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Posts posted by Bice

  1. So. my gunslinger is going to throw lightsabers at the target??!!


    Let me see now.... people want every class to use any armor, have all cosmetics and hairstyles, and use any weapon. Why have different classes at all then?


    Let me sum it up this way - I'd rather play Dirt Rally than Mario Kart. :rolleyes:


    Please read my post. I said that all non-force users can use any blaster and all force-users can use any light saber.

  2. Ranged=Ranged



    If it clips or causes you discomfort because of the animations, that's your job to fix, not Bioware's. I 100% support this.

    That's the thing though. A lot of NPCs use the same animations we do but with different weapons. And it's like all the animations work with the other weapons so it shouldn't even be a problem.

  3. So I have been playing this game since beta and back then and even at the launch it was highly requested to allow classes like the Bounty Hunter to use rifles. Back then they said that because stats were different for each class and the fact that they wanted to prevent a lot of loot competition that they were going to keep it that way.


    Well fast forward to today and we all share the same stats and pretty much all secondary stats are useful. If a weapon drops and some one wants it they just take the mods out of it and put it into their current weapon regardless if they can use that weapon or not.


    So with that being said I request that we can start using any weapon on any class within reason. I.E Bounty Hunter's can use rifles, agents can use pistols, warriors can use double bladed sabers, assassins can use two sabers.


    Because of how well Bio ware has done the animations for each advance class I don't see any one getting confused either about what is what at a glance. Obviously we don't want agents with lightsabers and jedi with blasters but I do suggest allowing all the force users to use any lightsaber and all the non-force users to use any blaster.


    I make this request so we can customize our characters more and enjoy being able to play as those characters in the movie. Like Boba Fett.

  4. Then buy the items from others on the GTN. Oh.. wait.. don't have the credits?... no problem.. since you self admit to not minding buying CCs.... the do so... buy some popular items in the CM.. and resell them on the GTN.. collect the credits, and then go shopping. ;)

    Except I have all the credits but why I should I pay for some thing that was promised to me already? and why should I pay for it at such inflated prices if they had put them in the packs like they use too? Please I've played the market long enough to know exactly whats going to happen.

  5. Hey folks,


    We discovered what was causing the issue and we have a fix for it. Unfortunately, it will require us to restart all of the game servers to address (it is not a patch). We are going to do this server restart tomorrow morning at 7:30AM Central, I will get maintenance messaging up shortly.


    Apologies for the inconvenience, thanks everyone.



    You guys should extend maybe even another week since we lost out on a day already.

  6. I’ll assume that your 70 and a sub.


    What I’d do is spend a few hundred command tokens on 230 gear, and if you have a stock of unassembled components, get the saber and shield at 236.


    For vet mode stuff, I “tank” on my guardian in mostly dps gear, even if I’m in defense spec. Vet modes don’t need a real tank, and the spec will let you keep aggro most of the time. Then as you gear up you can move into MM content.


    Another thing to keep in mind: don’t open command crates unless your in defense spec. That will get you tank gear from the crates.


    Yes i am sorry should if mention. Thanks for the advice i'll follow it, you were very helpful thank you!

  7. Hi, i have been playing Vengeance but a recent trend has been that i have been asked to do tanking in (vet FPs) while its not a big deal as the FPs are not hard. I am growing interest in switching to tanking. With that being said how would i go about switching to tank from vengeance, all the gear that is ever offered to me is always veng gear, but if i switch specs i won't be useful to people seeing as i have dps gear. Is there a way for me to gear up for a tank as a dps?
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