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Posts posted by NatEccs

  1. My server hasn't been listed yet, but seriously, bravo to Bioware on how smoothly they have made it so far and how many they've accomplished in 2 days.


    Edit - and to everyone on here complaining.. Seriously.. Get a life. Learn that Patience is a virtue. They're doing what they can with the resources they have. Get over yourselves and deal with it.. You'll live. I promise..


    Pot, meet kettle:


    [Davik's Estate] We need a server merger NOW. Isn't enough time to wait till Summer. Views: 1,919 Posted By Drknyss Sadly, the title to this post says it all. I...


    Sadly, the title to this post says it all. I understand that these server merger/transfers take time and aren't just something Bioware can flip a switch on and do immediately, but it would at least...

  2. This is an American game, for Americans. They sleep well through the downtime while we are wasting nerves. My response is clear and sound: I cancel my subscription. Now all the data from Torstatus makes sense. Happy single playing to all!


    i'm an american and i can't play.

  3. I love how people say why so much maintaince this game has had less maintaince since launch then other major mmo's heck WoW in the first 2 months had alot of maintaince (including a day or more at a time to the point that they were giving out free days think there was like 6-8 free days in the first 2 months and they only did that when the servers were down for 1+ days)


    sorry you have 0 credibility on my book. give me some real figures on historical MMO downtime to back up your mindless statement. this is total BS.

  4. having recently went through a training class entailing proper software development life cycle, i have to say I agree with the OP. bioware is not following proper practices


    granted, we got a free day for unplanned maintenance. wheres my free day for today then. i live in the rim of fire and already can't play 1/7 days due to my hectic work schedule. there were 2 other patches this week. so thats 4/7 days i can play.


    any changes being made should be done through a test environment. and when the change or patch is ready for deployment, it shouldn't take 4 hours to perform. on top of that... unless it is game or community breaking, do it once a month at a very minimum.


    something tells me the way they are updating the game would make most people familiar with change management cringe.


    I've been playing persistant-type games since 1991 and this is the worst maintenance impact i've ever seen. totally agree with OP. 100%.

  5. i have a valor 69 MM sniper and have to say that i dread scoundrel/operatives when they pop on me out of stealth, even lesser geared ones. they have the most insane burst and many of the abilities are instant cast. if my escape is on cooldown and op/scoundrel pop out of stealth, i'm pretty much stun locked and will die unless resolve full and it actually works.


    if i'm attacking them from range where they can't reach me i have the advantage so perhaps its my own fault for being somewhere they can get to me.

  6. I just canceled.


    low server population!!!!! ~ 5 people per planet is not massively multiplayer


    no server transfers to more populated servers!!!11


    imbalance of rebel/imperial populations


    8 vs 8 warzones is not massively multiplayer and thats the only viable pvp


    no open world pvp


    no reward for pvp on planet other than ilum


    no "public quest" where we could fight the other faction on planets


    nothing unique about items, everyone has the same stuff and looks the same


    the pve game is way to easy, no reason to go back to old planets once you have leveled past


    reverse engineering bugs frustrating


    you should of just made kotor 3, this game is gonna fail unless something drastic occurs. no idea why you put so much $$$$ into cutscenes that people <spacebar> through

  7. Just wondering if Bioware has stated any plans on fixing the low population and imbalance, ie) server transfers? This is prety much an ORPG if you ask me. Hard to justify paying monthly.


    8 vs. 8 warzones is not massive


    5 people on each planet is not massive


    Absolutely 0 open world pvp.


    Don't really feel like re-rolling and grinding up my 4 chars to level 50, battlemaster and 400 crafting.


    I miss warhammer online :mad:

  8. I can't really feel for you for wasting mats on 23 crafts. i probably have wasted over 1000


    bah. try RE'ing blue level 49 implant and getting "Leadership" or "Generals". and then next time you successfully RE the blue it says "You already know that schematic". repeat 3x same result. So i said screw it and just bought what I needed for 250k the other day.


    I have all level 400 crafters minus cybertech. The level 49 armors are a PITA to reverse engineer. Often getting +presence on those. what a freakin waste.

  9. Ok so I'm trying to make a implant for an operative, level 49.


    I re'd green Nano-Optic Cardio System to Critical Nano-Optic Cardio System. yay!


    i then re Critical Nano-Optic System to Tempest Nano-Optic Cardio System. This adds shield. Well, my class doesn't use a shield so this is useless.


    I've made around 50 and recieved "You already know that schematic" 3 times now.



    So, am I stuck or should i keep going. Kinda sucks using up all these resources though.

  10. it takes over a year, ~25 days ingame playtime in a REAL PVP MMO to get end game gear


    here people crying cuz they can't get gear a week after they hit BM level...


    if you don't have full BM in a year from now, go ahead and QQ but you still won't get any condolenses from me

  11. those who sympathize with the enemy should be killable by the same faction, or we can call guards to drop in on them and destroy them or put them in a jail cell


    the carebears should be automatically transferred to a PVE server cuz all you are doing is PVE'ing anyways


    the people in a race to get the endgame gear will probably move on to the next MMO of the month and exploit that one.

  12. still seems like level 22 barrels are bugged, i know they were RE'able because i see crafted purples on the market.


    everything else i craft except these barrels RE after 1-20 tries.


    i'm up to 100 now and i'm not wasting any more resources unless someone can post in this thread saying they recently RE'd a 22 barrel.


    • makes good money
    • plenty of schematics drop with unique looking armor that people want
    • my character and her pet are twinked out with purple nurples
    • haven't gotten to 400 to see the uber schematics yet so cant comment
    • for all trade skills it seems crafted gear < accomodation gear



    i have a a feeling bioware will fix this

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