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Posts posted by Runarc

  1. I pretty much said the same thing in beta. There is no fundamental difference between the Marauder of SWTOR and the WL/Slayer/Choppa/Zerk/Savage/Merc/BM of other games.


    Raw melee DPS -- not "ROGUE ASSASSINS" like WoW -- get hammered hard when they are fighting as a pug versus a premade.


    However, your statement is incomplete.


    Sent/Maras also get the most benefits from a premade. Seriously, who do you want on your team getting healed with a guard on them? A BH tracerlol failure that can get chain interrupted and contribute 0 to the fight? A megaburst Op/Smuggler that gets kited to infinity and beyond, with poor sustained pressure or burst after their opener? Who you can instantly burst down to 0 because their personal defenses are nil?


    No, you want a Sent/Mara, because they have group run speed buffs, personal defensive cooldowns, very high DPS pressure. You throw a few heals on the Sent and pop a guard on them once in awhile and they are unstoppable.


    With general heal and guard support (or not even guard support), a Sent/Mara has no weakness. They cannot be interrupted, they are hard to kite (if you think you get kited easily as a Sent, try playing a Shadow or Smuggler after opening).


    And we have a winner.


    Sentinels are the warriors of SWTOR.


    Bad alone, monsters in competitive pvp teams.

  2. The game sounds interesting, but there are so many things that could potentially go wrong with the game, i just hope they are up for the challenge.


    Besides, won't a lack of sub costs prevent Arenanet from pushing out new content on a steady basis (and i dont mean every year/half year, people demand content on a bi-monthly basis).


    I'll be getting it tho, its still one of the most amazing MMO's i've seen.

  3. This is the ability queuing system you are describing, its not a bug, its working as intended.


    This is designed so you don't have to spam your keyboard every millisecond so you hit your ability the second it goes off gcd. You hit your ability within the threshold that you can set up in your settings and the ability is used the next time your off GCD.


    Understand that SWTOR isn't an exact copy of WoW, its its own thing, and maybe there won't be a need for these pointless threads.


    Turned it off, same issue.

  4. Tried kiting as a BH today. Did it perfectly on my hunter for years and my char felt so unresponsive and sluggish while trying to strafe-fire (quick jump > 180 degree turn shoot, turn back).


    Totally agree with the OP. Compared to WoW (and specifically arena), where every half a second counts if you do it right on a 2200+ level, warzones just feel unresponsive and sluggish.


    I need my char to run smooth, currently that just isn't happening and it will kill the PvP in tis game more than queues, no ladder and no brackets ever will.


    If you don't know what i mean, try thinking of fake-casting interrupts in this game.


    Then you might understand ;).

  5. My sent is at lvl 23, going up the Combat tree for leveling. I am specced already into Ataru form in the tree and I will say the accuracy increase plus hitting Zen at full centering makes for some great burst DPS. Zen in Ataru form decreases the global cooldown, so it is basically like getting a haste increase; more attacks in a shorter time.


    I upgraded T7 early and often to keep up tanking well, and I have had no issues at all with any mob I have fought.


    The catch with Sent is that if you are not paying attention to what is on CD and what skills you actually have, you will get stomped. If you are on your game and KNOW what abilities work when and where, as a Sent you will completely smash face.


    Sent is definitely a PURE DPS class and reminds me a lot of a DW Fury Warrior in WOW (I know....). No CC, no healing, just wrecking bodies. Both have a slowing attack, a way to heal slightly from an attack, ability to close distance, and limited AOE.


    My only real complaint are the stuns. They are honestly just to weak. The fact that strong mobs cannot be stunned by us but elites can be sapped/CC'd by Consulars/Smugs just really irritates me. Our stuns (Blade Storm, Leap, Sweep) SHOULD work on elites, which I would rather see over lengthening our current stuns. I have been in a few fights where the difference between winning or getting killed was that one second of stun on a strong/elite mob.


    These are just my observations and opinions so far, being that I am only at level 23.


    Blade Storm's 4 sec cc working on elites with the 9 sec cd it has talented :p ?


    Sadly, not going to happen.


    You'll get ways to prevent elite damage on later levels in abilities such as Pacify.

  6. Artifice with its respective gathering skills here sounded more interesting than making medpacks.


    So far its pretty interesting, almost 200 on all of em at 27+.


    Seems everything i make is for some levels above my own (crew skills level pretty fast as long as you keep your companions on missions all the time), so i always have my gear equipped with the best.

  7. I take it you don't really understand what they are doing so i'll explain it. The servers are not really full. they are saying they are to get people to join other servers. that way when fewer people try to join that server they can. Could you imagine 5000 people all in the starting zones at once. ouch.


    They instanced the starting zones so you won't run into thousands of people.

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