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Posts posted by PhoenixOnFire

  1. I've just tried playing Foundry on HM twice and both times i get half way through the first conversation and the game just shuts down/disappears with no errors. I then have to wait 10 minutes as i get the 'login server is currently unavailable issue. I am a subscriber.


    Anyone else have this issue?

  2. FIRST, putting you on ignore so I never group with you or heal you.


    SECOND, allow me retort.


    If we are in a four-man, your companion is not a part of your character. Period.


    If there is a piece of gear I need to upgrade myself, and I roll greed on it, and you roll need on it, fine. That isn't what the OP is talking about.


    If there are three Jedi Knights and I'm the only BH and an orange blaster pistol comes up, none of the three JK have any right to roll need. They do not need the item. They may want it for their companion, but is it not an upgrade for them. It is for me.


    For you to roll need on that means now that I only have a 50% shot at it.


    I guarantee you if I started rolling Need on lightsabers and robe armors someone would freak out. With very good reason.


    I , for one, am VERY thankful I'm in a great guild where I don't have to deal with this nonsense. To the OP: If I could help you out I would but I doubt we're on the same server.


    This is the most valid point in this thread IMO.


    Glad I'm also in a great guild

  3. I'm just sad people are on the second planet already :( I understand leaving a couple of hours between each wave to let people get throuth the starter zones, but 12 hours is a little too far a gap.


    Hope it's not like this every day otherwise my expectation of getting in on Thursday won't happen....8TH Sept

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