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Posts posted by Brahbacca

  1. I know that feel bro, picked up the game again after a long time a few days ago and seem to be getting my unfair share of aids in sub 30 WZs, the seemingly rare time there are a couple of decent players on my team the WZ is usually a white wash, most of the time I'm breaking by balls keeping people alive who either have 1) zero dps, 2) zero ability to target focus, 3) zero ability to tell the difference between a juggernaut and a *********** heal OP, 4) no sense of direction, hutt ball/obj is the other way? 5) all of the above. I can see why people rage quit, but whatever I'll see it through, need to buy that commando barrel 2 with commends.
  2. I'd rather get shanked in one cycle by an op and be respawning than wait a lifetime being zapped by 2 or more lightning queens unable to do anything other than develop epilepsy abd wait to slowly die, theres a ton more of that than the odd op wtfpwning you in one cycle, and rly they aren't even that hard to deal with unless your jogging around on your own, which is then your own fault.
  3. Lies. It is true that as you gain levels you will contribute more, but even a lower level player can add to a WZ. Will you get killed a lot? Yes, but think of it this way. As you level against and go up against higher level players you have the chance to go against them and learn to be better than they are. You don't get good at something by facerolling easy targets. You get good by getting facerolled and fighting back, and when you catch yup to them in levels and start facerolling them just sit back just smile.


    I agree 110%, as a late 20s character pitted against 50s you do learn alot, biggest lesson I've learned is that; tracermissile;tracermissile;tracermissile;tracermissile;tracermissile;tracermissile fkn wins, secondary but rqually important lesson is 50% of Imp teams are sorcs, which fkn wins.

  4. 1. About lag. Usually I have 60ms and thats quite enough for MMO. But sometimes ping jumps to 10k and then I'm disconnected from server. Problem definitely isn't with my internet connection because at the same time I have no problem talking to people in my party via Skype.


    It doesn't bugs during questing, but in PVP and Flashpoint it freaks me out.


    2. About FPS. After turning the shadows off I have 60-80 fps, but sometimes it drops to 20-30, for example when looking at the cantina on Hutta, centre of Imperial Fleet. Also after some time the game starts to freeze for a few seconds, but I think this is problem with my HDD, so I've bought Crucial M4 SSD and will test it tonight :D


    i just stuck an m4 into my new build its beeeeeeeeeeeeautiful.


    also; GT, my new rig cost me next to nothing with 2gb of nicked "family pc" ram cause i forgot to order it what a *** eh, ati 5450, amd 3.60 bulldozer, ssd, win 7, don't drop below 60fps anywhere on max (minus AA)

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