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Posts posted by Jasonreiyn

  1. As much as I love TOR I often wonder as to how it is going to expand with both more races but also classes. I have actually given this some thought and was curious as to other people's opinions as to my idea's.


    First, I'd really be interested in some cross idea classes. What I mean is this I believe that Imperial troopers and scoundrels as well as republic agents (SIS officers) and bounty hunters would be interesting additions to the classes. In addition I would also be very interested in a force sensitive class that was focused on Revans teachings instead of being either true Jedi or Sith but perhaps trying to work to maintain a balance between the factions. My last class suggestion would be that of a true Mandalorian. While I understand that most clans side at least nominally with the Empire they are relatively independent and as such could present an interesting story different then either the established BH or my purposed Republic BH class.


    As for races I am sure I am not alone when I say I would love to be able to play a Wookie, but I would also be interested in Trandoshan which I feel would be a good counter point. I really enjoy Cathars and I feel they are cool, however I am more interested in Bioware creating story arcs that are more unique to individual races. Cathar of course have had to adapt within the Republic or mostly live as slaves within the Empire but for races that still have their own culture having stories that reflect their sensibilities and abilities would be very enjoyable. At least for me.


    I would love to read what other people think of my idea, as well as look over other people's own thoughts on the idea of where the game will expand with classes and races.

  2. Even though I romanced Elara I promoted Aric since in my opinion a tactical assault unit shouldn't have a medical person as their XO. I lost 1 point of affection with Elara though she didn't "say" anything about that through the rest of the storyarc.
  3. Tanno Vik, and Yuun for that matter, both use aim and are both melee. I think you should consider it this way, force uses rely on raw strength for damage and the force for accuracy. Non force users rely on being accurate and for damage they rely more on the power of the technology within their weapon. It's not a perfect understanding but I hope that helps.


    To get the most out of Vik, dress him in gear designed to maximize his defensive characteristics. For Yuun dress him like a commando, I focus on power with him. As a side note I focus on crit and alacrity with Elara.

  4. First off, I don't pvp so if what I'm posting isn't relevant I apologize. My main is a Gunnery spec'd commando. Currently he's level 45.


    I will say, from as far as I can tell all specialty shots determine their damage as a multiplier of your base damage. That means the higher your aim, power as well as the base between cannon and rifle and the barrel mod you have will all factor into how hard they hit.


    I would also say since it hasn't been mentioned, however commando's only lose about 25% armor penetration as I'd assume they would use the armor piercing cell which gives all shots a 35% bonus.


    I would also say that maybe I'm odd but I use other rounds then just gravity. I hit HiB, Full auto, and demo as part of my normal rotation. As well as plasma and sticky grenades.

  5. Should ammo be used in smacking someone with your firearm. No.


    Should melee abilities be free to use by range classes in Tor. No.


    Should players expect Bioware to create a secondary resource system to avoid this issue regarding "realism". No


    Is this slightly annoying. Yes.


    Is there a solution that will make everyone happy. No, but the game is great and life moves on.

  6. I'm currently looking for dark green or brown boots and gauntlets for my trooper. I'm actually making my trooper appear to be a jedi with an assault cannon on his back. I have a heavy armor robe and circlet already but my boots and gauntlets don't look right. Any suggestions for slotted gear choices?
  7. There is a particular convo in which the response choices include a flirt, or asking her if she just flirted with you and I don't remember the third choice. Anyhow it was after that point she excepted courting gifts for me. Btw I ended up with a large number of conversations with her at the end of chapter two. Not sure what the hold up was but by the time it was all done her affection was maxed out and we were married.
  8. Regarding people's inquiry about same sex romance options. It was said at one of the pre release convention spots that they were going to add that at a later date. I suspect it'll be the in the first paid expansion for TOR. I just hope when the option comes out that they increase the amount of characters you can have per server.
  9. I apologize for only reading the first page before replying. That said, assuming you're serious I will offer this input. I too was feeling abit discouraged with my commando during the 20's. I have taken the gunnery tree and found myself feeling particularly squishy. I made a few changes, gained some levels and the problem has more or less sorted itself out. Few suggestions, and I may be giving bad advice here.

    1. When choosing gear, if you solo then don't always go for the obvious dps increase. You need hp and since you don't have a shield generator having defensive secondary bonuses in your gear is an asset.

    2. Aric is a great companion, and geared correctly a dps boost, however I at least found Elara a more effective. She keeps me alive better then Aric's dps did and her shots actually aren't bad dps.

    3. Take the talent (sorry, drawing a blank on the name) but it increases endurance by alittle and healing received by a lot. You end up with 2% more endurance and a 6% boost to heals received. As you fill in talents taking the 2% boost to heals given and received and from another tree the 3% boost to your endurance I feel will help also, but that's long term.

    4. Have faith, it will get better. Whatever my issue was in the 20's some gear upgrades, some new talents and working with my pet healer and I've gotten very happy with my Commando's performance in his 30's. I believe you will to.

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