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Posts posted by Decell

  1. My only question is why delete? You can always make him inactive or just not log into him. I'd suggest parking him in a nice cantina for a long night out until, that way you get rest xp if you go back to him later. Or are you deleting him for the credits? If so, sell stuff off and mail the creds to the new character. Mail across legacy is instant and cheap.
  2. I can understand how frustrating it might be to lose a name do to a server change. My thought on this, your name as it was, is not unique enough. Use special characters to break things up, come up with something that sounds the same but is spelled differently. I've gone through transfers with servers twice, once from Giradda and once with the super server moves, I do not lose a single name or legacy name. If you want shadowmoon and its taken, try something like Sh'adow'Mo'on or along that line. You'll get used to your new name, or even better your new name will fit your advanced character even better.
  3. It was a good point until you added the whining part. Insulting or deriding other forum members or players for no reason other than because you do not like the suggestion made causes your post to have far less credibility and does not add to the discussion.


    In other words history in the forum has shown, IMO, that insulting posts with relation to suggestions get flat out ignored. If you wish for your opinion to be considered you should format it in a constructive way.


    Who did I insult specifically? I did not say the OP or anyone else is whining, if you took it that way I'm sorry. I meant and clearly stated I choose not to complain about my issue and move on.

  4. AC class change should not be allowed, these are not the toss away classes and I don't want some DPS spec doing an AC class change to healer or tank to get into groups, ninja the DPS stuff and disappear while failing to do his/her job correctly. Learning how to play your character starts at level 1, not level 55. And I say this while having a level 55 DPS scoundrel who can do nothing but PVP at this point. Guess what I did, started a gunslinger instead of whining about I can't change my AC.
  5. I don't know how many cc coins a musco answer costs, I never got one.

    The cost for a character/race change with a new unlocked race is 600 for the race (at least for cathar) and 1200 for the race change (discounted to 792 for subs). My thought was that the 792 included the race change to cathar, I was apparently mistaken.

  6. Can't try it, not at home, also i'm not a FTP or preferred so I don't have an escrow. The way this is written I read it as you buy a package of credits that goes to your inventory/escrow. If that is not what it does, then the notes need to be rewritten to clarify that you have to have the money in escrow to get the money. If it can be interpreted that way by someone, it will be another customer service issue and EA/BW sux thread, fixing it now can prevent that. Really read what it says, you get more credits in your inventory, which get moved over after you are under the credit cap, that to me says credit selling.
  7. That is not what the patch notes say, nor does the example show that these aren't credits for cash


    "The player has 100,000 in their Inventory. The player purchases a 600K escrow package bringing their Inventory credit total to 700,000. Until the credits in the player's Inventory drop below 250,000 (the Credit Cap), the newly acquired credits will be funneled into Escrow"


    They may only have access to 250k of it due to the escrow limit, however they have had 600k added to their credits, not to their credit cap.

  8. Can someone, maybe a mod, clarify what this escrow purchase does. Can FTP now buy credits with real cash? If so this leads down the path of pay2win.


    •Escrow Credit Transfers are now available for Free–to–Play and Preferred Status Players. Package denominations are available for 50K, 150K, and 600K . Each Package is a consumable that will immediately transfer the Package's set amount of credits from the existing Escrow Balance as listed in the Currency tab of the Inventory Window to the Inventory credit balance. This transfer does not affect Inventory Credit Caps. Therefore, newly acquired credits will go into the Escrow Balance as normal. For example, if the player has a Credit Cap is 250,000 / The player has 100,000 in their Inventory. The player purchases a 600K escrow package bringing their Inventory credit total to 700,000. Until the credits in the player's Inventory drop below 250,000 (the Credit Cap), the newly acquired credits will be funneled into Escrow. Cost:

    •Small Package – 40 Cartel Coins

    •Medium Package – 80 Cartel Coins

    •Large Package – 240 Cartel Coins

  9. Goldenhornet has it right, you can't always run the mission you want and zoning/logging to get an update sucks. I will have to disagree with ahnog, you can't always run a mission for tricopper flux with scavenging, thats the core of the issue.
  10. Why is it that not all types of missions are available? I notice a lot of times that the item I need doesn't have a mission to get, even when I do not have any comps out doing missions. Is this a bug or working as intended? I know I can change zones and "reset" the missions to get a different set, however I think it should be a given that each mission type is available. I like that yield changes, it would just be nice to send off a search for flux or silk when I need it and not when its randomly available.
  11. All the other gathering skills should then return their costs each time, which they do not. Most of the gathering is done at a loss, so again one skill should not be favored over another. By guaranteeing a return every time, which I cannot get that guarantee from any other gathering or investigation missions, this offsets the balance. I agree that not every single one should be a loss, however the profit ones should be rare at best. You don't always get the item you need when gathering, why should slicing always get profit. And yes 10% profit is a profit center, you spend 3000 and get 3300 back each time, thats profit regardless of time. Plus you also get the missions which sell on the GTN for a significant amount, that helps balance the loss also.
  12. A 10% return makes it a profit center, that is not what it should be. I get no return on gathering missions so why should slicers get it. You don't get credits in gathering, you get credits in dailies, weeklies and leveling. Crafted items or gathered items can be sold on the GTN for what the community will pay, however the game itself should not grant an automatic return.
  13. You really believe that crafting makes a 5x profit? Sorry it doesn't, most of the items that I make wind up being re'd for the blues and purples. Maybe at some point in the future once I have my adrenals, medpacks and stims, plus ears and other items made, maybe I can sell stuff. Crafting gathering missions should not be a profit center, i've broke more characters doing crafting than anything else, and that does not include slicing. You don't like the loss you get from slicing, then do something else.
  14. So we should be getting a monetary return on all gathering missions? I don't see why slcing needs to have a net return, all of the other gathering skills do not get any return, they get an item to craft with or sell at best.
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