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Posts posted by Lorhald

  1. Hello


    I am kind of in the same situation as the poster above. I have come back to SWTOR after playing other MMOs. I currently have a level 50 Pyro PowerTech. I have a lot of MMO experience/raiding in other games (EQ, DAOC, Rift, LOTRO, WAR, etc) but not in this one. I have been wanting to get into the group content, but not really wanting to PUG.


    I am looking for a larger, laid back, social guild with loose commitment requirements. I don't mind signing up for group runs in advance, but I can't commit to consistent nights each and every week. I have headphones and a mic and can D/L whatever (Vent, TS, Mumble, etc). I am still in a guild from my previous time in SWTOR, but I am the only member and I am only in it for the exp bonus.


    I am Texas. 36 with a full time job and a fiance.


    Hope the OP doesn't mind my piggy-backing on his thread.

  2. Having the Mandalore actually making me an official Mandalorian was one of the (many) highlights of the class story.


    And yet, I don't get the title?


    Anyone else disappointed by this? I would LOVE to have this title, please consider adding it into the game.


    Anyhow, good job on the Bounty Hunter story Bioware. I've really connected with my main, and I can't tell you how many times I yelled with excitement during some of the cutscenes. Lucky my entire family is playing the game, so they understand I'm not entirely crazy. :D




    Really disappointed I didn't get a Manadlorian title

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