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Posts posted by KCMChief

  1. There is so many things this game is missing that SWG had....


    Hunting for resources and putting down harvesters to collect them.

    Running a business

    BH missions

    The way crafting was done and the things you could craft

    Having houses on planets where you could decorate them and display trophies.

    The planets were so much bigger and nicer.

    Space combat was much better

    Pet mounts

    Storage droids


    Just to name a few.


    I miss SWG, to this day it remains my favorite online game to play.

  2. I decided to go through and try to fill as much as I can for this new achievement system. Gives me something to do besides dailies and the same old FP and Ops. I decided to start on Hutta filling in the missing pieces. I don't know if you earn a title when you finish everything on a planet or not but I discovered that won't be possible. On the "exploration" achievement it says there are 80 possible points, however it only offers you 70 to be able to get. Two 25's and two 10's. I got all 70 so there is no bonus 10 for completing all 70.


    Am I missing something or is this an error in the game?

  3. I miss SWG. I truly enjoyed that game. There are so many aspects of it that made it fun. There always seemed to be something to do and something different to do. This game, well, it's pretty repetitive. I miss crafting, surveying, and running a business. I miss the space combat. I miss my houses and all the trophies I collected. It felt like a real universe. This game misses that.
  4. Ditto. Abrams is a great choice for director. He's about as good as anyone could hope for, given the very high expectations that there is for this new film.


    It's sad the way people are acting over this. Before Disney bought the rights there was never even going to be an episode 7,8, & 9. So to get all up in arms over it, or the choice of director, or really anything at this point is premature and childish. I was 5 when the original came out so I grew up with Star Wars. My older 2 kids (18 and 20) got to have the childhood experience of 3 new Star Wars movies and I have a 9 year old who missed the 2nd set of releases so I for one am glad he will get a chance to experience new episodes. I am looking forward to 2015 and taking him to see episode 7 when it comes out. Honestly it doesn't even matter to me if I end up liking them or not, it's all about my kid enjoying them.

  5. It's probably going to start out with with Mickey and Donald chasing Peg Leg Pete around in an ansteroid belt in flying saucers anyway, so who cares who directs the Disney piece of crap. I don't even have to know anything about this movie to know it's going to suck and I'm already boycotting it and any merchandise that has to do with it.


    On the day it comes out are you going to be in the corner throwing a temper tantrum when mommy tries to take you to go see it?


    My God man, grow up, quit being so negative, and just wait and see what happens before acting like a spoiled crybaby about it.

  6. I've never understood why the game has to have down time. I'm not a "tech savvy" person but prior to this I played Guild Wars, and SWG before that. Like this game SWG was down every week for "maintenence". However in 7 years of playing Guild Wars I can think of only one time where their servers were ever down. Updates were applied without taking them down. The game always ran smoothly.


    So why does this game have to be taken down in what seems like a weekly basis???

  7. You have plenty of info! For crying out loud! Its $10 for a new big planet, 5 levels, and tons of the usual goodies. Quit trying to act like you don't know anything and they are trying to cheat you! You don't know much more about any other expansion in any other game. Come on people...


    Precisely. I see people complainging "Oh you only get 5 days of early access" but if you pre order you get it for $10 bucks. Not worth complaining about. Half price is half price since I know I am going to want it anyway. I ordered the day they put it up for sale.

  8. I'm fairly new to the game (I've only been playing for a week or so) and I'm curious as to what crafting skills are good for making money and how.

    I've tried asking in fleet and everyone gives me the same response of "skills are useless now"... is this true or are they just trying to keep the new players out of the loop? I'm not wanting to make millions, but I'd like to be able and make enough to keep my toons in good gear.


    I have made great money sending my companions out for crafting materials. Mandalorian Iron (Grade 6 Underworld material), Zal Alloy (Grade 6 Scavaged Material), and Terenthium (Grade 1 Underworld Material) sell very fast.

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