn't seem like a lot (30% chance for 1 Focus every 1.5 sec), considering you will have your DoTs up as often as possible, you can generate a lot of focus over the course of the fight. This makes it especially nice when you need that 1 last Focus for using Merciless Slash.


    Second, to get those 2 points in Burning Focus, you should move the 2 points from either Force Fade or Watchguard. Personally, I would transfer the points from Force Fade. While not that useful in Operations, that 2 second reduction on your interrupt comes in very useful in some Hard Mode Flashpoints. Furthermore, Force Camouflage in PvE is mainly just a threat dump mechanic that gets the boss off you (and back on the tank). Then you would immediately go right back on whacking the boss, which would actually cut your Force Camouflage short of its full duration anyways. Now some may argue that its great for avoiding AoE damage in Operations, which is true, but I believe there are better ways at mitigating such damage, as I explain below.


    Third, I recommend investing the 2 points into Defensive Roll. This is a permanent passive reduction to all AoE attacks by 30%. I believe this is better than using Force Camouflage as the damage reduction is comparable (Defensive Roll gives you 30% reduction while Force Camouflage gives you 50% reduction) yet is always up whereas Force Camouflage is only 4 seconds (6 seconds if spec'd) AND while Cloaked you cannot attack lest it breaks your camouflage and you lose that damage reduction. Personally I prefer to continue hammering away at the boss rather than take less damage that any decently geared healer can heal through while standing there like a statue.


    Finally, Accuracy is in abundance in the higher tiered gear and, frankly, we don't need a lot of it. Sitting around 100% Accuracy is just fine. So while putting points into Steadfast is recommended, depending on your gear, I'm not sure all 3 points are necessary. Any final points you have may be placed at your please then.


    Just in case you are wondering, here is my PvE build for my Watchman Sentinel:




    Good Luck.

  10. First, Precision Slash is only usable by a Sentinel spec'd high enough into the Combat Tree. So unless you are a Hybrid Spec of both Combat and Watchman, you are not going to be using both Overload Saber and Precision Slash in your rotation. Also, since the elemental Damage from your burns ignores armor, Precision Slash is probably not the best ability to use directly before Cauterize; should probably be used before Merciless Slash for the most uptime on the armor penetration (i.e. in case you get knocked back or slowed or *insert any one of the myriad CC's here*)


    Second, the DoT applied by Overload Saber is separate and distinct from the DoT applied by Cauterize. So in essence, you actually apply 2 DoTs when Overload Saber is up and you cast Cauterize.


    Third, if spec'd properly, and in my OPINION you should do this, Merciless Slash has the chance to reset the CD on Cauterize. Cauterize I believe lasts 2 GCDs on the target. This allows you to apply the DoT from Cauterize (and probably also Overload Saber for the 2nd stack) then use Merciless Slash to apply the 3rd Stack of Overload Saber and possibly reset the CD on Cauterize. Then simply use another ability (probably Strike to add more focus) and then reapply the DoT from Cauterize again (or just reapply Cauterize then, but you do lose out on the last tick from the first application of Cauterize).


    As for your concern of Leg Slash, it does apply one of the stacking DoTs from Overload Saber. However, this is an ability that really only should be used in PvP. For simplicity I have really been answering as PvE. But this does not mean the aforementioned information and possible rotation aspects do not apply to PvP.


    Also, as said by another, Master Strike hits the target twice; so if you still have the appropriate number of Overload Saber stacks remaining, you will apply 2 stacks from Master Strike.

  11. I would also like to add Post-Character Creation Customization, something akin to a barber shop.


    One reason is that I think my jedi should be able to grow out a beard. It was nice while leveling as a padawan to be clean shaven, but now that I'm a master, I think a beard would do nicely.

  12. Exact spec http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#5010cZuGrbddrRrsZ0M.1

    The spec is a pure PvP spec, I don't think you can do much different or better for combat PvP.


    ad 2) Master strike hits like a truck with precision slash up. The use of master strike must be done very carefully tho, as sometimes it could lock you in place with a sorc being far away from you (if he uses sprint same time as you use master strike). Then you finish the animation for 3 sec but don't do any damage with it.


    I will have to try Master Strike with Precision Slash up as well.


    However, in your given spec, I noticed you placed 2 points into Debilitation (Master Strike has 100% to immobilize the target for the duration of the ability). Then you stated in the answer to the second question that against some players, namely Sorcerers, that the ability could be finished with the enemy player out of range. Either Debilitation is bugged and not doing its job properly or the ability does not function in PVP and thus is working as intended. Sadly I believe it is the latter.


    Just saying, as an attempt to help streamline fellow Sentinels, I do not see a reason to place 2 points into Debilitation.

  13. Nice video. It's good to see that it is possible to at least go against multiple players and not get squished like a bug. Not knocking your skill or the awesomeness of the video, but it did seem like many of the players you battled had their CC abilities on CD or had an aversion to using them against you.


    Still, very nice job. i particularly like the use of Transcendence in conjunction with Force Camo for quick escapes. I will have to start using that.


    I have 2 questions stemming from your videos.


    First, what is your spec? I saw in your first video that you stated you were 3/35/3. Is that still true in your later video? What talents specifically do you take? It seems you chose Displacement for having an immobilizing effect with Crippling Throw as well as Fleetfooted for Force Camo. What other skills did you choose and why?


    Second, I noticed a few times in the video that you use Precision Slash soon followed by Master Strike (or used Crippling Throw to immobilize and then Master Strike). I tend to reserved Precision Slash solely for use with Blade Storm (with crit from Combat Trace). Despite the lack of a combat log, are you noticing an increase in damage from using Precision Slash with Master Strike over using it with Blade Storm?

  14. I haven't seen an answer to this question above, so I apologize if there has already been on a post on the matter.


    For a Combat-spec'd Sentinel, I am having trouble seeing why 3 skill points should be placed into Insight (increases crit chance of Force attacks by 2% per skill point) under the Focus tree.


    For a Combat Sentinel, our Force attacks are limited: Blade Storm, Force Sweep, Force Stasis, Opportune Strike, Pommel Strike, Rebuke, and Ataru Form (attacks?).


    Having an increased crit chance for Blade Storm is moot as you should almost always be using Blade Storm when Combat Trance is up, giving you 100% crit chance anyways.


    I find myself rarely using Force Sweep against both mobs in PVE and groups of players in PVP, as it lacks the punch that other abilities have. It has simply been more efficient for me to single-target and clear mobs one at a time. Not that it Sweep doesn't have its usefulness, but outside stopping groups of imps from capping a turret on Civil War or planting a bomb on a door in Voidstar, Force Sweep seems to be rarely off its CD.


    Force Stasis is a decent ability, but it does not seem to merit 3 additional skill points for an extra 6% crit chance on its DoT. While Force Stasis both stuns the target and deals approximately 2500 damage (I believe that is the level 50 equivalent), its has a high CD (50 seconds if spec'd properly), its stuns you as it is a channeled stun, Force kick is a much better interrupt, and every player has the potential to escape form the stun and shrug off the damage.


    Opportune Strike and Pommel Strike also tend to be used rarely as the target must be either slowed/immobilized or incapacitated for these abilities to work, respectively. Pommel Strike also has a 45-second CD, limiting its use against mobs in PVE as I seem to be able to mow through 2-3 mobs before Pommel Strike is off its CD, and even further limited in PVP as other players do not seem to be incapacitated long enough or often enough for frequent use. Similarly with Opportune Strike. While 15 seconds is a nice, short CD, its damage seems rather low and on par with Blade Rush and Blade Storm.


    Finally, the Ataru Form Attacks, if those actually benefit from Insight, seem to be the only viable Force attack worth an increased crit chance for. However, that being said, is spending 3 skill points to increase the crit chance of 1 ability that is already on RNG worth it?


    Now my follow-up question, should the aforementioned argument be persuasive enough would be: Where to place those 3 last skill points, assuming your talents are something like 3/33/2 (taking Fleet-Footed and Displacement)? Defensive Roll seems like a nice pick for both PVP and PVE, but that is still only 2 points, leaving one last point hanging.

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