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Posts posted by Lordbrummie

  1. Premades are killing pvp on every server, i don't mind a good fight as long as it's fair.


    Flavour of the month classes, players quite obviously using hacks (numerous reports and nothing EVER done) and premade queuing have killed it, it's not fun anymore, the idiot that says it's a "challenge" needs to go and read a dictionary, nowhere under the definition of "challenge" is the word "suicide" mentioned.


    The 2 guilds I play in have seen a huge decrease on players online, if we're in the minority then fine but I don't think we are.


    To all those "I'm enjoying it, just leave if you aren't, stop QQ'ing" all i can say is "WAR, Conan, etc, etc, etc" I hope you enjoy the game for as long as EA is prepared to fund it, which knowing EA won't be long if BW continue along this track of "we know best"..... I bet that's what the lady says in the job centre... BW employees take note.




    ** All this said, I don't know why we bother posting, BW take no notice, they don't even bother to post here, their attitude beggars belief right now.

  2. That's how MMOs like this work. If you don't like it, go play GW2.


    Call me sneaky, but I reckon the devs from Mythic that went to BW do not like EA at all.


    In fact I reckon they all decided one night, around a beer glass filled table in a bar, how they could take EA down...


    "I know let's build a star wars MMO, let's get EA to spend $quiilions on it and let's balls it up.... down with EA!!"


    I kinda like my universe sometimes :)



  3. Nothing will change.


    When you get a premade group up against a pug then you're 9 times out of 10 stuffed, add to this the imbalance of the classes right now, the inability of players to attack healers, even when they are marked and people will leave early or go medal farming when they know they are getting steam rolled.


    BW need to sort the queuing system, they need to balance the classes, if they could stop grps of marauders/tankassins appearing then things will get better, until they wake up and realise that pvp is fundamentally broken in many ways then nothing will change.


    The arrogance shown by BW on how I should spend my money and what they believe I should enjoy or constitutes "proper play" is breath taking at the moment.



  4. Why, oh why, do we continually have WZ's start with 8 vs 4... we queue for ages, then we get our time wasted by this moronic mechanic.


    Is it really too hard to wait for 8 v 8??


    I would rather wait another 5 mins for a full group than get thrown into a no-win fight and then have to re-queue for another 15mins, pointless, demoralising, subscription cancelling mechanic.


    I love pvp here (and I'm an arsenal Merc, yes I'm a masochist), but this is just doing my head in...


    Oh, and can we have some news on ranked and cross server pvp please.



  5. Yep, all this is going to do is drive the solo queuer out of the game, no rewards, just roflstomping by premades.


    What this means is that the queues get longer and the "leet" pvp'ers will have to wait ages for a match and eventually they'll be qq'ing about the times.


    PVP is supposed to be about the skill of players not the gear they wear, the gear is just a visible cue that they are indeed good.


    Unfortunately the "snow flake" brigade believe that only people who grind mercilessly should get rewards and before you respond, I have a valor66 BH that has just been castrated by the devs (well it isn't that bad).


    I won my 3 WZ's pretty quickly yesterday after the patch but was shocked to see basically nothing for losing when I eventually lost a match.


    We need more people to pvp, we need people geared quickly. I entered pvp a few weeks ago, with just levelling gear.. 11k health, up against full geared BM's 18k... I was critted to oblivion, but at least I was only a free kill for a week, I sorted Cent gear and could start the fightback... now if you lose you get nothing.... great.


    As it stands right now, you need 12,475 commendations for full BM (my mental arithmetic may be a tad off), at the losing rate of 30 commendations per WZ (and that's generous) you'll need to enter over 400 WZ's.. that just does not seem right to me.


    I MUCH PREFER WINNING A CLOSE Huttball 3-2 or Voidstar in the last minute, than ROFLSTOMPING the opposition 6-0 in 2 mins.... there is no fun beating someone way worse geared/skilled than yourself, I'll only get better playing better players than myself.


    But it has to be reasonably fair fight.

  6. For all the conspiracy theorists out there, if Bioware did know about this a while ago and not say anything then it was naughty.


    The whole "bait and switch" comments are a little harsh but if you subbed and spent real money on something and it was delivered I'd be howling too.


    Bioware have said nothing was done underhand, that it really was a last, last minute decision.


    Ok, I'll bite, prove it Bioware, offer all those people that have recently re-subscribed, you know who they are, you'll have a detailed report, a refund. Simply put that's what most upstanding honourable business' would do.


    If ranked WZ were the reason people re-subbed then give them their money back.



  7. What worries me more is the 90% of players who do not use the forums, those that don't voice concerns or their opinion.


    The people on this post do, they are passionate about the game and that's why they are complaining about maintenance times, it's fair, so to those people saying please stop, just let them, let off some steam, that said.


    It costs roughly 10x the $ to win new customers than it does to retain existing ones, we can see Bioware/EA spending a fortune on this weekend pass malarky, the marketing, the coding, the re-coding when not doing the job right first time, it all feels rushed and a tad panicky.


    Every company that puts new customers above it's existing customers eventually fails, you have to run really, really fast, to fill a bucket that has holes in it.


    So back to my first statement, the people here complaining, quite rightly, regardless of what anyone else says, will not unsub, they want to play, so they will stay.


    It's the 90% of players that never come to the forums I'm worried about, they just unsub, no drama, no notice, they're gone. When the 90% have gone then there is no game for those of us here on the forums.


    Simply beggar's belief, the last company that told me "they knew better how I should spend my money" no longer has my business.


    Maintenance and game breaking bug fixes are one thing, stopping people playing to fix a bug in rushed code to get new customers is mind boggling.


    Sad state of affairs.



  8. I've installed SWTOR on my latest gen Macbook Air (i7, 4GB memory, 256GB HDD), used bootcamp and to be blunt it's not playable, I used it for crewskill quests, crafting etc, nothing more.


    In fleet at 10am during the working week I was getting 6fps, with everything on low and the game set to 800x600... not much fun.


    I have WoW installed on the Lion partition and it runs fine, basically the Intel graphics are not upto the job.


    Will have to wait for the Ivybridge generation of chips.



  9. Worried about Number 2 aswell :rolleyes:


    I have had the same character name across many, many MMO's, it will be a real shame and a tad disappointing to not get the name as early access'ers may "park/reserve" character names, simply because my £/$ wasn't worth as much as someone else's.



  10. Like the other posters I too have already paid, in my case for the CE.


    It was shipped 2 days ago but Game didn't get the message about early, early access and it won't be with me until Thursday at the earliest.


    From what I can see from the other forums, lots of servers are already showing as full which worries me, will I be able to play with my friends? will I get the character name I have played with for years across many MMO's??


    If I cannot, because some early, early access person has parked a load of toons to reserve names I'll be significantly upset, we identify with our characters it's what makes us MMO'ers (apologies for the non-word), to be delayed and basically treated differently to other players is simply wrong. I wasn't aware my £/$ was worth less than someone else's, I guess that's EA for you.


    What was the stress-beta for again? Bioware? not a promising start.


    Add to this the monumental balls up that is the telephone support process and we have a company saying it's not bothered about customer support. It needs fixing, you're in the service industry now folks, act like you know this and care.



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