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Posts posted by amona

  1. Hey folks,


    The team is actively investigating what happened with 5.4a, obviously the issues prevalent in the patch are not good. We are going to remain down until we can figure out the issue and address it. My early expectation is that this will not be a quick process, but I do not currently have an ETA. I will keep you apprised of updates as I get them.




    Will there be compensation for loosing an evening of 2xp for the europeans

  2. Seems pretty self explanatory but I guess Keith or Eric repeating what the page says but in different words is needed I guess.


    No the article said that ops would be on the 18 th and the 20 th but not on the 19th, ops was highlighted on all 3 days screwing over non ops players the large but silent mayority over a very vocal minority

  3. According to a Twitter post that no longer points towards the thing it used to, bonus CXP for ops was supposed to be on on 18th, 20th and 22nd. No idea if they changed their mind.


    they probably just locked ops for 18, 20, and 22 and did the normal 1/7 highlight activity on the other day,it just happend to be ops on the 19th.


    They want to give ops player who came back a chance to gear up, with is great, but by doing it this way the are scewing over the cassuals you got a 50% chance of getting your favorite discipline bonus if you are not in to ops,


    a better solution would be ops highlighted all week with another discipline like


    tuesday ops and fp

    wednessday: ops and wz



    or a 2 week double gc event so that everyone would have the chance to get their favorite discipline highlighted

  4. Pretty sure since they are going into their 7th hour of maintenance.. That is basicly a day worth lost to us subs so..


    well during the night i sleep during the day i work during the evening i play swtor. now if they started maintenance when i sleep the game would be back when i finish work but no they only shut down the server at 2 pm so that i lose a whole day of swtor.

  5. I'll try to help you. With what do you seem to have trouble with? Rotations, awareness, gearing? Just feel free to describe what's bothering you.


    i have Developmental coordination disorder https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Developmental_coordination_disorder

    so i have trouble with mechanics, my reaction time is to slow to interupt an terminate. it goes something like this.

    i notice the terminate mechanic, then i go what should i do, o yeah interupt, what is the interupt skill in this class? o there it is! select interupt too late. die.

  6. The reward for just attending was the code you got at the entrance and the chance to win one of the prizes. The pre-registering & attending bonus for Anaheim cantina event was 450 cartel coins sent out via mail as redeemable code 2 weeks after the tour. (Source: Dulfy.net) Not sure if it's going to be the same for Gamescom, though, since we didn't get a flashdrive, either. :(


    ah the raffle that was rigged so the birthday girl could win. ok i shall look in in my mail then

  7. I'm not surprised either. but fact is now, that it has been confirmed that All of our Classes are Meaningless, along with everything we have worked hard for, with no more Class storylines because the Devs are too Few or too Lazy, or both and don't want to spend money to make a Real good game that this Game was.


    I cannot even really play this game anymore, it's too depressing when i come here and other sites, and hear the terrible Reality that Everyone will have the same Stupid storyline. That their is no reason to make anymore stupid Alts because it's a Pointless chore. It's very rare that i play now at all.


    The Fanbois are always saying that EA never gives Bioware enough money. But there is No Proof of that whatsoever. If EA isn't giving Bioware enough resources for this game, then all they have to do is hold a secret meeting with the Heads of Disney, and tell them that EA is defrauding them. And i'm sure Disney/Lucasfilm will have a big talk with EA.


    Fact for right now is...................... That we will no longer have anymore Class stories, and also it has been Confirmed that that we All will get the same Storyline. This game had so much Promise. The only way to probably fix this is to Fire the dumbies that thought this stuff up.


    Bad thing is................ Like all Fanbois are, they are still in Denial over everything.


    We are also losing so much PvE and PvP content that we should be getting to. And YES PVP MATTERS TO. We have PvP servers hanging on a thread with so many Customers that have left because of No Respect to PvP'ers, along with Our PvP Servers.


    They have said that they love to go back to class story and as soon as they have the subscribers they need for that (they have to beat wow subs number) they go back to class story

  8. ^^ I think it is perfectly alright to argue, disagree and have our totally important Internet argument til the end of the world. That is one thing.


    You look at all the data that was just provided to you and completely ignore list of most played PC games of recent years. You completely dismiss 10 year old trend of heavily pvp aligned CoD games topping them charts over and over again. On yearly basis. On multiple platforms. You completely dismiss consistent popularity of pvp aligned fps online shooters cross every imaginable platform in general and just happily ignore....well, everything else. See, this is another thing. If you are honestly able to look at all this easy-to-produce data and STILL somehow dismiss PvP as " niche" activity simply because you have decided so..I don't even know what to say to you anymore. Besides maybe congratulating you; I am quite sure it is completely impossible for you to ever feel like you've been proven wrong in the internet.


    Your understanding of " niche" seems to include everything that isn't more popular than breathing.



    If you actually paid any attention to trends in core PC(and even console) gaming, you would have noticed open world/sandbox games are in very high demand at the moment. Ever since Minecraft, people have displayed more and more interest to an open world again. As it stands, there appears to be a huge demand and surprisingly limited supply for them. Portion of your post is devoted to trying to evaluate popularity of sandbox MMOs. That is not up to debate here really; different conversation.


    In an attempt to turn this towards the actual original discussion:

    I think it curious and telling you keep talking about "best selling games" while I keep talking about "most played games". Do you realize the difference here? Do you realize how relevant and important such difference is to a free to play MMO that wants to make a subscriber out of you? Five of Eight best selling pc games of all time either rely on pvp or at least have a very prominent pvp element to them btw.


    Few easy-to-digest examples related to above:

    Counter Strike is like 15 years old pure PvP game. It's latest version, Global Offensive, is 3 or 4 years old. Yet, it remains the 2nd most played game in Steam year after year. It had half a million players online at once yesterday. This is a game and game design with longevity.

    Walking Dead is a game that has sacrificed everything on altar of story, writing and characters. I honestly have never met anyone who would have disliked it. Which doesn't feel surprising, I really liked it too. Pretty much all reviews of it were highly positive and it sold very well too, topping charts and selling Millions on PC and console alike topping charts on Steam for multiple weeks, winning GOTYs, All the good stuff. Yet, - nobody - plays it anymore. I tried to provide actual number of it's current players on Steam but it has fallen off top 100 and as such, isn't even listed anymore. This is a game and gameplay without longevity.



    And no, Strongholds expansion is not shallow in terms of depth. Through Conquest, it compliments and overlaps other, older, game features in very real way. It adds more purpose, motivation and emergent gameplay to stuff like raiding or pvping as a guild. Depth. Strongholds and decoing them in an of itself adding loads of longevity wasn't really my argument at all. Though I'd not be prepared to claim that false either.


    Yes you are right PVP is verry Popular in all those games, if SWTOR decided to ditch story and focus on PVP they would lose a lot of the story fans a field where there is little competion in to the heavy competion world of PVP. SWTOR would just be another PVP game. SWTOR rightly choises to focus on the niche story content

  9. does this also count for event rewards i have red ranklings from the first event and a kingpin rancor that i want legacy wide. it is not fair that only PVP get those rewards legacy wide and pve don't.
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