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Posts posted by phycosaber

  1. Dear Bioware,


    As a dps op I rolled with the punches when we were nerfted for damage (3 times) then when the one real thing we had was nerfed (cd on stealth increased). I'm now completely tired of being lucky to crit 4k on backstab and then get a warrior smashing me for 6.5k. Seriously, a little damage difference is fine, 5%, no problem, we can deal. This is 30%+ difference in max damage on a crit.


    Time for Kung Fu Panda???

  2. I specifically chose op for pvp for the stealth and "I got pwned by rogues in wow forever and want to be on the ground floor in this game". : )


    I'm not awesome, but as my pvp got better (mostly WH now) it's way more fun. However, while I can knock someone down and get a couple good hits in before they know what happened, ops still don't have a big hit for a knockout punch. One of our best hits (hidden strike) REQUIRES stealth (90 sec cd.../sigh) and still can't crack 5k damage while I get killed by juggs and marauders and pt's with 5k-6k hits regularly.


    With all the nerfs it kind of does feel like the devs really don't like concealment. Considering I'm the only concealment ops in virtually all the wz's I run (usually 4-8 daily on that toon) it would be interesting to see Bioware's data on the number of concealment ops and damage done versus other classes in war zones.

  3. I'm glad they're thinking of making this change. As a kinda casual player I was under the impression that when I got to that screen I had to pick a legacy name NOW! I'm not unhappy, but I would really like to have another name. I currently don't display my legacy name (so I could switch toons and spout racist crap, but don't, sorry that argument doesn't fly) but would love to have a different legacy name AND display it.


    Here's to hoping we can change the legacy name!

  4. It's 12:30 on a Wednesday afternoon and I've got an hour wait to log in, while I look at the screen and see 15 servers with "LIGHT" next to them.


    It seems to me that someone along the line made a big mistake. There is an argument for BW that they don't want people to be on servers that in a short while will be near empty of players. I can understand that, to an extent. From what I'm seeing, they put all the people that pre-ordered and were in guilds on a select few servers. Did they think that people that who pre-ordered, meaning PAID FOR A PRODUCT THAT THEY DIDN'T WHEN THEY'D GET TO USE IT, are MMO junkies, claw and fight to get beta access, won't keep playing when the game is live? That these people will only play for an hour then log off so others will be able to get online to play? Come on.


    1.I've seen suggestions to offer server transfers for guilds, sounds like a good idea. At this stage does it really matter what server you're on?

    2.If the population cap is set really low, as I've read above, jack it up! I'm with other posters. I'm on Balmorra and it show 62 people there! I can't find people for groups either.


    With such a massive variant from several servers full and many hour wait times to servers that are empty, with almost nothing in between, indicates a mistake was made when early access was granted to pre-order customers.

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