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Posts posted by Chainedfei

  1. The Scoundrel is full of snark, the story is fairly interesting and I like the responses. Likewise, the Trooper has some interesting decisions to make during the course of the game.


    I particularly liked the, "How about you tell me where the explosives are or I blow off your fingers with my rifle?" response on Ord Mantell.


    Incidentally, Ord Mantell is a bag of phalluses.

  2. From my own personal experience, it seems as if the battle is generally fought in a manner that isn't conducive to change. I, as a long time roleplayer, recognize there are different playstyles. Pick up one of the guides for running a game for tabletop some time and it will tell you the same.


    There are people who name their character punny names, and the roleplayers who like immersion dislike them.


    There are rules lawyers who don't see why acting in character is important as much as if it will get them a bigger bonus at the end of things.


    The hard core roleplayers, who deeply care about their characters, stories and their interactions with the worlds are a minority even in tabletop games. People don't tend to play that way.


    I do, but then, I tend to be *****y and broody when something happens to my character I don't like. I recognize my personal flaws in the matter.


    As it relates to MMO's, from my experience the dialogue of the game is most impacted by the dialogue a player produces; garbage in, garbage out.


    I play a Psychotic Trooper Chick named Korinne on The Ebon Hawk. She's vaguely sociopathic about bringing the violence. I also play a straight laced, quiet Jedi Shadow who tries to serve as a good example for the Trandoshan that follows her around.


    I pepper most of my speech in general with roleplaying talk. I also do joke around, sometimes OOC, in General. The human mind needs emotional breaks from intense roleplaying at times.


    I have also been trolled in most MMO's for roleplaying in general chat. People tell me it is only for asking advice and general conversation outside of game, and that I should join an RP chat channel if I want to RP.


    Which I've done. Did it a bit in WoW... problem being, there was never all that many people there.


    Roleplaying is inherantly a social thing, and there are people out there playing who are roleplayers and don't even know it. Inspiring new roleplayers is a good thing. Even if at first the new players suck at making characters or stories that are compelling, at least you'll have planted something that might bear better fruit down the road.


    If you wish to encourage roleplaying, you have to inhabit the role you play and defy social convention to do it.

  3. I want to get Keanu Reeves and Chuck Norris to do a PSA on the awareness of Cylak and Cylak related incidents of forum stupidity.... I think it would be good...


    "Many people encounter Cylak and feel frustration and powerlessness... but don't worry, there is a solution.


    Cylak Awareness. You too can contribute by making those you care for and game with Aware of Cylak."


    ~The Mooore you Knoooooow~



    Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

  4. So I ordered the game ages ago, forgot to read the mail properly, didnt redeem my code until November.


    So now I have a choice. I can either cry like a little girl on the internet or I can just relax, read threads like this, laugh and in general.. be awesome.


    Thank you Cylak. You make it so easy to choose awesome.


    Yes, you see? Spreading Cylak Awareness is healthy! It brings joy to people of all sorts! Do not despair his Illiteracy and ignorance, embrace it as an example.... tell your friends and guildmates about Cylak!


    Awareness is the first step to Recovery!



    Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

  5. Cylak is the originator of this thread, the OP. Additionally, Cylak had a One-Hundred and twenty-four page thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=13025 that was closed...


    All the arguments and all the reasons and explanations were given to Cylak, who then went on to create two more threads about the same topic, of which this is one.


    Repeated examples and analogies were used, and even simple explanations of word usage were implemented to no Avail.


    Really, it has approached hilarity at the failing in conception of basic concepts. I encourage everyone to read the 124 page thread.



    Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

  6. It's not Amazon's job to get you to read the pre-order FAQ which stated that the amount of early access you got would be based on when you redeemed your code.


    Let this be a lesson that because you're disappointed you didn't know something about a product, maybe next time you'll do some research before you purchase.


    Cylak is impervious to your Jedi Wiles. Actually, Cylak is just impervious to wiles of any kind.



    Previously from "Xenosaga" forums

  7. Awesome! I think he deserted his own thread. I've been up for 24 hrs now and I think I'm delusional.


    Cylak if you're out there please post! Need to feed on your anger! I'm getting bored, lol.


    Of course you're delusional. I am a meat popsicle. And You are Hallucinating Cylak's.


    It must be evil Sith Mind Control from Darth Illiteracy, making you imagine his defunct apprentice.



    Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

  8. But it was such a bad movie.. In comparison to everything else.. ok well not everything else.. the two after it were kinda crappy too. But I will admit the lightsaber duels were good.


    Dual of the Fates is still an awesome scene overall.


    Only ruined by the brief interlude of that brat blowing up the droid ship.


    Darth's and Droid's covered that one well I thought.



    Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

  9. I waited 16 years for The Phantom Menace.... a few days more for a Star Wars game isn't gonna kill anyone...


    But on the bright side... atleast this time we are not waiting only to run into Jar Jar Stinks :) :)


    You're absolutely right. A gungan would be the perfect race for someone to role a character named Cylak.


    Wait, what was the question?



    Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

  10. I feel it is our solemn duty, all of us, as curators of the culture of Star Wars: The Old Republic to make sure that none of us ever forget today; the Day Cylak Didn't Get in.


    Cylak should be remembered for all time as that guy that didn't get in. He should be immortalized in all servers, at all places as that Guy who Didn't Get In.


    Cylak needs to become our Leroy Jenkins of Illiteracy.


    Make it so, internets!



    Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

  11. I feel it is our solemn duty, all of us, as curators of the culture of Star Wars: The Old Republic to make sure that none of us ever forget today; the Day Cylak Didn't Get int.


    Cylak should be remembered for all time as that guy that didn't get in. He should be immortalized in all servers, at all places as that Guy who Didn't Get In.


    Cylak needs to become our Leroy Jenkins of Illiteracy.


    Make it so, internets!



    Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

  12. Bioware didn't scam anyone.


    WARNING: The following spoiler contains rational thoughts, facts and logic, have been known to aggrevate children



    Did they state that you may get "up to 5 days" of early game access with the pre-order?

    Why yes they did.


    Did that statement in any way imply that if you pre-ordered you would be guaranteed 5 days early game access?

    No it didn't.


    Did they state anywhere that early game access was granted by first come first serve basis, ie the order you entered you pre-order code?

    Yes they did.


    Have they so far failed in that regard?

    No they haven't.


    Didn't they infact even extend that time to the possibility of up to 7 days early game access?

    Yes they did.


    Is it their fault that people can't be bothered to read?

    No it isn't.


    Is it their fault that people make assumptions?

    No it isn't.


    Also, the game is launched for the staggered pre-order early game access but THE launch (Retail Street Date, Real Launch, public Access) is NOT until the 20th


    DISCLAIMER: The 'they' refered to in the previous statements is Bioware



    Hey there, Weremops! Welcome to the Cylak party! Going 140 pages strong now!


    You're rational logic and reasonable nature won't work on Cylak, he's wearing a robe of wisdom immunity! It gives him an elemental immunity to common sense. It also allows him to sue people for things that are perfectly legal.


    *I* think we should immortalize Cylak as TOR's Leroy Jenkins.



    Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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