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Posts posted by WilV

  1. I'll add my name to the growing list of people having problems with Master Ranos.


    BH LVL 70, Harbinger.


    Got the mission, talked to her at the alliance base then she vanished and hasn't been seen since. I've finished FE and ET. I've even tried replaying some of the chapters to see if she would come back and nothing.

  2. I love some of my companion's first set of armor but hate the fact the it can't be modded. Some of them come w/ awesome unique looking outfits you can't find anywhere in game like Xalek and Nadia. I would love it if the devs would make the companion outfits either modable or if a modable variant could be available somewhere.
  3. In most other MMOs I've played, trash mobs give trash loot or cash, hard mobs give uncommon items or cash, elites drop rare items or cash and bosses drop rare, epics and cash. However In this game I get more greens and cash out of elites and champions than anything else.

    I would expect that when I go up against an npc called "CHAMPION" I would at the very least be guaranteed a rare item but that's not the case at all. I've dropped quite a few champions and for all my troubles I'm usually awarded a green item and some cash.

  4. How dare they get the nerve to actually WANT to COMPLETE their DAILY!?


    Dude, please get real. If the roles were reversed and it was the IMPS using the cheat I guarantee you wouldn't be defending it then.


    If players want to complete the daily they should be able to accept the fact that they might just die in the attempt. That's PvP.


    I'm a squishy sorc healer and I get murdered ALL the time. You know what though? That's part of PvP and I go into it knowing full well that I will likely die. You don't see me trying to cheat the system to avoid actually dying to some1 else.


    And for the record, I ALSO have a Rep toon I PvP w/ and we are NOT helpless. I've been in plenty of matches where we sent the imps home licking their wounds.

  5. Herp.




    Yes, exactly, trick = cheat = exploit. If them "pesky repubs" don't want to die in PvP they should just stay out of it. Don't jump into a combat situation and then use a "trick" to avoid actually loosing.

  6. Exploits are not the definition of this.


    And exploit for example is using a lemon to make an orange.


    If players had their Q for warzones up it's not their fault it popped up.


    It's an exploit if they are using the Q to avoid dying, which is exactly what they were doing. I could buy it the first or second time, but this was over 9 different encounters with the same exact group of people and ALWAYS as they were about to die.


    It's a nice little cheat. You go in, if you are winning, great you get to complete your 30 if you are loosing you bail and deny the other guys their 30.

  7. I was in Ilum today doing the god awful, tedious PvP daily when all of a sudden some reps showed up. My group pounced on them but just as we were about to deal killing blows their people would vanished off the map. I'm talking about groups of Jedi and trooper just vanishing. We thought something was up but we moved on and kept searching for armaments. A few minutes later they start showing up again and again as we were about to take killing blows they would just vanish from the map. To me this sounds like an obvious exploit of some game mechanic but I wanted to be sure before I start reporting names.
  8. I would like an UI option that allows us to switch between the current sleeveless midriff look on many female robes to their full counterparts.


    There are quite a few robes in this game that by default switch to midriffs and in the process cheat the player from some of the cooler details.


    A toggle button on the UI would allow those who like the current look to be happy while allowing those of us, who might want to see the details on the full garb, to also be happy. It would also create the illusion of more diversity since it would give 2x the look for the same robe.

  9. I've most certainly had to wait 30+ minutes in several occasions and no, it was not at 4 AM. The population of my server is actually not even an issue, we are one of the few servers that seem to be at "heavy" all the time, the problem is people are just not Qing up.


    Server merger wouldn't help in our situation since our server is already well populated and an increase in population might just end up decreasing performance. However, cross server Qing would cut down on the Q times significantly since we would have access to every server to draw from.

  10. So as we've all no doubt seen in friday's video, Miraluka are going over to the Empire this March as they're one of the races players can unlock with their legacy points. Visas Marr fans are no doubt rejoicing!


    But now I'm wondering what the Republic will get, Sith Pureblood aren't possible for obvious reasons. As are Chiss, as the Chiss Ascendency is the Empire's only formal ally and are still a relative new sight to Republic eyes, and the Rattataki have their homeworld thoroughly subjugated by the Empire so... what's in it for Republic players?


    I'd be tempted to say Togruta as we already have plenty of those in-game but no doubt then Empire players would be up in arms saying they only got hand me downs.


    And as a final thought: Might be that Agents and Bounty Hunters won't be getting extra races either, as Mirial, the homeworld of the Mirialans is firmly aligned with the Republic.



    While I would love to see NEW species introduced I wouldn't discount Rattataki or Chiss to be unlocked for Reps. Just because a planet is controlled or allied with/by the empire doesn't mean that there aren't separatists or dissidents.


    Personally I would LOVE to see Nautolan and Togruta made available for both sides.

  11. Please never let this happen!


    I dont want to play another game against random badly named NPCs that doesnt mean anything.


    I like seeing players I recognice on the other side, you know that trooper/BH that you fought so many times with before and you end up winning half of them or so


    So you rather wait in line for god knows how long because you want to play against and w/ people you recognize?


    Personally I'm at the other end of this. I don't care who I'm playing w/ or against, as long as I can get in and play instead of waiting 30+ minutes.

  12. wrong


    50s are all rerolling to pvp in the lower level bracket because you dont need pvp gear to compete.


    I don't know how accurate this is, however I did notice that on my lowby alt I had no wait time to q up. The devs definitely need to address the issue for lvl 50 Q's because as it stands it's virtually dead.

  13. I'm curious as to how many of the people concerned about low server pops are new to an MMO's first month. I've played 3 of these games from beta now and ALL of them drop population significantly towards the end of the first month. WHY? Because most of the people leaving were the ones enjoying the free month ride and had no intention of subscribing.


    The low population becomes even more apparent in a game that has multiple servers. WHY? Because the population that's left after the mass exodus is spread out thin over many servers.


    One mistake EA made, which seems to be common for multi server MMOs, is that they opened up a load of servers from the start to alleviate q times and lag. Unfortunately they didn't consider that once people leave after the free period is over that leaves servers virtually empty. It's one mistake that DCUO made and it left the game vitually unplayable for many. By the time they corrected the issue it was too late because many people had left due to the lack of players in their servers.


    In about 6 months the game will probably start it's gimmicks to bring players back. Things like, free weekends or introducing new species, maybe in game character recustomization or dual spec, in hopes to draw back some of the players that left.

  14. I'm curious as to how many of the people concerned about low server pops are new to an MMO's first month. I've played 3 of these games from beta now and ALL of them drop population significantly towards the end of the first month. WHY? Because most of the people leaving were the ones enjoying the free month ride and had no intention of subscribing.


    The low population becomes even more apparent in a game that has multiple servers. WHY? Because the population that's left after the mass exodus is spread out thin over many servers.


    In about 6 months the game will probably start it's gimmicks to bring players back. Things like, free weekends or introducing new species, maybe in game character recustomization or dual spec, in hopes to draw back some of the players that left.

  15. 50s got their own warzones but there aren't enough of them queuing to field 2 teams.


    That might explain why many of the matches I have gotten into end prematurely due to lack of players.

  16. Before patch 1.1 it wouldn't take more than 15 minutes to get in a warzone match, now I'm in lines of 30+ minutes. The other night I waited 2 hours before finally calling it quits.


    Maybe we need warzones to be a cross server thing?

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