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Posts posted by Kalixra

  1. I would love to see this as a new pvp scoreboard stat:


    TOTAL TIME CC'ED (seconds/minutes).

    TOTAL TIME your character cc'ed others (seconds/minutes).


    "You would be able to see who uses CC strategically, and i think most of all, how comically disgusting CC actually is in this game. If this was added into the game it would be my favorite stat by far haha. I would check the top people that got cc'ed for giggles. It also brings some clarity to what happened that warzone. If you were riiiiight under your buddy in total dmg done, but you were stunned for 2 minutes longer than he was throughout the warzone fights, that means you were #1 basically lol. You could play games like that, etc. I also think it may help bring some interesting statistics to the game developers, and perhaps persuade them to reduce CC durations, or even increase cooldowns on certain CC's etc. Thoughts anyone? Would you like to see this in the game? hehe"


    Elite Warlord Maliken

    Level 93 Sith Juggernaught

    Correlian Run Server


    It's fun to poke fun at your friends and guildies, but what this would really turn into if this was an available Scoreboard stat would be a, "See, too many stuns, roots and CCs in this game. Nerf Ops, Sorcerers and anyone with a CC." I do want to applaud you for your well spoken post, even though it's really more of a thinly veiled rant about CC in PvP. Few less, LoL's, hehe's and haha's and I'm sure a lot of others wouldn't have noticed your covert Nerf CCs thread.


    You do realize that reducing CC durations or lengthening the CD on a lot of these crowd controls would make a lot of squishy classes nearly unplayable in pvp, yes?

  2. I think you will find the main reason for the surge in exploits hacks and similar problems plaguing 50 pvp and Warzones has a lot to do with it being Summer time and school out. Sorry, but maturity and all the little kiddies running around that have to be the "Best" I think tend to seek ways to actually be the "best" even though that they do not realize the impact it puts on the community and negative effects those exploits etc.. leave behind.


    *shrugs* :(

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