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Posts posted by Xaxas

  1. All that WoW stuff came over the course of what 7-8 years, SWTOR hasnt been out that long. PvP in WoW is imbalanced, and horribly so, blizz devs even said that arenas was thier biggest mistake because they cant balance around 2v2 and 3v3 arena. WoW is horrible, this game has some of the best PvP balance, especially for its age its truely amazing. WoW is homogenized, this game isnt. You appreciate blizz? u must play a mage or rogue, try being a shammy that is reduced to healing with no viable dps spec for PvP for an entire expansion. I bet you bought Diablo at release too, and like the rest of the mindless you will follow and buy Titan. If blizzard drop a turd in box and stamped thier name on it you would buy that too.


    Titan was reset completely, it won't be out for 3 years.


    This game is pretty homogenous, everyone has a stun break, a very similar stun, and a knockback. The AC's even share skills.


    I ultimately unsubbed today. I honestly can't say that the pvp is more fun now than when it was when I last played, before 1.1 near game launch. The refusal to discuss class balance and the timing of 2.4 cemented this decision.


    I dislike this meta immensely, I just finished a warzone where literally 2 people on the enemy team died on void star when trying to lower the force field at the bridge over a period of 5 minutes. The strength of healers is absurd. Not to mention the technical performance of this game is shameful on small scale battles, I'm still getting stuttering with a decent rig. The only thing left for me to do in this game would be to level alts and I'll just do that during double exp weekend as a preferred player.


    I honestly think pvping in mmos is dead, it won't be competitive ever again. The paid subscription model is dead and game companies are just whoring out cosmetic items in lieu of actual content or balancing. Dota/MOBA games and other RTS's are obviously taking over the esport scenes, no one takes MMO pvp seriously anymore.

  2. Learn to play. Alot of new gear has come out since centurion which was at lvl 50, you are now at lvl 55, do the math.


    It's like you didn't even read the post. My issue isn't that I don't want to upgrade my gear, its that I don't know what the **** I should be equipping.

  3. I'm not understanding Bioware, I don't understand how this game has become unnecessarily complicated since I last played at launch.


    it was simple at launch, I got my pvp gear, it helped me in pvp, that was the end of it. Now I come back and play and apparently wearing centurion gear/champion gear penalizes you. This wouldn't be a big deal if you had told me that when I equipped it. Instead I'm wondering why this is the case.


    To put it bluntly your itemization in this expansion is ****ed up. You didn't provide a natural incentive to equip new items gained from leveling, so my gear at 50 still has better stat weights than greens, so now I'm utterly confused. Also players frequently saying (both ingame and on forums) that pve gear is better for pvp, its really hard to sift the truth out of advice without evidence.


    In addition, because of this confusing itemization, I have no idea what I should be wearing. Whether or not the penalty for wearing centurion gear is outweighed by the stats it gives or not. I also have no idea if my class is garbage or not because I can't get a good gauge. This is pretty messed up and its not giving me confidence in future EA mmo's, esp since I played warhammer and that was also a colossal failure in the pvp balance department (lol bright wizard/witch elves).


    In addition what the hell is up with the stuns? I thought it was pretty bad back when I played but now I'm eternally stun lucked or rooted/knocked back. This isn't fun at all. I don't think its good game design to give every single class the same stun and knockback. Can you just do a massive combat overhaul with your next expansion? I honestly have no idea why there hasn't been good (and I'm using this term lightly) mmo game balance since WoW.

  4. I welcome the new changes to illum coming in the next patch, however, on the Fatman, there is way more sith than there are republic. When I leave the illum base there are usually groups of sith waiting outside for us to cap our base so they can cap it back. Once they are done getting their objectives they usually zerg rush the base.


    I had the pleasure(?) of playing Warhammer Online as order, I have to say 99% of the fights occured just outside the warcamps against destruction. It wasn't my notion of fun, and I don't think it was destruction's notion of fun either.


    I'm sure this is on your plate, but I really think some sort of balancing mechanic should make it's way in with this change.

  5. There shouldn't be that noticeable difference between this and assassin.


    I love the tanking spec, its really good.


    I recently respecced dps and it feels rather weak compared to what I've seen ranged classes and operative/scoundrels do. I'll probably go back to tanking since the damage isn't that much higher and the survivability is much lower.


    Haven't tried balance, doesn't look too appealing though.

  6. Yeah.


    I'll probably give it 3 months to see where its going.


    If I were to play this much of SWTOR as I did at wow launch I would have quit.


    My brother cancelled his sub though, he's not too happy with gunslinger (the performance, the looks of the class...) and pvp as a whole right now. He's at 50 as well.

  7. I enjoy it at times but its extremely aggravating at points and not as fun as some other mmo's pvp (I'm willing to give it a few months to iron out, but I've played beta for 4-5 months before release and nothing really changed in the pvp gameplay realm that much).


    Essentially there is way too much CC, and its not smart CC. Its the same **** I saw in warhammer online. Whoever game designs and thinks losing control of your character is fun needs to get their heads checked. Getting stunned over and over, and then not stunning for resolve to drain (which doesn't even take that long) is the dumbest thing ever. Nearly every class has a stun. Worst yet empire is 50% + inquisitors, who all have ranged stuns.


    I don't even want to get into knockbacks...


    I'm so frustrated and this game I just alt f4'd out of my warzone 2 seconds ago to play DoTA 2, even though I'm 50 with full champion/centurion gear.

  8. Resolve really needs to affect roots or immobilizers.


    Sheer ******** that I'm being leaped on by 3-4 warriors in a roll over a flame jet, absolutely nothing I can do with a full resolve bar, meanwhile that drains while I'm being immobilized, leading to more stuns.


    Annoying DR system, REVAMP IT.

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