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Posts posted by nallard

  1. Most of the discussions (and I use that word loosely) on this sub-forum revolve around level 50 play because that's what most people who focus on PvP are interested in. That's when you can really start looking at balance and mechanics and get into the details of PvP because you have access to every ability and talent.


    You won't be playing with level 50s yet, so that's not yet an issue for you. At level 19 you can go into a warzone and contribute and do well. You won't have all the abilities of someone who is level 49, but that's to be expected. As long as you're playing both your class and the war zone well, most people won't give you a hard time in the 10-49 bracket.


    That being said, PvP can make some people very competitive. It also brings out the immature jerk in a lot of people. If you're going to PvP in any MMO, you have to develop a little bit of a thick skin. People will say stupid things all in the name of stroking their e peen, but if you can ignore those few people, you'll have a lot of fun.

  2. Also, I disagree that the game "runs out of ideas" past level 30. If you're talking about the types of quests available, then you may as well say "after level 3," because the types of quests available never really change. It's the story that changes, it's the story that BioWare made a huge part of this game, and it's the story that you should have expected and been excited for when you bought the game. And it goes well past level 30.


    It's not the story I expected. Frankly I expected better. The side quest dialogue gets tedious quickly and with very few exceptions, the planet story lines are not particularly engaging. The class stories that I've done fare a bit better, but they are still pretty receptive and after act I, I didn't have any kind of emotional investment in any of the 4 I played through.

  3. Let's see. 2 hours a day is, hmm, call it 6 WZs and 600 Commendations (conservative estimate.) You then have 7 dailies and a weekly to give you a total of 5000 WZ Commendations for a week of pretty casual play.


    Ahh, I dream of a mythical land where I can get 6 warzones in 2 hours. Somewhere, buried in my most distant memories, I can recall a time when that might have happened. But now my fleet is empty and my queues stretch out endlessly before me. 6 warzones in 2 hours. It's good to know that such things still exist in the world.

  4. What you are talking about is called experience, and i purposely left it out, because he has 20 freaking years of it.


    And experience is essentially RAW DATA, it takes mental ability to turn it into something actually useful.


    Yes Taugrim has experience and he is using his mental ability to turn it into something useful. He has thought about what he has experienced and taken the time to make a lengthy and constructively critical argument about the current state of PvP.


    You can do the same if you disagree with his conclusions. So far you haven't tried to refute anything he has said, you have only criticized him for not meeting some arbitrary standard that you have set. Your opinion of his ability, or lack thereof, has no bearing on the actual discussion.


    If all you want to do is feel like you're better and more important than everyone else, then I'd suggest therapy to resolve your feelings of insecurity. Perhaps that insecurity is why you've set your color to yellow - you might feel that nobody will pay attention to what you have to say unless you find a way to make yourself more visible.


    Do you actually have anything to say about PvP in 1.2 or do you just hate everyone who garners more attention than you?

  5. lol, I think people forget that this game was a great business move for BW. Copy something that worked ( WoW ) with a cheaper knock off. Step 1, steal underpants, Step 2, ???? Step 3, PROFIT! Dont get me wrong tho, the game is nice and there is fun to be had.


    On the other hand, I would say BW is budgeting more money back into SWTOR than they thought they would, due to opening popularity. The problem is now that SWTOR has been out for a while and the 1st real patch has come out people are experiencing the downfalls of a cheap copy (lip stick on a pig, if you will). BW copied a lot, but missed all the features, like UI add-ons, PVP bracketing and matching making, and various other things that Blizzard has honed over their course of WoW. as to why BW didn't start with some of these features or add them already, I do not know.


    I already canceled my sub. Only reason I actually played the game to start with was because I was fortunate enough to receive a free copy.


    We all knew this game copied wow we just wanted to believe it would be better or at least not pandas.


    The development of this game was a very risky move for BW. They have no previous experience developing an MMO and they made one with a very expensive lisence and extremely high expectations. Even without the SW lisence, a game like this costs many, many millions to produce. Some reports have estimated that SWTOR cost in the neighborhood of $200 million to develop.


    According to various reports, the initial sales of SWTOR either met or fell short of internal sales projections. I haven't read anything that suggests sales exceeded expectations.


    And lastly, it's not accurate to say that this game is a copy of WoW. Both are iterations of the same hotkey MMO genre. BW has made a lot of mistakes, but this game is not a cheap knockoff of WoW

  6. Don't turn your rated comms into wz comms...that's crazy. Buy bm pieces with your 2k comms and strip the mods. Use the shell and your ranked to buy war hero gear, put your bm mods into orange gear and fill in with recruit. It's not a sprint so don't waste 3500 ranked comms by back converting at a huge loss.


    BM armorings aren't bound to a slot so you can put them anywhere. You don't get the set bonuses, but it's a small and temporary price to pay.

  7. Another important factor melee have to charge into enemy team...


    This is my favorite part. Melee have to get into melee range. ZOMG, that's ridiculous, they should have melee abilities that let them attack from a distance!

  8. The OP obviously wants to paint BW in the best light on this issue. It's clear in the way he keeps capitalizing LISTENING. But BW hasn't been LISTENING.


    They didn't listen to pvpers who applied to test but were never copied over. They didn't listen to people who wanted to make premades to test the PvP content. They didn't listen when we asked for an explanation of the reasons for the delay. They didn't listen to the few pvpers who were able to give feedback from the pts. They haven't listened at all.


    Or at least I assume they haven't listened because they have never responded. There are no dev posts, no blogs, and no answers in the Q&A about anything related to PvP. Occasionally we get some vague gesture, but nothing substantive.


    Of course nobody wanted broken ranked war zones, but it's been nearly 5 months since release and there are still fundamental problems with PvP. BW touts their experienced and dedicated PvP team, but so far we've seen one baffling misstep after another. We shouldn't still have bugs like the people missing from the ops frames, or stealth capping in voidstar. We shouldn't be missing features like the automatic reforming of a group after a war zone. They should be cracking down on hackers or at least make it abundantly clear that they are making concrete progress on that issue.


    The lack of ranked war zones was a disappointment, but it what made it worse was that it was yet another mistake and yet another poorly handled problem in a growing list.

  9. -100 for attempting to take skills away from Vigilance tree.


    How bout they just fix the Shields.


    How about you quit asking for nerfs to other Guardian trees.


    I don't think his intention was to nerf the other trees. I think he was just looking for the most minimally invasive way of fixing his tank spec. Taking talents away from other trees isn't the answer. Fixing the mitigation for tanks is.

  10. That's an exaggeration. You're probably one of those PT/Vanguards eating up lowbies all day. Trust me, a well played Madness sorc can stop you from killing people. If you'd ignore me I would actually have an way easier way to completely render you useless since I'd CC-harass the crap out of you. Plus shielding and gripping away your "victim".


    Baddies die, no argument there. But that isn't exclusive to ranged.


    You're right, I exaggerated a little, but not by much. I can't completely ignore them, but I really don't worry about them unless they're in numbers. I will just los or cc until I get to them. Even a well played madness sorc isn't much of a problem.


    And for the record I am a vanguard and I'm not talking about lowbies.

  11. Almost every melee class can completely destroy ranged classes other than snipers. Snipers are the only ones with the tools to stay at range and so the only ones who take skill and thought to kill as a melee.


    Sorcs of all flavors are especially easy. Between the pulls, stuns, snares, and interrupts I have at my disposal, it's not even a contest. I either ignore sorcs until I've taken care of a higher priority target, or kill them quickly before moving on.


    It's true that this isn't a 1v1 game, but nobody is peeling for a non-healing sorc. Maybe they're getting healed, but post 1.2 I can burn down a sorc who is getting direct heals. It's easier to ignore the sorc, kill the healer and go back for a quick after-dinner kill mint, but I can do it.

  12. ...the damn ops frames bug. The game has been out for 4+ months already. In situations where the fighting is intense around a node, being able to heal someone who isn't on the ops frames could be the difference between a win and a loss.


    And if you can't fix the ops frames bug, please make it so that focus target doesn't constantly drop. As a healer I can't be hunting through a forest of clicks to find just the right person to focus target.


    These two issues are making a ui that is already unfriendly to healers even worse!

  13. Nobody asked you to delete your lvl 50s.


    You can have fun on a high pop server until they roll out char transfers.


    To just throw your hands up and give up because your server sucks just makes you a quitter, period.


    This is a ridiculous comment. Staying on a low pop server or rerolling on a new server isn't some test of character. He got his toon to 50. Why should he be punished or at a disadvantage because he was unlucky enough to pick a bad server? Bioware opened too many servers too soon, and the people who picked the ones that are now dead had no way of knowing this would happen.


    And while rolling more alts might be fun for you, it might be that for others, playing their level 50's is fun and leveling another toon is just a boring grind.

  14. I ask because even though I just finished a voidstar win with 470k healing, I only got 7 medals. All of the dps (who had far less than 470k damage) got 10+. As a result of not hitting the 8 medal cap I get fewer comms, even though I'm clearly contributing.


    I'm not sure what the issue is. I've also had similar experiences in Alderaan and Novare Coast (and Huttball, but the way medals are awarded in that match is through some mystic process nobody can truly unravel), but it seems to happen much more consistently in voidstar.


    I guess I'm just not sure why dps who do no protection (or very minimal) consistently get more medals than I do as a healer. I guess I don't really care as long as I get the full 8, but I don't always get that, and that seems out of whack.

  15. You are basing your scenario on an incorrect premise. Your math doesn't take into account things like cast times,, procs, buffs and a whole host of other considerations. Not to mention the real considerations like uptime, resource management, and the general ebb and flow of a game.


    While still far from adequate, you would be better off comparing dps vs hps from testing.


    In reality, though, these kinds of sterile and made up number games aren't really useful

  16. Although it seems to happen more often when people join late, there are plenty of times when I've been in a group and we've all joined early, but one of us has still been left off of the ops frames. As a healer this bug is more than just annoying, but what makes it even worse is that even though I select the missing person as a focus target, my focus target will just randomly decide to drop. In the middle of a fight good luck trying to click on someone's actual character and have it reliably select them.
  17. Because they didn't say they were making all crew skills equally viable, not economically, not for PvE, and not for PvP. The claim was *never* made.


    You built up expectations of what was coming in this patch when it comes to crew skills, those expectations weren't met, but that doesn't mean they didn't come through with what they had promised involving crew skills. It just means you had unrealistic expectations that you built around a statement that you likely misunderstood.




    What an intellectual way of making such a playground-style attack on what I've said.


    Do we get snacks on recess today?


    Yes, I did make an attack. Well done for spotting that. Of course it's hard not to respond in kind when you're writing things like "...the rest of your post not worth bothering with." But I suppose in the end I will bow to your superior intellectual maturity.


    As for the whole crew skills debate (which I might add, is a side issue), I mean when they said in the guild summit that they weren't happy with having any crew skill be a "requirement" and were going to fix that in 1.2, I unreasonably took that to mean that they would take steps to make sure that, say, being an armormech wouldn't put you at a disadvantage any more. Good point on your part that their months of work resulting in reinforcing the position of biochem as a required profession (at least in competitive PvP) is part of the whole "work in progress" development method.


    An alternate reading of this could be that like everything else in this patch, these were changes made with PvE in mind and the PvP side of things was half-assed and ill conceived.

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