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Posts posted by Griminal

  1. Uhm... no. Server'(s) population IS (Yes look closely at that word) growing. I ask new members if their new and 7 out of 10 say yes. (Close enough to statistics.) My servers imperial fleet useto be 20-30 people. Now its 70- 90. And still growing! People are wanting to buy the game in my city and its currently sold out in basically every game-stop. People love this game, and its growing. To say a game is dying is idiotic when this game is brand new. It got 1.7 million subs the first day. Of course its gone dow. But now its going up. Your hatred for the game doesn't mean its dying.


    And your anecdotal evidence doesn't mean it's growing lol

  2. I'm not going to read 50 pages of this thread, but seeing more people on the fleet doesn't mean the server population is growing. All it means is more people are hitting 50, and because end game at 50 revolves around sitting in the fleet,it means you're going to see higher numbers.


    The server population could be decreasing while the fleet population grows lol

  3. So, I have done all of the content on every planet up to Quesh and I'm now level 40. The difficulty on this planet is far too strong and needs to be looked at. I am nearly dying in every 3-mob fight and elites are nearly impossible and I'm 4 levels above them!


    Please look into it.


    You need to examine how you're going about playing this game, because you're absolutely doing something, most likely MANY things wrong

  4. If you finish your class quests (which will open up the Ilum chain), doing 1 run of Ilum will bring you to level 50 (or very close). The exp is ridiculous, though bring your friend, as the chain is tough to solo in parts even at 49. Estimated time with 2 people.... probably under a couple hours.



    The chain won't open if you haven't finished your class quests though. So I wouldn't bother heading there until you have.


    That said, the Ilum storyline is kinda short, and you'll be doing it at 50 anyway (assuming you plan to do dailies). So if you're enjoying the world stories, you may as well do Corellia first.


    I don't mind too much about story and I will be doing it with someone. I'm more interested in speed so ya, this sounds good to me. Thanks

  5. I've heard some people say that leveling on Illum is a million times faster than leveling on Corellia. I was wondering if this is true or not. I'm about to hit 48 with my friend and we are wondering what planet we should go to.


    Anyone with experience able to give estimated times for the two?

  6. Because the servers can not police themselves. In a LFG system the bad player that afks or ninjas can continue to keep doing it. Without a LFG auto invite system the player that does this will get the reputatation and after a while will not get invited to any groups because of what he did.


    What it also adds is the people who will begin ninjaing stuff because they got stuff ninjaed from them.


    There is no good that comes from a auto invite LFG system its just Bioware asking for 10x more problems then they already have with the game if they add it. If they do add it then you both deserve what you get.


    The problem with your theory is you assume that all people are ******es and only act nice because of repercussions. This absolutely false.

  7. Very true, they are timesinks...


    At the same time MMO's are deveoped over time. They aren't instantly launched with 10+ raids, 15+ instances, etc. That comes in time as MMO's are forever patched, content added, etc. Expecting so much in what...two months? Is a bit on the unrealistic side. That will never happen with any MMO launch. Never. Knowing this it falls on the player to have real expectations. If you can't do that then you need to wait a few or six months before even trying a new MMO because it simply will not have that much endgame content immediately upon launch.


    He didn't ask for 10 raids. He asked for content that was challenging enough that he doesn't complete it the first time he does it.

  8. Ok bad choice of words, I mean it empowers elitism. Even if they dont allow mods, we will still have xml out-of-game addons that parse the logs.


    Elitism isn't a problem is you aren't terrible at the game. Don't be bad and combat logs won't bother you. If people don't want to group with bad players why should they have to?

  9. They've not yet opened it for public consumption. Simple answer for a stupid question. Not sure if all you're attempting is to berate BioWare on this or not.




    Of course they aren't open for public "consumption"( i think the word you're looking for is USE). If they were, the public would be using them and this topic wouldn't exist genius lol


    The question is WHY. And I don't have an answer for you TC.

  10. Oh, and just as a rant since I don't know if people know this. Even with WoW's 10 million subscribers, they still have these problems :


    - Tanks selling queue spots / runs

    - Shortage of overally tanks & healers

    - DPS queues are over an hour / sometimes for lowbie brackets you won't even see a pop.

    - Nerfed content "because it's too hard to do with pugs"

    - Nobody bothers to find groups outside of LFD

    - Ninjas / AFKers / Vote to kick abuse / Bots / Farmers

    - Bad manners / Disrespectful players (you're crazy if you think customer support will do anything about it)

    - Overall lack of community

    - Deserters / Entitled elitists who leave after a wipe


    The community adapted to the system though, which I'm sure SWTOR will too. Blizzard tried to make changes to help with these issues, but they're still there. I wonder how Bioware will handle it.


    Why do we have people always taking the bad things and trying to make it seem like they are the norm and run rampant? Every single thing you listened is not common at all.

  11. Cross server LFGs ***** WoW's community. Nobody needed to make friends, they pressed a button and suddenly they were with a group of other jerks that raged, argued, kicked each other due to gear, ninja'd with no remorse/penalty, no constructive criticism(Just "UR A NUB U FAHG U SHUD STOP PLAYIGN") and worst of all, it bred people that could troll groups with no penalty whatsoever(I know this because on WoW I've done it for years to make a point :D)


    That's the way I see it. Cross-server queues for PvP is okay in my opinion. PvP doesn't make you friends anyway, you're too busy slaughtering the other team to worry about that.


    Sorry if I pissed anyone, I don't try to do that, I just have a tendency to accidentally do it.


    Learn from WoW's mistakes. Don't cross-server PvE.


    That happened 1 in 20 groups. If that was the norm for you then all I can say is your brought all that on your self lol

  12. To me, MMOs were worlds that you helped create. I started with UO and thats what i like and enjoy.



    Now these "AAA" , big budget MMOs are nothing much more than a lobby with a queue to instances.


    There are MMOs that survive without your "quality of life" features, as crazy as that sounds.


    Newsflash. This game is already a lobby. Log in, go to fleet, stand in fleet for hours spamming general chat. That is a lobby. At least a cross server LFD allows people to actually go do other things out in the world that BW has created


    You see what I mean when I say these people are unintelligent? Absolute nonsense from these people

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