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Posts posted by focusandbelieve

  1. Just kinda realized that we haven't seen a new cinematic since the launch of the game, which were really cool. Most expansions I've seen usually have a new cinematic intro, but with RotHC, we never saw one...


    I guess my reason for asking is because I hope that wont be the trend going forward. RotHC didn't really feel like an expansion to me, as much as it felt like a Super Patch. Which is fine, I wouldn't mind paying $10-20 for a big content patch, but down the road I'd happily pay $40 for a fully featured massive expansion with new features, new classes, new content, new crew skills, new companions, etc. I'd imagine the SSSP will be something larger than RotHC, and hopefully will give us a new planet with atmoflight or something. and of course, new a cinematic intro :-)


    Or maybe none of that will happen. Eh, whatevs.

  2. Hey guys,


    I looked into it and it appears that code which was appearing on your account is exactly what it sounds like. It meant that back during our Beta, you account had access to it. What you are seeing is something that was applied to your account quite a long time ago, almost two years. With that being said, that code was not supposed to show up publicly like that on your account page. We have put a fix through which should make that code no longer display. Let me know if you guys are still seeing it.


    TLDR - It is nothing new and cool, just something that was applied back in the day which gave you access to beta.




    Thank you for taking the time to reply Eric! :-) I appreciate the clarification!

  3. Just strange that some people got it and some didn't. I as a sub, and so i did get cartel coins as the appreciate gift but this code was 2-2.5 weeks before that (for me and some other people. So its just curious...maybe its nothing, but it would be nice to have a yellow name confirm. Even if its like "Yeah its something special but we can't tell you yet." or "Nah its nothing."
  4. i have two guesses.


    first, they want to unsplit my legacy by merging 2 of the 3 servers my account is currently spread across. this is only a valid suspicion if the world revolves around me. fairly likely. it's a start.


    second, the game is dieing again.


    third, i don't think this is going to happen. if it is though, i suspect we'll see a few more planted "separating pvp and pve servers is antiquated" threads while they test out merging everyone into a single server, and they will quietly plan on closing european servers, which is why they don't want to allow transfers across the pond.


    I think we need The Count from Sesame Street to come give a lesson here...


    and the second guess is off the mark. EA has stated that SWTOR is one of its biggest money makers right now since going F2P.

  5. Personaly I don't like Expertise. I think it makes coming into PvP with a new char very hard and discourages PvEers from PvPing at all. Hopefully I t will be removed with the whole PvP revamp coming in 2.4.


    Revamp? Where did they say it was a revamp? Thought we were just getting new features?

  6. All MMO's?


    Neverwinter, Champions Online, Star Trek Online (Same developer I know but still), Guild Wars 2, probably others that I haven't played. So no not ALL MMO's adopt this method of naming convention. The fact that they forced us to use our Display Name instead of emails hopefully means they are working on @handles, or some other form to allow players to have duplicate names on the server.


    Is there a reverse process or check process? What's the point of a my free name change. If the name I want is already taken. Also if I use my name change does the CC/credit what ever get used after it's confirmed? I would hate to use a free name change, or worse still pay for one with CC, to only find that the name I wanted is gone and I just wasted my CC.




    @handles and this whole name problem becomes a non-issue. Shouldn't launch a MMO without them in my opinion. Love being able to ignore entire accounts as well, priceless.


    Agreed with all of this. We should be able to share names. It's like real life. You don't see someone locked out from naming their newborn a name that someone else has. @handles is the way to go.

  7. I started doing all of my codex entries while queuing up for Heroics. I also didnt pay much attention to my professions so I'm going to grind mats too and going after achievements. Eventually I'll do some of the heroics and Bonus Series i've missed while leveling my current toon which is my new main. Leveled him during double xp weekend.


    I still have two other lvl 50's to level to 55 with and I plan to transfer my two republic toons and level them to 55 when the double xp weekends come again.

  8. Aside from some inherent usefulness in re-positioning one's self in PvP, can I ask what everyone else uses this for in PvE? I'm almost lvl 53 and I can't really grasp any moment I might use this, except maybe if I wanna bail on a fight that I may lose. Even the 60 meter limit seems kind of short sometimes.


    But being I am an Assassin, I already have an ability that helps me vanish.


    Don't get me wrong, I am not "complaining" per se, but I am just wondering if I am missing something about the usefulness of this ability. I know this isn't WoW, but It stands to reason that this ability seems a little useless for an assassin. I could see a sorc needing to use it to put some kiting room between an enemy and themselves if they are getting ganged up on.


    Hoping someone can throw me some idea's on what I can do with this thing in combat.


    I like it, its cool, just seems sort of useless for me.


    Thanks for any enlightenment!

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