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Posts posted by Nyracasso

  1. There are certain armorings some classes/specs want that offer significant bonuses, therefore do not entirely rule out the quest for PVE pieces. Also, what about those 27k Tanks like myself? I stand by my 1011 EXP all day long. And yes, I'm fully min-maxed WH/EWH with a said number of 63 pve armorings.


    I'd rather heal a tank in 1396 expertise and 24k hp than a tank in 1011 expertise and 27k hp.


    All that extra damage you're taking needs to be healed. Over time you require more casts/energy/force to keep up. Beyond a certain point the extra hp buffer is less of a factor than simply taking less damage.


    The lower and lower expertise you have, the more you just become a resource sponge for the healers.

  2. Few of the good ones still do


    A good player is tough to kill in any spec.


    Having said that, though, if I see you in a RWZ sending out puddles, I'm telling my team to go after you ... hard.


    Not only do you have fewer defenses at your disposal, but you're also capable of putting out about 200 more HPS if left unpressured. Can't have that.

  3. Bubble stun (and knockback root while we're discussing the lightning tree) is amazing.


    Not sure why sorcs/sages are acting like they're above using it to its fullest advantage. Enjoy it. You may feel it's overpowered and in need of a nerf (and that may be the case), but it is a class defining ability.


    If I see another sorc in WZ/RWZs that is full heal spec (puddle), they immediately become the primary target... very easy kills.

  4. If juggs/maras can lolaoesmash for 5-8k then I see no problem WHATSOEVER with an ability that has an aoe melee stun.


    It's called BALANCE, kids. You get your toys, but we get our toys too.

  5. Basically, people exploit because they don't give a rats *** anymore what happens to their account. They are still around to play the few remaining days/weeks until their time runs out.


    Either that, or they do it because Bioware doesn't really care at all about people exploiting. Have they banned any of the exploiters on Ilum in the past? Or the ones that abused Shockwater? Or the ones that abused Voidstar early gate leave? Or the ones that join intentionally with more than 8? No, no, no...


    This game = exploiter heaven. Even if you're good at PvP and don't need the exploits, you still use them because it doesn't matter.


    I agree with this. If Bioware enforced this, you wouldn't see as many people exploiting it.


    So far, I haven't see anything addressing these exploits.


    Which makes people HAVE to use them to stay on par with other groups! If they aren't fixing it, you aren't going to sit around and watch every opposing team exploit while you get owned every game.


    This is really sad they can't take a group of their team and focus on fixing problems that affect a huge/the biggest group of people in the game.

  6. The thing about dealing really good damage, is being so damn squishy... Seriously if I get focus fired for a second. I'm dead.


    If bad pvper's, probably like yourself, let me( or any class for that matter) sit there and spam my highest damage abilities over and over? You're going to die.


    Sith Inquis aside, i've been rolled by other classes too. The person that rolled me was the person I didn't see or CC, he got the upper hand on me and killed me. IF you have a better team or play better you'll most likely see this class be less and less effective.



    The smart person would focus the Inquis every time.

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