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Posts posted by Flightsaber

  1. Just a thought, but what if characters created on the PTS could check a permadeath option? Rewards could be given for reaching milestones (simple stuff, like titles) without dying, which would encourage more testing from players/guilds that want the prestige. If something like an operation was being tested, maybe let players roll a permadeath character at cap and try it from scratch, get a title if they complete all bosses within the operation without ever dying on that character. If they fail, they can jump in on a normal character copy to complete the run but miss out on the title. It would encourage multiple runs from guilds for bug testing as they work to complete titles for the whole team.


    Alternatively, hold a temporary event server (maybe 90 days?) where character copy functions are used for challenges (speed-running leaderboards for the eternal championship with preset characters, permadeath, 'classic mode' SWTOR at near original patch that lets characters transfer off afterwards, etc). If permadeath, make it clear that death is death and no appeals will be heard. Allow character transfer off of event servers back to live, or some progress to transfer back (some sort of carrot...armor set / mount / title / deco / etc).

  2. The Rising


    Incoming Transmission

    A passing perusal of Imperial history would prove that the Sith who squander resources and manpower for personal gain in times of war are swiftly and silently deposed. Now, Zakuul seeks to enslave the universe - and the opposition will strike from the shadows. Make your mark - hit the Eternal Empire hard enough to get noticed, and we will contact you.




    *IC/OOC chat channels

    *Event Calendar, anyone can offer events for signup

    *Master/Apprentice RP available

    *Hunter/Agent/Military RP available

    *Established (years of guild lore and experience. Formerly esoteric-order on Jung Ma)

    *Full guild XP boosts

    *Gship and SH available

    *Dice combat system (can be waived if combatants agree)



    -Apply for an IC interview at the-rising.com


    -Agree to guild rules

  3. It could also be the way that historians choose to chronicle it vs. the way that people living in that time refered to it.


    A couple examples:

    "The War to End All Wars" - One of many terms for World War 1 at the time. There was certainly no reason to call it World War 1 until World War 2 happened.

    "The American Experience" "The Revolutionary War" - America's fight for independence, still referred to differently in the US and the UK based on differing opinions of the outcome (military victory vs. economic decision to not engage until after Napoleon was dealt with.)


    Perhaps people living at the in-game time view the conflict between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic as still ongoing after the treaty of Coruscant, since both still exist and neither side has 'won'.

    Since history will remember both sides as losing, the war will eventually be dated as ending at the treaty of Coruscant after the sacking of Coruscant denoted a clear victor, with subsequent battles either given a more minor name or considered skirmishes rather than a war due to the end result: a third party entering the war and winning.

    I would argue the Cartel's entrance and defeat by Republic and Imperial forces might constitute another denotation in the distant future, as a separate conflict.

  4. Unfortunately, for those looking: the kaon under siege FP no longer drops the bulwark (the loot table was changed a year or two ago to drop PVE gear with better stats). Thie new manaan rep reward vibrosword (fira vibrosword?) looks close, but is still a different model.


    I would love to see these flashpoints return to their original loot-tables....currently unobtainable gear with unique looks is buried in unused assets atm. Xenogear chestpieces would be nice for navy-RP, and the bulwark for anyone with a vibrosword.


    That said, if the outfit designer gets an update for weapons, this won't be as big of a deal.

  5. Agreed - my RP guild is using the strongholds to create everything from areas for story-driven campaigns to PVE trophy rooms....I'd love to be able to 'enable offline access to guild members' so that people can use part of a campaign area I've designed when I'm not online, without limiting them to only 4 other RP areas or best-friend trophy rooms.
  6. Removed. Previous post was a dark humor service announcement on PTSD. Others pointed out that, while in line with Imperial ideology, the subject matter would be too close to home for many and could have real OOC impact.

    I apologize for posting.

  7. Removed. Previous post was a dark humor service announcement on PTSD. Others pointed out that, while in line with Imperial ideology, the subject matter would be too close to home for many and could have real OOC impact.

    I apologize for posting.

  8. I realize I'm reviving an old thread, but it took me a while to find an official response on multiboxing (there were none in English), so I'm posting here where it's searchable (5th post in the following thread, in yellow):

    Official Response



    "As long as someone controls the characters themselves, 'multiboxing' is not against our Terms of Use."


    The rest of the official post is helping a user in the German forums troubleshoot mouse-driver software needed to register mouse clicks in two windows.

  9. I don't do rateds, but as a general principle I think the rewards should be visible during instanced and world pvp. That might mean moving away from pets, which typically aren't visible in instanced pvp. All tiers should receive the lower tier options as well, so that players who just want a lower tier reward are encouraged to continue pvp'ing.


    Top Tier: Unique Mount


    Middle Tier: /owned emote (only usable on corpses. Rifle-butt a corpse, spin a lightsaber downwards to thrust into the body, etc....a way to gloat over a kill at the expense of a few seconds of animation, with a new emote added each season. Add some creative emote text to boot). Temporarily unique dye or armor combination that will be released to the public 4-8 seasons later.


    Lower Tier: Unique legacy and character-only title.

  10. Tower defense.


    Each side spawns a number of moderate-health NPC's DOTA-style towards the enemy towers, which have a large armor bonus that only defends against players. Each tower destroyed gives the faction that destroyed it a damage bonus. Every minute the towers are not destroyed, the NPC's attacking both sides receive more health. Every kill increases the per-hit damage of your side's NPCs by 10.


    Teams have to work together to CC or kill enemy NPCs while protecting their own group as the NPCs assault the towers.


    Also, put the Warzone on a planet that is otherwise inaccessible in game (Manaan anyone?). With the Republic controlling Thyferra (the only galactic source of bacta) and Manaan (the sole source of kolto) now caught between Cartel and Republic space, the Empire desperately needs Manaan kolto to prevent a shortage of medical supplies, IMO.

  11. A thread for suggesting emotes you would like to see added to the game. During one of the NYC cantina tours, developers mentioned that emotes are relatively easy to implement, and that suggestions for them are something they would be interested in. So here is a thread for your suggestions!


    While I'm at it, my own suggestion:



    A class-unique emote where your character does something to demonstrate their prowess in a non-threatening way. I'll list a couple samples to demonstrate the concept, though if this actually makes the game I would prefer the developers decide whether or not they have a better idea, and if so implement something they think would be fun:


    Inquisitors: Turn their hands inward and shoot lightning from the left hand to the right hand in a slinky-like spiral, then move their hands slowly closer together then farther apart.


    Agents: Push a button on their wrist that generates a 3D spherical star chart of the galaxy, then leans in to 'eat' one of the planets. Emote: "<name> generates a map of the universe..." Second emote:"...then eats Coruscant."


    Bounty Hunters: Slowly lift off the ground on their jet-pack, do a few aerial somersault with the jet-pack allowing them to stay hovering, then return to the ground.


    Warriors: Juggle a set of lightsabers, similar to real-life fire-torch juggling at carnivals.


    Consulars: Lift a large rock out of the ground, then carve it in the shape of the Republic crest with two/three swift swings of their saber. Let it hover for a moment as the character keeps hands raised in a casting-like position, then have them move their hands apart and shatter the rock into dust.


    Scoundrels: Produce five holographic plates in front of them with bulls-eye targets on them. Rapidly hit the bulls-eye on the first 4, pause, then fire several bolts at the last one, carving the splitting image of an imperial trooper into the disk. Blow off smoke from the guns (and give others a chance to see their work), then roundhouse kick the burnt image of the trooper IN THE FACE to end the emote.


    Troopers: Present their weapon (similar to real life color guards, rifle-dancing).


    Knights: The sound of a fly buzzing starts the emote. The knight swats at the fly, then swats with the sound of force being used. Things crash as the knight inadvertently swats objects in the vicinity. Character then face-palms, expresses body language as if to say "being a Jedi is rough sometimes..."


    I'd also like to see players receive a random locked emote, maybe once a year. This would allow players to have something unique, and also use their guilds to preview emotes they might be interested in purchasing. More awareness of locked emotes might lead to more purchases as well.

  12. 1) (A story arc I introduced played out by Esoteric Order for RP purposes at one point. Would make for a decent expansion IMO):

    A secret sect of Voss Mystics that foresaw the conflict with the Empire and the Republic realized that their discovery by the warring factions would lead to the destruction of Voss-Ka hundreds of years ago, and set a plan into motion to decimate both factions. Players on both sides ban together to fake the fall of both the Republic and the Empire and recreate Voss-Ka accurately enough that this sect believes that they have won based on their perfectly accurate visions.


    2) Playable race: Selkath

    New planet: Manaan

    As Thyfeera remains the sole source of bacta (and is in Republic space), Manaan becomes a hotly contested world due to it's production of Kolto. The Empire wins the world in the end, but at a cost: Republic players successfully raid the imperial fleet in a new ops and cripple the Ziost Shadow (the ship is redesigned in the imperial fleet to reflect damage). The Empire version (which uses the same boss mechanics and balancing, but with a different layout) details a different story in which the Empire stages a raid on the Republic fleet to assassinate someone key to the war effort. The Republic fleet remains unchanged outside of the ops.


    3) A horde-style mode wherein up to three players fend off waves of increasingly difficult opposite-faction attackers for increasing commendation rewards on fleet is introduced. Making it to 10 waves throws an achievement and starts spawning old operation bosses for subsequent waves that drop empty modifiable gear or rare dye modules.

  13. Faction: Republic

    When: May 31st

    Where: Coruscant, in front of the Jedi Temple

    What: Unshrouded Alliance will be passing out FREE GEAR for levels 10-20 in character.

    Who: Event is open to all, and is hosted by Unshrouded Alliance (Which has recently merged with Esoteric Order for cross-faction RP. Esoteric Order has traditionally been known for our Arming the Empire events, in which we pass out free gear on DK ICly.



    For more information on Esoteric Order and/or Unshrouded Alliance, visit Esoteric-Order.com

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