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Posts posted by Retro-

  1. This goes out to all the PVE players here,


    Just as you require players to have effective stats for raiding and doing end game content, you should respect that unless your wearing expertise gear and if your expertise isn't atleast over 800, your a useless member of your pvp team and should not be suprised if they act negatively towards you in pvp.


    No different than any pve player would act towards a poorly geared pve geared player. If you think pvp players should just piss off, then don't que for warzones and go play your pve content.

  2. Bioware,


    If you can't effectively provide a timeframe for which you are planning to provide server transfers, then cancelling subscriptions seems the only options, as you expect the player base to continue paying you 15 bucks a month until you get around to implementing transfers,


    Asia servers are not your only paying customers and so if you are unwilling to provide any details on specific timeframes for transfers, please state so and I myself can therefore cancel my subs and ill go about my merry little way.

  3. I have my shadow at level 35 and my guardian is about lvl 19. I think im going to lvl up the shadow first and get him started on gearing and work on the guardian for the story and wait and see when they buff the guardian/juggernaut as it seems unlikely ( but possible..) that they would not look at tweaking the guardian/juggernaut to better tank in end game content.
  4. Ok,


    So I have done the sentinel on jedi side, and am looking to build a guardian or shadow, I could consider a vanguard if they are that "much" better, but would like to stick with the force using classes myself. So I am wondering, is the shadow/assassin that much better at tanking than the guard/jugg. Or can the warrior classes hold out tanking.


    Any suggestions and insight will be welcomed.

  5. I don't see how a juggernaut is worse than a marauder,


    I have a 50 sent, 50 jugg and a 38 marauder. The sentinel and marauder kill very fast, I leveld my juggernaut as immortal spec, once you get the immortal tree skill that allowed me to absorb damage with my scream, the damage absorption increased dramatically, so much so that I was soloing elites 4-6 levels above me and if you use the healer companion, name escapes me at the moment, I would end up full health by end of fight.


    The other thing is that if your playing marauder as FoTM, you will most likely be disappointed with the class once they "re-evauluate" the marauder/sentinel probably in 1.3 or so.


    Either way have fun playing the class you like and it will be the best class choice no matter what is going on.

  6. I leveled an assassin and sorc both to 50. I recently joined some new friends on a republic server and have been working on my first consular, a shadow.


    I played him up to 19 so far, so far I have noticed or more like "felt" the animations on my shadow sort of..clunky or awkward.


    I figured I was imagining things and just kept going about my business but im helping my friend level an empire character so rerolled a sorc again to play with him and I personally have to say that the sorcs animations feel way smoother.


    Im sure the people at bioware would of come up with a better animation than turning the consular into a walking Dyson machine.


    Anyways without further ranting, I do have to say the consular skills..even there blow back are not my favorite at the moment and I hope they get some polish in the future.

  7. I find the sentinel to work well in burning people down in warzones, but there are some glaring things differences I find when compared to other melee's in this game, the class could use a few tweaks which I think are coming in 1.2


    Will see if that helps to overall player base.

  8. I don't think any class "shouldn't" be allowed to do anything, bioware is obviously thinking classes shouldn't be allowed to do certain things.


    I would love to see a system where they can seperate the effects of pvp and pve as I have many friends who love pve content and I am afraid they will be sadly disappointed especially after the healers take a couple shots to the groin this coming 1.2 patch if all goes live as it is now.


    The fact is we have all these AC classes and whether its fair or not they are going to balance things out to allow everyone to play.


    I would totally love to see an upgrade to juggernaut survivabiilty in place of dps, but i am biased as I enjoy immortal spec with my juggernaut.


    Hopefully..and I do repeat "hope" that bioware can actually find a wayfor everyone to be competitive and effective in both pvp and pve, but I am not holding my breath.

  9. You say the commandos and poor vanguards got it the worst, yet in wz's I am suprised to see a class other than sage/trooper in almost all matches with a splash of other classes at times.


    you couldn't spit blind folded in any direction in fleet without hitting a friggen trooper. someone is whacked out. Not saying they needed to nerf the hell out of healing, quite frankly they should simply find a way to lower healing for pvp and leave healing alone but bioware are the bosses.


    Best way to petition them is to hit the cancel button.

  10. I have been waiting for this way a long long time, and I must say its sweet. The crying here is almost more intense than the juggernauts.


    Commandos and Vanguards who QQ about how your getting beat up makes me leave sans healing for pve.


    You have never leveled a sent or mara to anywhere near 50 let alone 50 if you think everyone is run of the mill overpowered.


    I play a commando when I just want to chill and pvp for fun, its way less work to get things done then jumping around the screen on my jugg or marauder and without putting in half the effort.



    Keep QQing guys, the cancel button is on the other page. Have fun in guild wars 2

  11. Gore I really do appreciate and understand what your saying but honestly I don't believe thats how its playing out, you are correct and in a perfect world dps would be dps equal across the board and tanks would have the ability to tank but that does not atleast at the moment appear to be the case and again we can talk all day long but bioware is the final decision maker on this.


    So people can again stomp there feet and pout and cry all they want but they will change the game as they see fit and it will likely go in favor of the marauder as dps unless they revamp there trees and add a hybrid mix to them.

  12. In order to rationalize it I would have to rationalize bioware which im not sure even bioware can do.


    Im simply looking at what I see and past experience from other mmo's and everyone can stomp there feet till they hit cancel subscpription all they want.


    To be fair to the jugg's as I do really love playing mine....I don't understand why the hell they made pretty much every other class a hybrid of sorts and not the marauder....


    Maybe bioware can rationalize that one for us.

  13. I just want to say that my fellow juggs are cry babies, they like having there cake and eating it too. Juggs somehow feel entitled to do damage and have all the perks and benefits of other dps classes, because bw gave us 2 dps trees and 1 tank tree. So somehow that makes us the same as marauders......


    None of them takes into consideration regardless of there childish antics that or there lack of wanting to be a tank, that they have options to SWITCH ROLES, meaning...for the whiny juggs out there, if you don't want to do damage today...you can go tank. Gear and Experience aside...


    Meanwhile the marauders/sents out there got 3 dps trees. So when they don't want to do damage they can.......reroll? Oh wait...they can heal themselves with one tree..that makes them sorta like a healer....


    Keep crying and complaining and telling BW that you should be allowed to dps as well as a DPS class because you have dps trees. That argument always works out well in other mmo's.

  14. I do find I survive better on my juggernaut but that could be just me. Whats it to you?


    I said I FIND I SURVIVE BETTER...there is no generalization to the comment, maybe your an uber marauder and totally outlive juggernauts all the time gratz...


    Still its not crap its my observations don't like them, tough!

  15. The only mistake they keep making in my opinion is having too many classes to start with.


    This game has a mishmash of stuff each class can do and it always seems to be the problem that these companies underestimate the commitment and determination and skill of players who then take said classes and curb stomp people constantly. Then they get into a panic and start throwing out nerfs.


    Honestly, this every class can heal experiment by BW has shown failure from the start and now its going to not only effect the pvp peeps like myself its going to hurt the pve players too and its totally unfair for everyone.


    I think every player has the right to be extremely displeased with BW if for nothing else than the fact that this game precedes tons of mmo's its not like they are carving the path like eq, uo, ac did back in the day as pioneering games for a niche group of players.


    They also had years to develop the game and testing was extensively done and to have this stuff happening 3 months after release shows a real lack of leadership for this game.

  16. I really hope no new players stumble across this thread looking for actual class info.


    Juggernauts are TANKS - they wear heavy armor and can swap forms readily to be sponges or damage dealers. Even if you're Vengeance or Rage, you should be swapping forms from Shien/Shii-cho to Soresu and back as required. If you think that's a lot of extra buttons, tell that to the Marauders :p. From my experience playing both Marauder and Jugg in PvP environments:


    Juggernauts are more of the objective/assistance based class, sort of like a battle commander. Guarding allies and nodes, running huttball. There's a reason they can push, charge, intercede and sunder armor. They can also dish out some decent damage, but nowhere near the potential of the Marauder, as Juggs are hybrids.


    Marauder is much more of a soldier, up close and personal, blowing all their CDs, dealing as much damage as possible before dropping like a rock. Rinse and repeat. All the people claiming Marauders have so much utility really are missing the point. They have INCIDENTAL utility. Everything they use buffs themselves and a couple other people nearby. They can be used to run objectives, but are not ideal, nor good in a pinch. Undying Rage is 5 seconds long.


    Also, I wouldn't be super proud of a Voidstar game as Rage spec. Yay AoEing all the doors totally means we can stand up to a Marauder in total damage. Situational stuff at best.



    I apologize I obviously am not communicating my thoughts correctly and since I started this post I take responsibility for this mess.


    Im somewhat amazed, although I shouldn't be that people honestly believe the sith juggernaut/jedi guardian should stand toe to toe dps wise to a medium armor damage only class like the marauder/sentinel.


    My bad for trying to express an opinion. /bad retro!

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