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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Nightwielder

  1. Despite anything you say using a add on is a crutch. Plain and simple.


    True. Also...everyone disregards that addons actually do give you an edge over players that don't use them. To claim that it doesn't give an edge is absolutely ridiculous. The information alone is what gives users an edge over non-users. Information == Power.


    Mouse over Healing? Seriously people can't heal without that? lol.


    This game can be made better with advice about improvements to the game...not by opening it up to the community to make it easier and potentially hackable. Let them have time to improve it based on feedback...game is a few weeks old... :)


    All the comparisons to WOW and what not...who cares about how difficult Heroic Rag was? I personally think they've taken enough from WOW and need to branch out on their own more. Forget WOW and do something different please. The great foundation that WOW created is here in this game but should not rule the game. The game should change based on its own path and not the path that WOW has been on or else you'll end up with the same game with the same grinds but with lightsabers...


    my 2 cents to an already super long thread...

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