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Posts posted by JackalTurner

  1. however, here's a physics failure that even the movies are guilty of.


    assuming lightsabers are super-heated plasma that is somehow shaped into a saber form, light should not be able to pass through them. it's not like a flame where the energies are quite low. a super-heated plasma would completely ionize the air around it. ionized air -> lots of free electrons. free electrons -> thompson scattering by the buttloads. a lightsaber should cast a shadow just like a solid object.


    The original trilogy, at least episode 4, you can see shadows in certain scenes.

    I dont know if it was ever edited out, but I know there were there in some versions.

  2. Occam's Razor would imply an oversight on Bioware's part.

    Thats probably all it is.


    Its not a huge deal (And btw, Cyborg may be handled as a "race" in this game, but face it, its just humans with metal in them. So your arguement about races doesnt hold water in this case. Doesnt change your point that it needs to be changed though)

  3. I can understand not having a lot of Krayt Dragons. I mean, they are pretty massive and all.


    But what I really dont understand is why they felt that they needed to make the world boss anything BUT a Krayt Dragon. Trapjaw is so...lackluster as a world boss. He is a giant Wraid. Who cares? They had the perfect opportunity to slip a Krayt Dragon in while maintaining its massive size and power, and instead they chose to go with a lame giant Wraid.


    Honestly, I dont see why they did not just make it the Dragon. That would have been my first idea for tatooine, was to make the world boss a Krayt.



    They better have something big planned for Krayts later on. Id like to kill a few.

    And we need more Rancors, but at least those are in the game.


    I have said these kinds of things about Star Wars for years! Star Wars, especially the original trilogy, was always a dirty, used universe. It wasnt shiny or smooth.

    And while I do like the Sith armors myself, and I belive one of the trooper ones, I just dont like a lot of the others. ESPECIALLY the bright colors. And whoever designed the grasshopper jedi needs to just...not design armor.



    Also, on a personal note, I hate the color orange when it comes to clothing. I REALLY hate that they seem to use orange a TON in this game.

  5. I personally believe bind to legacy and account wide unlocks for most things are a bad idea and totallly defeat the purpose of playing alts.


    What is the purpose of playing an alt then, tell me?


    Because to me its definately not grinding to get gear you've already gotten. To me its experiencing a new story and a new class.

  6. The stupid thing about this is it could all be solved if they implemented a system that didnt require unique names.(Which really just makes the game look stupid in the long run as you get people adding XXXxxxX and **** to their names in an effort to find SOMETHING that is unique)


    Champions Online didnt require unique names for characters. Why is a free to play MMO able to figure out something that simple when 99% of other MMO's cant?

  7. links to facts are not needed

    1 swg no hardcore raid just alot of other stuff everyone agrees was dying


    Stopped reading right there.


    MMO's do NOT need "hardcore raid", as you put it, to be successful or good.


    "hardcore raid" is just a single part of a single genre of MMO.


    What killed SWG had nothing to do with raiding, it was the constant changing of the game from the ****** developer.


    Your "facts" are simply opinions based upon the idea that every MMO should cater to you and your playstyle alone.

  8. Champions Online had a similar system. When you reached a certain level you were able to create, using the same character creator you can use for all other characters, your "Arch-Nemesis."

    They would level up as you did and show up at certain points in the game to fight you.


    Its acctually a cool idea.


    In my personal story I have my Sith Warrior and my Sorceror as enemies.(which is why I think it shouldnt just be restricted to a class from the other side, if they ever did make something like this)

  9. Well, I have 7 days left and if it doesn't come soon then I will never ever see it.

    Pitty. But then again, no Pazaak in this patch, therefore I don't care what's in it.


    Pazaak would save this game.


    I hope you are being sarcastic.

    Please tell me thats sarcasm.

  10. An Officer class. Not too unlike the operative, but with a bigger emphasis on "pets". Now I say "pets" because people will understand what I mean when it comes to that.

    The "pets" would acctually be troopers that behave a bit like companions, but you have several, and they dont count towards the cap for a group. They also dont have as many skills as a companion, and they dont hold any aggro so they dont replace acctual companions and players in any way.

    Their purpose is to, when active, provide buffs and some basic skills like mild amounts of healing and extra firepower. When one dies the group loses its buff and obviously it cant use its abilities.


    Basically the class would be an officer in charge of a small squad of troopers.



    Id like to see something like that.

  11. I love the screaming of "entitlement" going it. It is absolutely HILARIOUS.


    You guys do realise that you are helping Bioware make TONS of money, right? That you are essentially made into a walking billboard? A giant Ad.


    And you call people selfish and entitled when they ask for something as simple as a title for their hand in helping someone else make tons of money.


    Gotta say, its people like this that lead to companies like EA pushing stuff like restrictive DRM, day 1 DLC, and ****** content at extreme prices.


    You cross the line from fan to fanatic. You should ALWAYS challenge a company and ask for more or they will just walk all over you. Its their nature, wether they want to or not.


    Im sure Bioware doesnt want to take advantage of their players, but if they want to stay competative they have to. The point is you shouldnt just take it lying down though. Definately demand something in return.


    Its not being entitled, its called fair play.


    It is not a privledge that I get to play with my friends in this game. They would still be Bioware's customers. Id still be making Bioware a sale.


    I love Bioware, but hell yes we should demand AT LEAST a title for our efforts in helping them make money and invite new players to the player base.

  12. If its gonna be a holiday, for the love of Talos(yes, too much Skyrim, dont ask) dont make it a religious holiday. That will ONLY lead to problems.


    Plus, Easter is really lame holiday.


    If they ever do put holidays in they need to make them fictional holidays. Ones that fit in with the lore.


    Like...Imperial Independence Day or something like that. Sacking of Courascant Day. Republic got their butts handed to them day.



    But no Easter...thats just silly.

  13. I dont understand the purpose of blocking the map out...why is it done again?

    It doesnt really conceal anything, it doesnt really accomplish anything in fact.


    Its just an annoyance with no real purpose in this game.


    Now if, say, really important stuff was acctually listed on the map that would be different. But hell, the Sarlaac isnt even listed on the map. the area its in is just flat space on the map.




    So yeah, it is kind of pointless, and it doesnt even really serve any gameplay so there isnt a reason to suspend our disbelief here.



    I understand not allowing you to speeder to places until you have found them. That makes sense. But the fog of war effect is just silly.

  14. If they wanted a "Legacy" system it should of been implemented from the start not 3 months down the track...


    Releasing an unfinished game was a really silly idea on Bioware's behalf. That was greed. Nothing more...


    So in saying that they probably should of made everyone wait till March like they did with Australia so they could actually finish all this stuff. But No... Unfinished game will make people happy.


    Have you ever played an MMO before, or is SWTOR your first?


    Hell Im not even that big into MMOs and I can tell you that an MMO is NEVER finished. Never.


    Features are always being added, always changing, always updating. There is no such thing as a "complete" MMO. A complete MMO is an MMO that people quickly get bored of and leave.

    New stuff has to be added after release in order to keep people paying for the dang thing.


    So saying that the stuff should have all been finished before release is like saying the game should never be released.

  15. Neither EA nor Lucas Arts will allow this game to go F2P. They will shut it down first.


    Honestly anyone who thinks this game will go F2P after SWG never did is just fooling themselves.


    You're a fool if you ever think that they would just shut down such an expensive game.

    They shut the game down they instantly lose all potential profit.

    They make it F2P and they could potentially triple their profit.(See Age of Conan and LOTRO. Both experienced this)


    They WILL make it F2P if they feel they would make more money doing so.


    Do I think that will happen? Not for many many years, if at all. Do I think its possible though? Definately.


    The reason SWG didnt go F2P is because they wanted all the Star Wars fans to migrate to this game, rather than playing SWGs.

  16. Tython was boring and annoying. Didnt really like it at all.

    Ord Mantell was kind of annoying. There was just nothing really exciting about the planet.

    Nal Hutta was kind of cool, though some of the quests were kind of annoying to get to, especially heroics.

    Korriban I thoroughly enjoyed. I played it twice in the beta and twice in the full game. Its my favorite starting planet and one of my favorite planets overall. Everything is set up nicely and nothing is really out of the way. The planet looks cool and the quests are enjoyable.

  17. Oh dear.


    Um, my sister played a force healer(inq though) and says the leveling sucked big time

    And most people tell me the Consular has the most boring story.(Though some praise it highly)



    BUUT, everyone is different, and I dont know how fun it is endgame to heal as a consular. I assume its awesome as most of the healers I run into are force users. That and the game needs more healers, so I wish you luck and fun as a consular healer.

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