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Posts posted by Terimac

  1. Thanks much for the reply! Yeah that was kinda what I thought the outcome would be, to join some kind of active guild. But I'm not even sure how to find one lol. Nobody talks in fleet chat, nobody talks in general chat on various worlds when I'm doing heroics. It really is strange to see zero chat as an ex-WoW player lol.


    I do have a guild that my buddies an I made WAY back in the day when the game released, and it just full of all my toons now. Would be a shame to leave it, sure wish I could just randomly group up with folks now and again and get my healing fix out of the way lol.


    Anyway, thanks and good luck.


    What about a character transfer? No need to torture yourself on an empty server :p

  2. Did you receive a boost token when you started playing again? If you did, use it and teleport immediately to fleet and go to the target dummys. When you're done just delete to character to get the token refunded.


    Otherwise i'd say choose merc/commando, they're very popular atm compared to powertechs/vanguards who is the least played class :(

  3. Yeah I'v already did both stories, but thx for the information regardless! I was wondering, sniper/blaster aside, which one do you feel has the best animations/effects in their abilities?


    Tbh they're very close in style points when it comes to animations. i'd say just figure out which one you like the most: a sniper rifle or 2x blaster pistols. If you have a boost token available i suggest you make a 65 sniper and teleport to the fleet and spend some time with the target dummys. When you're done, just delete the character and the token will be refunded.

  4. Yo bois,


    Haven't played swtor since 2014, how's the pvp nowadays? I decided to quit gw2 and resub to swtor because the pvp in gw2, well it's pure cancer, and i miss huttball <3 :D


    I'm going to play a veng jugg, is it still a balanced specc/class?


    Thanks and happy new year geeks :p

  5. A couple of things to consider :

    1: In 55 warzones people have access to more skills that may cause fps issues on your side

    2: Your graphics may have settings activated that you dont need (shadows is a big issue for a lot of people)

    3: Is your card updated properly?

    4: Have you checked the tech part of these forums for support?


    1: Ye i know that :p

    2: shadows are off

    3: yea, drivers are updated

    4: Not yet :)



    What is your CPU? SWTOR is more dependent on your CPU than on your graphics card.


    i7-2600 3.40Ghz

  6. Hey.


    Why do i have really bad fps in 55 warzones but not in lowbies and midbies? The difference between high and low settings is minimal so i doubt its my pc, and i recently bought a new graphic card (MSI GeForce GTX 760).


    Any advices how to make the game more playable in 55 warzones?

  7. Obviously you were chasing kills (got the most on your team). I hope you're happy.


    Yo bro, dont hate just because you can!


    That really was a fun match lol


    hahah, i bet that guys you felt like pros.

  8. Yo girls, hit me up ;)


    Ye fellas, where are all dem sorcs/sins? I mean there is only like 5 sorcs/sins in my group every warzone. Dont tell me people have finally had enough of the faceroll classes and decided to challenge themself for once?!


    Bros, dont reroll! We need you guys in the game!1!1 How am i now supposed to know which players are scrubs? Now when you have rerolled, you guys blend in with us mortals, and that i do not like! I like seeing from a far distance who is scrub or not.

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