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Posts posted by KypDurrron

  1. Just something about always having to watch your back and form alliances and worry about the political aspect that makes PVP servers so much more fun. I miss the glory days of Shadowbane.


    Shadowbane was awesome minus the server crashes in the begining when trying to fight guild on guild. Also PvE may be the majority(less skilled majority) that cry when they dont pay attention and someone walks up and kills them much like in real life when you pull money out of an atm will you do it with a vato standing behind you? Do you flaunt expensive thing while walking through the ghetto and expect not to get gsanked for them? You would like a PvE Middle east so you dont have to look out and can play e z mode in RL.

  2. Nvidia sucks, buy an amd. Lulz here comes the flames, they are so hot just like their power hog video cards!


    Um thats why you have cooling and its in a desktop why u care about power you captain planet? You fighting teh whalez warz oh noe your teh greenest person alive cuz u uze teh amd

  3. 11.27.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch




    11.27.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Standard Edition Pre-Order





  4. Vbulletin is so 2005.


    These forums are poorly designed and arranged. There are virtually no tools or features to help the community police itself. No way to block trolls or report posts besides big infractions. In all honesty, comparing these forums with Blizzard's or Bungie's own forums makes me cry.


    You simply put a SW skin on a $150 vbulletin license and it shows. I sincerely hope that if the game picks up you are seriously going to consider using a modern forum software or even make your own. Drupal and vbulletin...not very impressive.


    Everything about the game is awesome but your forums make kittens cry. Vbulletin is so bad that you had to switch off the search functionality. You also removed a lot of sections and your main index page does not show ALL forums. To find the Spoiler forums (for example) one must go to ALL forums until found.


    It really is unacceptable for a company like yours...respectfully and for the sake of all, please update or change the forums to something professional and modern. Vbulletin is NOT a modern discussion forum.


    Zero social features on your discussion board and its 2011...do you realize that?



  5. You had cash to buy a MAC dont complain about buying an OS and possibly vmware if you were concerned about money why did you buy a mac.





    70 Win 7 less than half what you claim it costs on amazon new


    BTW its pro and not home on top of that

  6. "Today, we invited people who had pre-ordered up to the very beginning of October (roughly). Tomorrow, we're going to be inviting the same number of people again; that will take us up to the last week or so of November. On Friday, we'll be inviting even more, and we'll give you an update on that tomorrow."


    TL;DR - Rest of Oct/Nov will be in on Thursday. Everyone else will get in on Friday.


    If you ordered at the very last second, you will be granted 4 out of the promised 5 days.

    Be grateful they didn't give you the minimal 1 day.





  7. Amazing...


    Bad job BioWare...


    Queues for Warzones are popping very fast for free XP exploiting...


    No lag at all since there are no players on...


    Have only run into a few bugs, and they aren't game breakers...


    Server stability has been simply awesome since I am playing alone on the server...


    Had a ton of fun today playing by myself... :(


    Best of luck to the rest of you for tomorrows invite waves I am a major d bag rubbing this fact in...


    I bet majority will get in the 19th before the servers go down for pre-launch maintenance...



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