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Posts posted by SWaotc

  1. Healing players you recognise as being more useful/capable isn't a bad thing, why waste your time healing noobs who fully expect to get waxed within seconds anyway and act accordingly?
  2. I'm fed up with this crap and particulary during the weekends when the most inexperienced players are coming online. I spend four games as a pub facing one of the best imp premades while being teamed up with people who literally die in 3 secs. i still havent figured out how they can die that fast because I can stand idle and last longer.


    So i figured I'm in a bad streak and change faction. First game and end up with people I've never seen before, with an average HP around 25K, against the second best pub premade.


    Is anyone enjoying this?


    And no, this isnt about premades per se but if I had said "against four of the best on the other faction" people would have just argued that it was bad luck. Actually, it doesnt matter if they're in a premade or not because four players in the top 2 % shouldnt go up against players who only play one day per week and from the look of things took the short bus to school.


    Mr. PVP sore loser guy?

  3. Most of the time this is how I feel. Too bad dueling in this game means nothing.


    Yeah, even if it did though the majority of them would refuse to have anything to do with it.

    I don't just think this, I've proven it. It's funny when the leet guy calling everyone bad puts you ignore because you publicly challenge him several times and they don't want to take the chance that you might wreck them. :rolleyes:

  4. So you queue up to play TDM?


    I have never seen a premade/guild who's sole purpose in life is to queue for regs and crush poor little pugs. Most want to win and to win in this game is to work as a team to control objectives while maintaining the ability to dps/heal/tank.


    Your the official spokesperson for the majority? sure.


    I never said I don't hit objectives?.

  5. There is no real evidence which supports that players only group to (I cant believe you said the same term as unclesam) gank and farm pugs. Most evidence points to players grouping to avoid having one less player on their team in which they cannot count on.


    The only thing ruining casuals and PvE players from getting started in PvP is their lack of understanding of what PvP in this game is. You need to have knowledge of your class and its roll(s) and different specs, you need to know about other classes roll(s) and specs to learn their strengths and weaknesses so you can counter them in warzones. You need to know how each warzone plays out and how objectives work. You need to know how to itemize your gear to maximize ones effectiveness in warzones.


    Those things I listed is a major reason why I suspect a great many players run a few warzones and never queue again. I don't think it has much to do with 'premades stomping their faces in' I think it has more to do with a lack of understanding on PvP as a whole. There is a reason why Bioware blessed us with the mess that is bolster and it was directly linked to fresh 50's or new players trying out PvP at level 50 from either not picking up the recruit gear or not wearing it in general. Its things like that in which players need to understand the simple mechanics of PvP, all of which can be learned right here. All you need to do is ask and not sound like you are complaining because X class did this to you or whatever the complaint may be.


    No evidence huh? I was just on a team that did that very thing, and do so on a regular basis. Why? because I can I suppose and I know for a fact that there are a great many others of the same mind.


    I agree that players need to learn about WZ but disagree that stomping them continuously will make that happen in anyway shape or form.

  6. Simple fact here is that premade players have no legitimate reason whatsoever to oppose a pug only queue being added to the WZ setup, other than the fact that they want easy wins.


    You can come out with all the BS of the day, learn to play etc, its means nothing to anybody who has the slightest bit of sense. "Teaching" people how to play by stomping time and again..... Sounds reasonable. Its more likely however they'll avoid PVP altogether.

  7. Premades don't only ruin WZ as it stands they ruin it for future casual and PVE players who are likely to enter a WZ see whats happening and avoid it almost entirely.


    BW has to realise that, although sad to say PVP is a major part of the old republic. To keep players playing to need to offer something much more in terms of being accessible to those mainly PVE and casual players to keep them involved.


    A lot of hardcore pvpers care nothing for this game, their only interested in trying to show off their ability to gank and ruining it for others. quite likely they do the same thing in a myriad of other games also. Give them the chance to do something and they will (Farm PUGS).

    The evidence for this is clearly stated in this thread and the thousand other compliant threads.


    Having played WZ through various means, premade and pug since launch, I see NO viable reason for BW not to add a pug only queue system within the current WZ setup. It would be the easiest way to solve this problem. Not perfect but on the right track atleast.

  8. I dont mind if people want to play competitively that's their choice, forcing others to do this who just want to mess around (within reason) is something I do mind.


    I cant say that i'm inclined or have the time to put all my leisure time into "getting good" (lol) so does this mean I should be excluded from WZ or suffer the effects of this imbalanced system? It seems bioware should be a lill more mindful of the wider community.


    Of course there is no perfect solution, doesn't mean they shouldn't try and implement ideas. There still would be lopsided matches be a hell of a lot less than there currently is.

  9. Seems the ONLY opposition to a none premade casual pvp tier are people who want to take advantage of the current imbalanced system.


    I couldnt care less if people play this to group, I group only when I feel like it which isnt a lot. The ONLY way a casual pvp tier would hurt premades is that they would likely have to work for a win against other fixed teams.


    So if you solo queue it means, you have no friends?? how about this is a completely absurd statement..?


    MMO means that it is demanded that you group up, sorry to say you got the wrong MMO, about 80-90% of swtor content is solo. Plus, if you queue solo your not playing with and against other players? PUGs cant operate as an effective team on the fly? Entirely untrue.


    I'm not suggesting that regs should be changed into solo queue only or anything like that, keep it the same with the option to queue for a casual tier with the same credit and xp rewards but without WZ comms etc and no premades.

  10. Create a casual PVP tier where premades are not allowed and players get alternate rewards.

    I'm not so much interested in PVP gear or any of the rest of that crap, it's simply an xp and/or credits affair for myself. Also I do like the gameplay but premades make great efforts to ruin that with their ultra competitive gameplay. (how about you put that energy into RL?)


    I reckon there is a large number of people who ignore PVP because of premade vs PUG imbalance, sure its a team game and even if premades were not allowed in a casual tier players would still team up, however there would still be an evens chance that you could win.


    LVL 55 is very boring if you don't play WZ (and that's not saying much...) though I guess that is better than the BS your offered in WZ currently.


    I dunno this seems a lill too much like common sense perhaps, the L33T (lol) can play with themselves (pun intended) and the rest of us can have you know FUN?

  11. Optimistic......i like it.


    I havent lvled a republic toon yet but doing so seems to take the mean streak out of me so i might consider re subbing for another month. Makeb however depends on what they fix/implement between now and release also on what new info they give out on it.

  12. So with new level cap, generalised story and SGR the only things we know for sure to be included in the DLC, what are your oppinions on the content that we know of?


    Who's buying the G planet?

  13. 6 days left on sub, run last few WZ and then say ta ta to swtor again. Safe to say there will be no return, i mean how can they seriously **** up this bad? With all the stuff you could be doing for this game, you choose players getting their gay on to be highest priority?? Fools


    Defeated we have been, into exile i must go.... I forsee EA's empire flogging this dead horse of a game for a few years not giving a **** what players actually want and churning out low grade CONtent at premium prices, until they finally drive it into the ground.

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