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Posts posted by Your_dominus

  1. Im a clicker and I dont care if people say crap about it. You play your way ill play mine. As for the OP, my wife bought me a Razor Naga that has 12 buttons on my right hand thumb. Helps alot by having you only click longer cd/temp buffs/first aid etc on side bars.


    Ok, Again.....clicking is when you mouse click your action bar.

    There is nothing wrong with keymapping abilities to mouse clicks.

  2. Sorry but thats a lie. Even with ssd disk and top notch PC loading times pain in this game


    Quoted for truth.

    I have a good PC, with TOR on an SSD, loading time is still slow.

    The graphics suck. They certainly don't warrant long load time. I've said it before and I'll say it again, TOR's engine was old out of the gate. And the client ( namely, load times) is slow as hell.

  3. I hated WoW, seriously. Didn´t even play past the trial. I´m turned off by the oldschool "click x kill y" MMOs.

    So....Are you happy with TOR then? or Quitting. Because it's exactly what you said you don't like. Hours and hours of kill X, collect Y. Hours, and hours, and hours.


    The devs never claimed to revolutionize the genre. Just made it more " story driven". Assuming you care to hear /read what npc's have to say. Even on that account it's bla bla bla <spacebar> just gimme the loot.

    They can cover it up with voice overs, and it's still npc's asking you to kill X and collect Y.


    Personally I think it's hilarious that some people subbed than complain about these things. Quit because the engine is flawed, graphics suck, too many bugs, or something. But if you thought you weren't going to endlessly kill X and collect Y, you were fooling your self.

  4. I just chated with someone claiming to ALWAYS get 60+ fps. Fleet included. These people that claim this are either lying, blind, or using some special snowflake build that contradicts the thousands and thousands of people complaining of the contrary.


    My fps is flawless everywhere BUT the fleet. And Bioware just keeps on denying it, and/or suggesting it's user error or low end hardware ( which is a total crock).

    Some times it is user error. " hey guz I use a 2ghz first gen phenom and a 9800gt why is my fps low? derp"

    This isn't what I'm talking about.


    It's been how many months now? That's some serious denial, Bioware.

  5. Game runs fine. I load in under 15 seconds

    On an SSD there is something really wrong with that. Should take 2-5 seconds to load into the game world, not 15.

    SWTOR is a modern MMO, get a modern computer.

    It is? then how come it looks dated, has horrible draw distance on foliage, and uses low res textures everywhere?


    I can play BF3 on high/ultra, the Witcher 2 on high/ultra, etc, etc, but get 20fps on the fleet in TOR?

    And don't use the old MMO excuse either. I get 60+fps in WoW, Org /SW with 50+ players around on max settings @1080p. So the low fps is not attributed to other players near me.

    Wake up man.


    I re subbed, and have fun playing TOR, but fan boy I am not, and am very aware of it's serious flaws.

  6. Wow, and I thought 12 seconds with a SATA III SSD was long! :eek:

    It is.

    This goes to show how flawed the client is. ( I my self as well have TOR on a SSD and experience minimal improvement in load time)

    And the fps on the fleet? Good god Bioware, you can't tell me this is that big a deal to fix. People clustering in a group for the rhatgoul event crap brings my 6950 2b and 4ghz quad to 20fps. Wth is that?

    My fps is perfectly fine, 60fps+ anywhere else. Go to the fleet and it's juttery and low.


    Then there's the chia pet foliage. It literally grows as you approach, the draw distance on foliage is so piss poor. WoW's does it too, but at least it sort of... fades in/out and leaves your eyes with the feeling like it was always there.


    The engine is dated , and flawed.

  7. The whole reason I rolled on a PvP server was to level up and then re-visit the lowbie areas and cause havoc.


    Why? Cuz you're bad at fighting players your level? low self esteem, and a need to lash out in some kind of revenge...thing?

    This douche baggery is why I don't pvP, let alone roll pvP server.

    Try team work, and honorable kills. You might like it.

  8. So I've been hearing a lot about how the Guardian/Juggernaut have been under powered compared to other classes with tanking ablility.


    My guardians my main character right now (lvl 28) and I have noticed that fights seem a little more difficult than they should be.


    So I decided to roll a trooper to see what all the fuss was about. (Vanguard the "Tank")


    OMG, it was so much easier to do everything. I got him to about lvl 20, (Taris) and he just breezed through every mob like nothing.


    He tanked practically the same damage. But at the same time, I was able to take out some mobs without taking ANY damage. Due to it's higher DPS output.


    This is just ridiculous, I love my guardian, I'm playing it as much as ever. (I deleted the Vanguard cause it was just a test)


    Has anyone else had any experience with this.


    Please Express Your Feelings Below

    You're doing it wrong?

    Trooper /BH has more AOE, earlier on to encourage dumb *** dps, thats about it.

  9. And for Crom's sake, it's RIDICULOUS! RI! RI! RI! Not Re.


    It's not pronounced "Re-dick-u-luss"


    It's "rid-dick-u-luss"





    Seriously? you call that productive? It's a spelling error. Not necessarily denoting spelling ability

    Speaking of the MMO community. Very typicall grammar po-po crap.

  10. Oh and fix the horrible customer service.


    Their customer service is such a joke.

    I opened a ticket about in game AA not doing jack squat. I got a copy pasted answer asking for my DXdiag, after i specifically mentioned my tech knowledge is high, and my driver is up to date, and to please not gime me a copy paste answer.


    Plus, AA not working in ingame options in patch 1.1 is a known issue for AMD 6xxx series.

    Did I get a " this is a known issue" answer? nope. I got copy pasted " please email your DXdiag.

    They don't know there *** from their head.

  11. Of course I am.


    I'm having a blast and the community should improve immensely tomorrow.


    You think Fanboys do TOR any favors? " yay, TOR rocks, of course I'm subbing:D" types?

    The rest are people patiently waiting and hoping for improvment, enjoying what there is to enjoy, and being vocal about the flaws.


    Thinking the community will suddenly improve is rediculous.

  12. This thread is not promoting gameplay discussion and should be closed immediately.


    I agree. Too many " this game is ****" and " hell no" answers.

    Even the ":D this game rocks, of course I'm subbing" aren't helpful. That's pretending theres nothing wrong with TOR. There is.


    I hate the dated engine, and it's blocky shadows, texture tiling, chia pet foliage, and low res textures.


    The story I'm not bored with. finished Sith Warrior, 1/2 done Imp Agent, and 1/2 done Inquisitor. The game play is good. Standard fair for MMORPG's. Story is above average.

    FP's are good. 4+ group quests are tuned nicely.... etc

    Too many people all geared out in PvP crap at 50 though. Not enough HM FP/Operation action happening.

    Crafting needs work. At best its usefull for gear while you level ( and even then, commendation, quest rewards, and FP's take care of that..), and alts.

    Then theres the bugs. You can't tell me one month in that they are this clueless....


    Being an avid gamer with a good PC, I will probably move on once I get bored with the story, if they continue to ignore players with good PC's, and pretend it's peachy.


    I'm willing to bet, it will improve over time. But it might be too little too late for some.

  13. You increase your video settings, you card got hot. This is true, but your card overhearing is due to various factors. You are suggesting that the AA setting is the CAUSE of your card overheating.


    This is what is known as the fallacy (non causa pro causa, non sequitur); False cause.

    Something is identified as the cause of an event, but it has not actually been shown to be the cause. For example:


    "I took an aspirin and prayed to God, and my headache disappeared. So God cured me of the headache."


    "Artists often suffered from depression as adolescents. So, if you want your child to be a great artist, don’t put


    (from http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/fallacies.html) for your reference


    You are under heavy or full load, and your card is unable to disperse the heat properly. This can be due to various reasons, but most often is in response to dust on your heat sink. Open up your computer and dust it out.


    If your heat issues continue, your fan over the heat sink may not be functioning, or it is not seated against the GPU properly.

    Good call in the HFS possbily being seated badly. Perhaps reapply thermal paste, and reseat.

    And OP, This idea you have that AA killed your card....lol?

    Yes it is your fault. Inadequate cooling is your fault.

  14. How stupid do you have to be to not note the "I shouldn't have to set my fan speed to 100%" in order to play at a comfortable degree of temperature, which even then ends up at around 65c. At 100% fan speed.

    Thanks for being sarcastic though.


    I edited Mr" omg TOR made my gpu melt".

    One more time: Your fan is failing, or the gpu itself is defective.

  15. Turns out AA almost destroyed my GPU. 20 minutes into the game, I noticed that it was at 99c in heat, and the usage stat percentage graph I had was zig-zaggy all over.

    The coding in this game is terrible, and there is no game that should have such large problems on any card, especially making it heat up into the unstable range. I should not have to set my fan to 100% at all, especially since that just destroys the fan instead.


    Post here if your GPU heat is ridiculously high in this game, with or without AA.



    I've been using 4x AA forced in driver with my 69502gb since the 13'th of December. No heat issues to speak of.


    Your fan is the failing. or the gpu itself is defective.


    I do aggree the coding is terrible.

    Dated engine in general...

    Chia pet foliage

    Texture tiling

    Low res textures

    Shadows suck, and shadows on high impact fps way mre than is justified

  16. I don't disagree it looks disappointing, I'm saying that if you go and actually compare it to 2x, 4x and 8x you might be disappointed by how 'clever' you actually are.


    You are playing semantics, and STILL nitpicking, completly obsessed with my choice of words. It's pathetic:rolleyes:

    Fact is , for me, low and high have next to no difference. And high is a joke.

    I would expect low to be 2x AA, and high to be 4x AA.

    This is not the case.


    Lemme guess, I said something here worthy of nitpicking and playing semantics with yes?

  17. As far as I can tell, Low = Disabled and High = 1x. You'd think they'd know better than this after the high/medium textures debacle.


    But sir, you don't know what you are talking about:rolleyes:

    ( refering to the jackwagon troll that insists on telling me I don;t know what I'm talking about.)


    though I will point out logically theres a difference between low, and disabled.


    You and I aren't the only ones saying " high " looks like garbage.

  18. 'Appealing to authority' doesn't work if you don't know what you're talking about.


    What on EARTH do you think you are nit picking about????

    High does not look like so much as 2x MSAA. perhaps its some other form of AA? But it's not even 2x MSAA.

    Stop being a jack wagon.


    Perhaps you are nitpicking liek you think you are clever...because you do get better image quality?

    I will have to try deleting my settings folder etc, but atm, " high " AA looks like crap.

  19. Basic = Forming an essential foundation.


    Are you really fundamentally not able to play and enjoy a game because edges are more jagged without antialiasing?


    OH gimme a break mr semantics. Of course it's not essential. But believe me I don't custom build my own pc's , and use $300+ video cards to see jagged edges.

    Face it, avid gamers use AA. Obviously you are not one.

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