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Posts posted by Vheteris

  1. Eh I am at it differently. You are correct, pre-30 before you get Cull leveling up Leathality is such a pain. Once you get Cull and HS things start going pretty smoothly. I am still in my mid 30s and my OP can breeze through most mobs and usually has no issues with elites. I mostly use Lokin and have no problem. Comparing to Concealment though I have no idea as I leveled up as a Medic and switch to Leathality once I hit 30. Try the two specs out and see which one is more for you.
  2. It's more personal preference than anything. Do you like range or melee? Do you want to heal or deal straight DPS? I myself couldn't decided so I rolled both, got them both around 30ish and still can't decided still. I love them both. So more than anything, do research. Search the forums and look at youtube videos.


    Edit: BTW I myself am a solo player as well and both my classes can solo fairly good; my OP being a Medic and my Sniper being Lethality.

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