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Posts posted by Nemeses

  1. Hey Bioware dudes and dudettes (do you still have those;))


    With these mergers, lots of us will have over 50+ characters and sorting through them is going to be a “hair pulling” exercise.

    Would it be possible to add some QOL tools to help us handle so many characters.


    1. Allow the front screen to display more characters at once than it already does. Listing them all and putting them in a scroll wheel would be the best. If they are in the scroll function, you can add a sort features


    2. Sort features for characters on the front screen so you can sort by -

    • Advanced Class
      Professions (crafters, which many of use will have many multiples of)


    3. Information features in game that could be linked to the family tree.

    • Crafter professions
      ** more to come if I can think of any or someone has some suggestions)


    4. Add a seperate tab to the Legacy Storage that is for crafting materials only. It should be large enough to accommodate at least one stack of every crafting material in the game.


    5. (This is a QOL thing I’ve just experienced in another game) When we have collected crafting materials that are in our normal cargo, allow us to right click on them and deposit them straight into the legacy crafting tab section (proposed above) from anywhere in the game. Meaning we wouldn’t need to go back there to deposit them all the time or even remove them from the legacy crafting tab when we need to use them.


    6. Give us legacy storage tabs as large as the guild ones to accommodate all out stuff.


    I think these QOL features would really help with so many characters.


    Forget no money in it for EA

  2. I would flag all lvl 50s and lower for rename. If they belong to active players, they would just log on them once and keep their names, but there's a TON TON TON of years-inactive level 50s out there. Reminder - ROTHC came out in mid 2013 (increase to lvl 55), that's still 4.5 years of no playtime. Lvl 10 is too low


    This is the best way, but its the lest money making way for EA, so you can forget it. Remember EA rule is how much can they screw out of you before anything else.

  3. I know you're only doing your job with this post, but geez. This does not exactly fill me with confidence about this system if you warn about exploiting it before it even hits live servers.

    its because they know they suck, more worried about how much money they can grab, than try improve the game.

  4. I was afraid that the reason that you waited so long to give us this information is because you knew how bad it was.


    I was right. This is total bs. Maybe next time you should try doing more than the very least that you can do.


    This. these guys always only do the VERY least amount possible! you would almost think they want to kill the game.

  5. Hey folks,


    As we talked about in the Galactic Command Thread, Unassembled Components are a way for PvP players to work towards a specific piece of gear. First we will talk about how many Components you get from playing PvP and then I will show you the costs of each item from the vendor.


    This list is how many Unassembled Components you get based on the content you play:

    • 5 - Warzone Win
    • 2 - Warzone Loss
    • 3 - Arena Win
    • 1 - Arena Loss
    • 5 - Solo Ranked Win
    • 2 - Solo Ranked Loss
    • 8 - Group Ranked Win
    • 3 - Group Ranked Loss
    • 8 - GSF Win
    • 3 - GSF Loss


    Now let’s talk about item costs from the vendor. The following costs are to purchase Tier 1 Unassembled Gear Pieces:

    • Chest - 100
    • Legs - 100
    • Head - 100
    • Hands - 100
    • Feet - 100
    • Waist - 75
    • Wrist - 75
    • Implant - 80
    • Earpiece - 80
    • Relic - 80
    • Mainhand - 120
    • Off-hand - 120


    Keep in mind that Tier 1 is the only Tier that you can directly purchase. In order to get a Tier 2 or 3 Unassembled piece, you will need to turn in the previous Tier armor piece along with X amount of Unassembled Components (listed below). As an example if you wanted to get the Tier 2 Unassembled Chest Piece, you would need to go to the vendor with a Tier 1 chest piece and 150 Unassembled Components. This will then give you a Tier 2 Unassembled Chest Piece which you can turn in. Here are the Tier 2 and 3 costs:

    • Chest – 150/225
    • Legs – 150/225
    • Head – 150/225
    • Hands – 150/225
    • Feet – 150/225
    • Waist – 115/175
    • Wrist – 115/175
    • Implant – 120/180
    • Earpiece – 120/180
    • Relic – 120/180
    • Mainhand – 180/270
    • Off-hand – 180/270


    Let me know if you have any questions or anything is unclear. Thanks everyone.




    What a bunch of idiots, every single time these morons get it wrong, and funny thing was a few months back they had a podcast/interview with MMORPG, and they said they learn form their mistakes, clearly these idiots do not.

  6. Well the server is even worse, on right now and there is 3 people fleet side rep ..and wait checking imp side, well there was 1 on Nar Shaddaa (me as that's where my stronghold is) and 14 on fleet inc me.


    If BW were not so greedy they would merge servers, for the good of their customers, but as they such greed ***** (starts with a * ends with a s) they will rather try squeeze the 90cc from people first.

  7. Or to spot out an obvious dupe every so months, they've listed like 4 of each type of 1.2 korrealis mount over and over once people buy them


    I bought 12 korrealis barons, and about 10 princes from the same guy that keeps listing them lol


    Because BW are stupid and lazy, that's about it in a nutshell! ..well and as you can see from all the updates, changes the also don't give a rats *** about their player-base.

  8. Oh Boy its doom and gloom, once again. Every week or month there is a thread like this, even back during beta. Some back in beta didnt think it was gonna launch or make it past its first year. AHHHH! 5 Years People, it had its ups and Downs, but its still hanging on, and doing, 'i think, well'.


    Im on the Harbinger, it its more packed now more than ever. So the poster may want to jump ships or in this case servers.



    That's all.


    Take Care & Be Well....


    what are you on about this game was the most expensive MMO ever and it has flopped massively, yes they may have limped to 5 years and it is a limp, mostly held up by people who love star wars so they keep playing even though this game is poor now by any reasonable person standards, its just a money grab!!

  9. I have 3 bays in legacy bank full I have 3 bays in personal storage full, most with crafting items, but also old gear (like ex pvp gear) that I want to keep, so now I have the problem of more legacy items than I can carry in personal storage, if I transfer my character I lose the items I can not put in personal storage, surely there must be a way to get this stuff to a new server.


    Or it just BW been short sighted and mostly greedy again!!


    There must be a simple way for them to track what you want to transfer with each character, and that item then moves out the one legacy bank to the other, does not duplicate as we know people love to cheat if given the chance.


    I see you also have to repay for all the extra bays you have already bought on legacy server, does BW/EA greed have no end, this is a company that should be ashamed of its self, such greedy grabbing <insert your own word here>

  10. It's not only greed. Doing a server merge now right after that half-arsed expansion has dropped would be publicly admitting things are not doing well. Can't do that.


    Its mostly about greed, they can get around the merges by using new tech reason, there are tons of reasons they could use, but greed holds them back, not only in the making the very few coins from transfers, but also the cost to themselves of putting together a team to carry out all the work it involves, plain and simple old greed!!


    In fact if they were not so deluded into thinking that people would come back and re fill these servers with the expansion (been deluded is the one thing that's constant with BW) they could have used the new expansion as a reason to merge, IE new tech allows larger servers etc..

  11. The should merge servers, only reason they don't is greed, that's why they never reply in these threads, but they also know a few idiots will always defend them.


    Besides the name issue, which we all have to bare closing server like TOFN (which makes me sad but that's life) is the very best way to go, but BW/EA have shown since the release of this game, that they are most of the time clueless to whats best for the game.


    Its more about how much more cash can we squeeze!, to stupid to realize that the squeeze is costing them more!

  12. I am glad to hear of the growth and the ability recognize the mistakes of the past and learn from them

    Utter B>U>L>L>S>H>I>T they NEVER EVER learn from them


    We’re very flexible in those things. We want everyone to have fun playing the game, and we think adding this system contributes to that because you’re ultimately getting much more loot much faster than you did before.”


    Wow this place really smells now, so much B>U>L>L>S>H>I>T flying around, these clowns obviously do not learn, or have no intention of learning, same thing I guess at the end of the day. They keep making changes that THEY think improves the game, funny that every time no playing the game thinks so.

  13. The funny thing about this thread is quite a few of you think BW give a rats *** about what you think, they only make changes that make their job easier, the more they cut the less they need to manage, problem is they to stupid to figure out the more they cut the less players they have, or so it would seem.
  14. You guys moaning here missing the bigger point, swtor Dev's just don't give a ****, talk about taking a game what should have been golden and rushing it down the tubes faster with every change they make.


    But then again if you look at all of of the changes they made, (well the ones over the last 3 years, cant remember further back, except include Ilum in this) its more about making their job easier to run/maintain, update the game than to the customer enjoyment of the game.


    We the cows they milking for cash!!!

  15. What idiot thought these visual changes to the Vanguard abilities was a good idea, Flak shell, Ion wave, and the worst of the lost Artillery Blitz.


    The animations/lights flashes feel & look so wishy washy ... again clueless BW hits the ball out the park ...in the wrong direction ..hard to believe I'm almost scared to log my mains ... (Jedi Sage healer)

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