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Posts posted by seven_deadlies

  1. I doubt they're going to let you tinker with weapon or armor appearance to this detail. Since that's where they make all their Cartel money from. When they find out that a certain look is in demand, they put it up for a couple bucks, and everybody buys into it.


    Unless they made a Cartel token / CC price tag that lets you customize the weapon. Then I could see it.

  2. Sounds like I'm part of the minority, but I like the idea.


    How many times have you been running around some lower level planet, and accidentally come across a really high level mob that was meant for someone's eventual return trip? Before the expansion, I know I've run into some pretty scary mobs while wandering the map. If you dial down everybody on the map, then you don't need to put up signs and fences to keep the kittens away from the T-Rex. =)

  3. Spoilers


    I've just come back from killing a bunch of bugs, and having the daughter tell me she wants to stay Joined. When I tell her father that she's happy over there, Mako approves. But then I'm given only 2 choices; Light, tell Dad to move on, which Mako disapproves, or Dark, tell Dad to seek revenge, and Mako disapproves. She was glad I told him the truth about his daughter, instead of lying and saying she was brainwashed, or just dead. But she disapproves of either choice for what he should do next.

  4. Looking at the token for making a free Level 60, I noticed that the Jedi Knights start out with the "Veteran Pummeler" outfit, which is the armor shown in most of the trailers. Looks very similar to the Jedi Veteran outfit from the first trailer, only with more Jedi logos and no robes.


    The downside being that the Veteran Pummeler (and the other armor sets for the other classes) are mod-less Level 60 items Bound to Legacy. Which is great if I wanted to hand them off to another Level 60 to wear. But what if I wanted to run around in that outfit with a brand new Level 1 alt?


    Any plans on putting the new Level 60 starter outfits into the Cartel store? I'd be glad to pay the 1,200 for it. =)

  5. All the buff needs to do is negate fall damage for 3-5 seconds or so. That would be plenty of time to account for activating it just before leaping off, or pressing after you accidentally fell.


    So if you're still falling after the 5 second buff wears off, then you die like normal. There really doesn't need to be any changes to how Fall Damage is calculated or treated, except adding a button that temporarily makes you immune to it. If you don't buff, or it wears off, treat as normal.

  6. *calls upon long forgotten Dark Side rituals*




    Seriously though, why is there Fall Damage in a setting where people avoid it all the time.


    Even if they wanted to keep the Fall Damage mechanic in the game, they could give people a "Controlled Descent" button at some level or another, they way they do Sprint or Speeder use. Let people level up a bit, coming to appreciate what happens if you shortcut off the edge of a cliff.


    But then you give them a themed means of safely landing. Bounty Hunters would get a Jetpack burn, Force Users would get some kind of *kawoosh*, and pretty much everybody else could use Grappling Guns or Rappelling Ropes. There's already examples in the game where you attack a "lone target" and then his buddies rappel in to help.


    If you make it something that needs to be activated, it still leaves Fall Damage for people who forget to press the button in time. Or for a PvP scenario where you Stun someone and then knock them over the edge, since they can't use abilities then they can't stop the fall. And since it's just bestowing a quick "no fall damage" buff, it means people will still have to find the path to get back up afterwards.

  7. Still can't say I'm inspired to play an Agent just yet...


    I started an Agent and a Smuggler at the same time. Played them both up for a little while, to compare.


    First off, the Agent uses a pistol during cinematics, but can't really use one at all.


    More importantly, the Agent gets hit more often while charging abilities. Charged Shot leaves the Smuggler behind cover while charging, then they stand up long enough to fire. Sniper Shot leaves the Agent standing while charging, so they get hit more (and suffer knockback) before eventually firing.


    It's the little things, that made me delete the Agent eventually and play up the Smuggler instead.

  8. Yeah, I noticed since that particular patch, Holiday -never- appears for me either.


    Tharan goes through his entire channeling, and the target mob stands appropriately entranced for the duration, but there's no hot pink hologram next to them.


    Which is quite frustrating, since I barely have time to notice the debuff on them as I'm auto-targeting and attacking.

  9. As someone already stated, you go talk to the ATM and get Tionese tokens, and you also get the Recruit gear.


    I noticed you get precisely 1 token less than what you need to buy the full and complete Tionese set. I also noticed, if you've already accepted your Recruit set, that the double saber they give you has slightly better stats than the Tionese does anyway.


    In which case, I agree you should take the Survivor sets for both options (except the Tionese saber). Equip all the Tionese you have, and then fill in the gaps with the Recruit. You should be pretty well off with all that.


    I'd like to think Satele is using TK Throw, then following up with Project.


    Someone somewhere probably noticed a lot of debris flying toward the Sith, and thought "We should have a bunch of rocks flying when they use this". Not realizing you'd be inside a spaceship 90% of the time, and rocks are in short supply.


    The finisher looks more like the glowy ball of death that Sages use, but Satele is obviously a Shadow (double saber) so she shouldn't be using a Sagely attack. Again, someone saw big rocks involved and said "We should always have big rocks". At least Project kinda tries to take surroundings into account. Sometimes its a rock, sometimes its deck plating, sometimes its a droid.


    But all in all, they should watch their own cinematics again, and make the game look better.

  11. Not sure what everyone considers "cool" for their Shadow.


    I pictured a character who might be mistaken for a Jedi in a crowd, but gets much more dirty in a fight than the wedding dress wearing Sages.


    As such, I think I spent a great deal of time wearing the Esseles robe, since its rather standard issue brown hooded robes. But I wore the Balmorra Resistance Leggings, since they were the easiest pair of trousers to find instead of all the skirts.

  12. That's a good point...


    When you are a Sage or Guardian, they don't give you a new saber (as far as I know).


    If you're a Sentinel, they give you an offhand that looks just like your main hand.


    And if your'e a Shadow, you don't want to use a single handed anyway. You want that double bladed!


    So really you're not being told "Haha, yours sucks!" as much as you're being told "We heard you like fighting with lightsabers? So we put a lightsaber on your lightsaber, so you can fight with a lightsaber while you're fighting with a lightsaber!"

  13. I think it would depend on what kind of Shadow you plan on playing.


    As a tank, I loved getting Tharan, and never used anyone after that.


    As a DPS, I guess having another Shadow (basically what Nadia is) would be interesting.


    But I agree with everyone else, she becomes a true Companion WAY too late in the game.


    And I certainly couldn't imagine starting a new character with the sole intent of getting to run around with the last companion they get =) That's like saying "Gee, I can't wait until I hit 50 and basically beat the entire game, just so I can unlock a ranged DPS assassin droid!"


    Oh wait...

  14. I make sure to cover a few things when I start a new group, almost out of habit.


    First we cover if everyone knows what their stats are. As in, is there a Guardian in party wearing Aim gear just because he saw "heavy" and put it on. Once I know the players are wearing what they're supposed to be wearing...


    We cover the Need vs Greed on rolls. As many have already stated, "Need" is only for your class, and if its an upgrade to what you already have. Greed on pretty much everything else. When it comes to Companion gear, I don't mind if they Need sometimes, so long as they ask first. The thing people don't realize, is you have plenty of time to make a decision. Nobody should be looting at all until after the mobs are dead. Then when you see something you might want to Need on... ask about it. The keyboard does more than move your toon, it makes words too!


    If anyone has a problem with either of those rules, then one of two things will happen. Either that person will leave and be replaced. Or I will switch to Master Loot and nobody gets to ninja anything from anyone.

  15. 11 pages of undecipherable gobbledygook later...


    Sages are CASTERS. Go play any other MMO, and you'll see.


    They stand REALLY FAR AWAY and throw Fireballs and Lightning Bolts and Magic Missiles and ****!


    Anything close enough for you to hit with your Saber, shouldn't be that close to begin with. That's what the Tank in the party is for. And if your Tank lets something slip past, and you wind up face to face with something ugly... don't poke it with your glowstick... shoot the sucker with more Fireballs and Lightning!

  16. Might have something to do with a mentality coming from the Luke era of movies?


    There were only a handful of Jedi left in the galaxy, and they were pretty spread out.


    The secrets of crafting a Saber were all but lost. So owning -a- Saber was quite an accomplishment.


    It was a pretty big deal with Luke lost his hand, which was holding the Saber at the time. He had to bust his butt to make a replacement. And even Vader commented on the fact.



    Now rewind back 3000 years. To a point where Jedi are more abundant. Where anyone can run down the road, and find crystals growing in the ditch.


    Jedi aren't an endangered species yet. And Sabers aren't an artifact from a bygone era (well...)


    You wanna see some silly stuff, go try Sith side.



    Inquisitors are just handed a saber. That's it... no crafting, nothing. Just "Oh, hey... this has been gathering dust on a shelf. You should use it."


    Warriors go tomb raiding, and open a bajillion year old coffin, to find a fully charged and completely functional Saber lying there next to the skeleton of Darth Somebody. There's no real sense of time, when everything in Star Wars is "10 thousand years ago, Yoda made a sandwich".


  17. I've found Qyzen to be hit or miss depending on which way you go as Consular.


    I've loved him on my Sage, just send him in to draw aggro and keep him healed while blasting away from distance. I faceroll mobs with him on my Sage and hardly have any down time between fights.


    Can't stand him with my Shadow, he dies very fast, no matter how good his gear is and he is an awful companion for Shadow. Have to meditate after every fight and any fight with more than one strong mob is a toss-up. Theran is like mini-god mode for Shadow once you get him and I haven't used another companion since. Sure there is a bit of drop off in DPS, but I love that I never drop below 80% health in an elite fight and I can solo Champions with Theran's heals. Not to mention the extra interupt is nice.




    Qyzen seems to be the go-to for Sages. And Tharan is the go-to for Shadows.


    My Shadow is now 50, working on getting all the uber gear, and I haven't bothered with another pet since I first got Tharan. Just got him all his Recruit stuff, so he'd have decent stats without having to wait for lvl 50 drops/wasting tokens and Comms.

  18. Honestly, I started playing up both.


    And despite how cool it was wielding 31 flavors of lightning, I went with Shadow.


    Reason being, I couldn't click on anything. No matter how tall your character is, Khem is taller still. And he INSISTS on standing directly behind you at all times. So any time I tried to click on a node to gather, chest to loot, or target to attack, he thought I was talking to him instead.


    At least Qyzen had the sense to stand aside once in a while.

  19. I have no idea what you're talking about...


    Tionese/Columi/Rakata all look like you're a Force using Pinecone.


    And then Black Hole and whatever... that's when you're retired and so you fight evil in your pajamas!

  20. Whatever form of programming their using, obviously animation has a lot to do with it.


    The Consular power called Project would unearth a large boulder, astromech droid, or bit of deck plating... and then hurl it at the opponent. The animation looked really cool, but it took a while to conjure the projectile before throwing. And players noticed that the damage didn't register until the object actually struck. They had to actually change the animation, so the projectile appears faster, in order to make the damage register faster.


    Smugglers can hide behind Cover. Just by crouching behind something more than waist high, they can negate incoming damage. If you crouch down kinda close to a crate, but not actually "behind" it, then you still get shot.


    So apparently animation is kinda important to how the game plays out.


    Also, Marauders can have some of the best DPS in the game. Maybe you're doing it wrong? =)

  21. Maybe you should go back and reread that last post, before you continue your complaints any further.


    Single player games, you can customize to your hearts content. You are the only one who gets to look at the end product.


    MMOs are about balance and competition. Even if -you- don't PvP, the game has to account for others PvP'ing. And unless they nerf everything so it all becomes exactly equal, there is no balance. Unless they can set all parameters, so a single saber, or a double saber, or dual wielding sabers... all deal exactly the same damage regardless, there will always be "the best way" to do something. And once people figure out "the best way" that rapidly becomes "the only way" to do something. Pretty soon, its not about if you wanted to carry 1 or 2 or doubles. The "only way" to compete with the rest of the game, is to use whatever gives the most bang for the buck.


    And as was also explained... it takes animation effort to make your characters movements with their chosen weapon delivering each attack. You'd have to program every characters sets of attacks, with every weapon they could possibly wield. Or they'd just make very attack look the same. You know that Force Leap? Now you pushed a button, and your character just sort of blinks from here to there. You know what Spinning Slash? No, now you just stand in place and see several damage numbers scroll by instead of 1.

  22. Not to belittle you, but...


    Are you sure Corso is in the proper "stance", as in the Tanking one that will let him use his Shield. Instead of the Sniper one that makes him DPS mode instead of Tank mode.


    Does he actually have a Shield equipped?


    You say he's got Blues on, but are they the proper level? He's not still wearing lvl 10 gear?


    Not to ruin the surprise, but you'll be getting a better tank by the time you finish on Nar Shaddaa =)

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